Stop The ACLU!

Just when you thought the ACLU couldn’t get any worse, they go and prove us wrong:

Acting on behalf of a metaphysical bookstore owner, the American Civil Liberties Union has filed a lawsuit arguing that a state law exempting only the Bible from sale taxes is "discriminatory" and should be extended to all publications dealing with the meaning of life.

Well, that would be OK if we were talking about, say, the Koran or the Book of Mormon. But, no, wait

"What about ‘A Witches’ Bible?" Apple (the book store owner) said, referring to a book she sells for Wiccans, practitioners of a fast-growing polytheistic religion.

Apple and Budlong’s attorney Maggie Garrett, with the ACLU’s Atlanta office, said the lawsuit aims at ending discrimination toward religious currents outside the mainstream and all publications that deal with issues of good and evil, being and nonbeing, right and wrong.

What’s next, shall we exempt books on Voodoo or Satan worship? It is always amazing to me the disrespect that the ACLU shows to the Christian religion. It is also amazing that they are buying the bullshit that Apple is trying, re, not having to charge or pay taxes on some of the products he sells.

Meanwhile, over at Stop the ACLU, Jay tells us about how the ACLU is fighting a war against National Security

So, the ACLU says political correctness trumps common sense (regarding profiling). They block that route of securing ourselves from being blown up. What to do? Hmmm.. I’ve got it! Lets do random searches!

How true. Now, I do not fly that often, once or twice a year. I have flown through Atlanta from Raleigh twice since September. Both times, on the way out, I snuck my lighter through. Taking my shoes off is absurd. I went through the metal detector leaving Raleigh, and it went off. I did not remove anything, yet, it did not go off the next time. Yet no check. (I have a stainless steel rod in my leg). I saw people being searched who do not fit the profile of a hijacker or bomber. Yes, you never know. But how about focusing on those who do fit the profile, who are Middle Eastern men? Grandma’s bra clasp, while enormous, is not a threat.

This was a production of Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join us, please email Jay at [email protected] or Gribbit at [email protected]. You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll. Over 115 blogs already onboard.

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5 Responses to “Stop The ACLU!”

  1. Jay says:

    Good job, I’ve been meaning to post about this Bible issue, but I can’t get my thoughts quite straight on it yet.

  2. Ogre says:

    Well, at least part of that article was correct:

    “the ACLU’s Atlanta office, said the lawsuit aims at ending discrimination toward … good and evil, … right and wrong.”

    That’s right. In their mind there is NO good and evil, only communism and utopia.

  3. Matt says:

    Wait so if they were suing on behalf of Muslims or Buddhist, regarding the Koran or the 4 Noble Truths, would you still hate them as much?

  4. Yup, I would. The Koran is a recognized religious text. not familiar with 4 Noble Truths. Wiccan worship is overboard.

  5. Wel Billy says:

    The ACLU is not disrespecting the Christian Religion…it seems to me the article written above is asking for special facist like priveledges to being Christian and that’s not correct either. That’s the difference.

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