Category Archives: Iran

Washington Post: Possible U.S.-Iran Talks Obscured By Something Ominous

Can you guess what is ominous? Once you see the headline, you’re probably going to think that this Editorial is going to be Trump Derangement Syndrome. Nope The hype of possible U.S.-Iran talks obscured something much more ominous A FRENCH attempt to jump-start talks between the United States and Iran got plenty of attention over […]

Hot Take: U.S. Seizes On Iranian Tanker Attacks

See, the problem according to CNN’s Stephen Collinson is not that the Iranians attacked tankers, but that Trump and his people are seizing US seizes on tanker attacks to up the stakes with Iran When a US Secretary of State is as swift and unequivocal as Mike Pompeo was in blaming Iran for brazen attacks on two […]

Trump Declares Iranian IRGC Terrorist Group, Resistance Upset

Iran is the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism, particularly against Israel (which Democrats hate) and America (which Democrats hate). Democrats have to back Iran, after Obama did the horrendous Iran deal, and because they have a kneejerk reaction to oppose everything Trump Trump designates elite Iranian military force as a terrorist organization President Donald […]

Iran Goes To International Court Of Justice Claiming U.S. Is Violating Treaty

This takes a big pair of jihadi cajones to make this claim, and they dug seriously deep to find their reasoning (The Hill) Iran on Monday asked the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to compel the U.S. to lift recently imposed sanctions, arguing the penalties violate an obscure treaty between the two countries. Reuters reported that […]

Trump Stands Up For America, Tells Iran To Never Threaten Us

Obama would have bowed to Iran and given them more money Trump’s tweet to Iran cannot bully the west away from making peace Wow. Social media really is transforming the art of diplomacy. Donald Trump’s secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, has called the rulers of Iran a “mafia more than a government”. They are a bunch of […]

Iran Wants Their Sweet, Sweet Climate Cash

Few countries seem to be actually doing something to uphold their commitments, and others just want their redistributed money (via Watts Up With That?) Is Iran pulling out of Paris Agreement? Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif signed the Paris Agreement on climate change during a ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in New York, April […]

TDS Hot Take: Trump’s Iran Move Is Totally Like The Lead Up To Iraq War

Remember how the media said the same thing about Obama while he slapped sanctions on Syria and made all sorts of threats himself and had his people do the same at the U.M.? Oh, wait. Here’s NY Times editorial cartoonist with his hot take President Trump’s decision to abandon the Iran nuclear deal and his […]

Everyone’s Saying Trump Will Pull Out Of Iran Deal, So, He’s Most Likely Staying In

Look, as stated many, many times, the Iran deal is a bad deal. America really gets little out of it. It is a one sided deal, brokered by people who do not understand how to conduct a win-win negotiation. So, what will happen? Here’s the Washington Post front page headline and sub-head blurb Trump expected […]

Washington Post Finally Finds Way To Dismiss Iran Deal Revelations

Exactly what does America get out of the Iran deal? Sure, there are a few things, like not having to go to war and stopping Iran (on paper) from developing nuclear weapons for a time, which are both issues created because Iran is run by despicable people. A few companies, such as Boeing, get to […]

Surprise: Iran Lied About Their Nuclear Program

This is shocking news, shocking. Though it is interesting how the NY Times puts it, in that “Israel says”, as opposed to tens of thousands of documents say Israel Says Secret Files Prove Iran Lied About Nuclear Program Revealing a huge archive of stolen Iranian nuclear plans, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel accused Iran […]

Pirate's Cove