CNN Stands By Novak


Journalist Robert Novak’s status as a CNN contributor will remain unaffected during a federal probe into the revelation of a CIA officer’s identity, executives at the news channel said Sunday.

"I think we’re all aware that no one really knows what’s going on in the investigation of the Valerie Plame incident," said Jonathan Klein, president of CNN/U.S. "So it would be awfully presumptuous of us to take steps against a guy in his career based on second, third, fourth-hand reporting."

But let’s smear Karl Rove. Let’s bloviate about President Bush standing behind Rove in a negative fashion. Oh, the hypocrisy. We all know that it is just another Left wing "I’m crazy and gonna go overboard" issue, like Ohio cheating, the DSM, Jeff Gannon, WMD, Abu Ghraid, G’itmo, etc. Issues that have all gone away.

What is so difficult about waiting for the investigation to conclude? Oh, I forgot, if the Dems did that, they might have to talk about substantive policy matters, where they are continuously exposed as the vacuous fools they are.

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4 Responses to “CNN Stands By Novak”

  1. Jay says:

    Blah, blah, blah…isn’t it all starting to sound the same song? Smearing is all the dims are good at.

    I’ve got some big news at my site you should see and blog about.

  2. basil's blog says:

    Lunch: 7/18/05

    Try one of these specials with your lunch: That 1 Guy is looking for medical advice. zonker is hosting a new show on Food TV: zonker can cook. William Teach discusses CNN’s stance on the Plumegate. Mustang23 is scared of

  3. Wasn’t this story over with last Friday, when the NYT published that Rove heard the name from a journalist (or something therelike)?

    Or, did I miss that the Old Gray Bitch publish a correction?

    Howard dean was willing to give Bin Laden the benefit of the doubt during Campaign 2004, and yet… this… still…

  4. But the left relates better to Bin Laden better then with Americans.

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