Yes, the fabulous island of Tortuga, a pirate's paradise. A place of bonnie lass', gold, and drinking. And one lucky lad and his soon to be lass have won a dream vacation to that place. Or close, anyhow
John Reed was fishing on a beach at Aransas (uh-RAN'-sas) Pass in 2003 when he found an old rum bottle that was sealed.
Documents inside said the bottle was one of 12 tossed in the ocean in 1987 off Grand Cayman Island in a promotion for a rum maker, a resort and the Cayman Islands.
Inside were free certificates for a plane ticket, a stay at a hotel resort and some rum.
Interesting. That's very interesting. The lucky dog will recieve 6 days of vacation at the Sunset House on Grand Cayman Island and a case of Tortuga Rum. Fortunately, he and his bride to be will be flyin', rather then sailing the waters of the Caribbean.
Yes, there is actually a real Tortuga Island, also known as Isla Tortuga. Tortuga is Spanish for turtle.

Have been to see Davy Jones’ Locker three times now. I had to find different sets of friends…. and Friday night, just took the dinner-to-go down the the Roxy and enjoyed it again. Yes, parts that are… as a cartoon, but I loved every second! And how about Elizabeth kissing the socks off of Captain Jack and sending him to his death? A true pirate lass or ? William didn’t seem to think overly much of that scorching kiss either… hmmm…
the canons and carnage were as expected, some lovely sword fights, my favorite, and then they ended it with “stay tuned”? Alas, I didn’t think much of the ending.
Oh – absolutely loved the now Bible “reading” of the one eyed pirate… intellectual discussion amid the canons and carnage? excellent. or, of course, being an intellectual… *I* think its excellent…
Yeah, I didn’t think to much about the kiss, either. Thought it created a bit too much friction with some sort of love triangle or soap opera like atmosphere.