Beth brings up an interesting phrase in this post, which the Lefties seem to rely on in order to justify discussion that often delves in, well, treason. I have seen the bumper stickers before, as well. Where did it come from?
Google the phrase and you will get over 60,000 hits. Apparently, this phrase has been attributed to Thomas Jefferson, Founder and one time President. This is done, of course, to further justify treasonous discussion and behavior fromt he Left.
But, did he really say or write it?
The first link if you search the phrase on either Yahoo or Google brings up this link, which seems to attribute the quote to Howard Zinn in 2000. A far difference from over 200 years agi, eh?
And, who is Howard Zinn?
Howard Zinn (born August 24, 1922) is an American historian and political scientist. His philosophy incorporates ideas from Marxism, anarchism, socialism, and social democracy.
Being anti-war is fine. Not understanding that sometimes you have to fight for what is right is absurd and dangerous. Just ask Chamberlain.
Then there is that who Marxist, socialist, anarchist thing.
Also, for more proof that it wasn't Jefferson, how about the official Thomas Jefferson Library?

Ah! A little research reveals a lot of interesting things. I just took it as fact that Jefferson had said that.
Reminds me of Ace’s bit with the apocryphal “Things Jefferson Said.”
I had started wondering, and I have always liked a good quote. I check a place called alot. And, I had seen the bumper stickers and Lefty sites quoting that as Jefferson.