Rovegate: It’s All The Rage

It just keeps getting funnier and funnier. The libazoids lock on to an issue like a pit bull on a burglers leg, and only let go when something else comes along to make them look even dumber. Whatever happened to the "voter fraud" issue in Ohio? Or the Downing Street Memo’s? Weren’t they going to take down Bush? Not. And we keep finding out more and more info that Karl Rove didn’t do anything wrong, and did not break the law.

First, from the NY Times, whose catchy title is "Rove Reportedly Held Talk on CIA Agent." Reportedly. Then they go on to write as if this was one hundred percent. Which one is it, Times?

Karl Rove, the White House senior adviser, spoke with the columnist Robert D. Novak as he was preparing an article in July 2003 that identified a C.I.A. officer who was undercover, someone who has been officially briefed on the matter said.

Mr. Rove has told investigators that he learned from the columnist the name of the C.I.A. officer, who was referred to by her maiden name, Valerie Plame, and the circumstances in which her husband, former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV, traveled to Africa to investigate possible uranium sales to Iraq, the person said.

After hearing Mr. Novak’s account, the person who has been briefed on the matter said, Mr. Rove told the columnist: "I heard that, too."

The previously undisclosed telephone conversation, which took place on July 8, 2003, was initiated by Mr. Novak, the person who has been briefed on the matter said.

So Novak already knew, huh? Yup. And it was Novak who mentioned Plame’s name first. The Times even mentions what is necessary for a criminal investigation:

The law requires that the official knowingly identify an officer serving in a covert position. The person who has been briefed on the matter said Mr. Rove neither knew Ms. Wilson’s name nor that she was a covert officer.

The did forget the part about the agent having acted outside the US within the last 5 years.

The federal code says the agent must have operated outside the United States within the previous five years. But Plame gave up her role as a covert agent nine years before the Rove interview, according to New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof.

Kristof said the CIA brought Plame back to Washington in 1994 because the agency suspected her undercover security had been compromised by turncoat spy Aldrich Ames.

Oops. And even more oops (via Right WIng News)

"Wolf Blitzer: But the other argument that’s been made against you is that you’ve sought to capitalize on this extravaganza, having that photo shoot with your wife, who was a clandestine officer of the CIA, and that you’ve tried to enrich yourself writing this book and all of that.

What do you make of those accusations, which are serious accusations, as you know, that have been leveled against you.

Joe Wilson: My wife was not a clandestine officer the day that Bob Novak blew her identity."

So no law broken by Rove, huh? But we all know that won’t stop the moonbats from going crazy/insane till something else comes their way. You have Nancy Pelosi saying the White House is guilty of some sort of obstruction. Don’t let the facts get in the way of reality, Nancy. But, back to the Times

The case has also threatened to become a distraction as Mr. Bush struggles to keep his second-term agenda on track and as he prepares for one of the most pivotal battles of his presidency, over the confirmation of a Supreme Court justice.

Sure. Like Ohio, Jeff Gannon, Iraq, Afghanistan, GWoT, the DSM, etc. And still the Bush Admin keeps chugging on and looking towards the future, while the Dems seethe in the past. 2006 and 2008 are looking good!


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5 Responses to “Rovegate: It’s All The Rage”

  1. Rove, Plame, Wilson, curiouser and curiouser

    WILSON: My wife was not a clandestine officer the day that Bob Novak blew her identity.

  2. Ogre says:

    Don’t forget WMDs…

  3. LOL! The left has so many lead balloons it is hard to remember them all.

  4. fred says:

    So now you believe something in the Times? Why would they write something to support Rove if they’re a liberal bastion of right-wing hatred? Conservative’s are so hypocritical to attack the Times as being too liberal and full of lies and then to cite it as unequivicol proof that Rove did nothing. Let’s not forget, this is just another leak, but it’s also a leak that is a felony as well — leaking grand jury proceedings. Smells like more cover up to me, but I’ll just say follow your own advice from a few days ago and let the U.S. Attorney’s prosecution of the case unfold. Patrick Fitzgerald is very competent; he’s already got the former GOP governor of Illinois under indictment.

  5. The story being in the Times is meant to illustrate that even the Times knows that “Rovegate” has no legs. Could easily have used many other sources.

    As to the rest: Bwahahahaha. Please.

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