Good News: Trump To Reportedly Defund UNRWA

This is the UN group which has lots of Hamas terrorists working for them, and which works with terrorist groups. UNRWA employees literally worked with Hamas during their October 7th attack

Trump to Defund UNRWA, Leave UN Human Rights Council — Again

President Donald Trump will reportedly defund the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the agency for Palestinian “refugees” that has aligned with Hamas terrorists, this week.

Trump will also withdraw from the United Nations Human Rights Council, which has been little more than a forum for dictators to sanitize their human rights records while bashing Israel and, to a lesser extent, the United States.

Both moves will repeat policies that Trump had adopted during his first administration, and which were reversed by President Joe Biden — to little avail, as UNRWA sheltered Hamas terrorists and the Human Rights Council continued to attack Israel.

The executive orders giving effect to these decisions were postponed until Tuesday, when President Trump is to welcome Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the White House.

The problem with Biden was that he did support Israel, but, so many of the people around him did not, not too mention the unhinged Democrat base. They hated Israel. Now you have Trump and his people who unabashedly, wholeheartedly support Israel and loathe Hamas and the other Islamic terrorist groups. And will do all they can to protect and support Israel.

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5 Responses to “Good News: Trump To Reportedly Defund UNRWA”

  1. Doom and Gloom says:

    ???? $11 MILLION to tell Vietnam to stop burning trash

    Anyone who has been to Vietnam in the last 10 years is missing two things.

    The former foe of the USA is now a gorgeous developing country, and the people there are some of the friendliest in the world. I would encourage anyone to visit Vietnam. Yes, I fought in Vietnam and was stationed at and around the Airbase in Da Nang. So, I returned to Da Nang in 2017 and again in 2022.

    The second thing you immediately notice is the smell of garbage and the fact that waste is collected by a mama san pushing a hand cart. There are very few trash trucks, and it is common to see them dumping trash in the oceans.

    Sometimes, a stupid thing, such as helping them stop burning Trash, does not accomplish what you intended—i.e., fighting AGW—because the trash then ends up in the ocean.

    Yes, USAID should be disbanded or certainly overseen by a congressional committee that is actually in charge of dispersing the funds on a case-by-case basis. It does do a few good things, but as some have suggested, it is a money laundering scheme for the deep state.

    • Elwood P Dowd says:

      Did Mr Teach accidentally or intentionally conflate UNRWA with USAID?

      The Socialist Republic of Viet Nam is one of only 5 remaining Communist autocracies (with Cuba, China, Laos, North Korea). The French ruled French Indochina (now Viet Nam, Laos and Cambodia) from the late 1800s through WWII when the Japanese took control. When Japan lost WWII, the commie nationalists, led by H? Chí Minh, took over. But after WWII ended , the Allies awarded Indochina back to the French! In 1954 the Geneva Conference divided Indochina into the three nations. Viet Nam was subdivided into North and South regions which merged in 1976 to form the Socialist Republic. In the 80s Viet Nam incorporated capitalist aspects that led to an improvement in the economy. Viet Nam is a leading exporter of cashews, coffee, rice, black pepper and seafood. They have a burgeoning electronics manufacturing industry.

  2. Dana says:

    Our esteemed host wrote:

    The problem with Biden was that he did support Israel, but, so many of the people around him did not, not to mention the unhinged Democrat base. They hated Israel. Now you have Trump and his people who unabashedly, wholeheartedly support Israel and loathe Hamas and the other Islamic terrorist groups. And will do all they can to protect and support Israel.

    But, but, but, we were told that it was the evil, reich-wing Republicans who hate Jooooos!

    Sadly, there really are antiSemites on both the left and the right, but what I am seeing is that there are far, far more on the left.

    I honestly don’t understand it: as heavily antiSemitic as some of the loudest voices among the left have been, American Jews still give roughly ¾ of their votes to Democrats, to the people who hate them. There are times I think that it’s because American Jews are mostly urban dwellers, and thus afflicted with the general stupidity of the cities, but it has to be more than that. There might be a fear that conservatives are more likely to be real Christians, and that we will somehow impose Christianity on our nation, but Christians, both Protestant and Catholic, have been very tolerant of Judaism for decades.

    • Elwood P Dowd says:

      MAGA hates Jews but loves Israel. Conservatives hate Muslims more than they hate Jews. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”.

      Conservatives view American Jews as “stupid” for voting for Dems, which is also how they view American Blacks.

      Urban areas account for 80% of the US population.

      Mr Dana typed: but Christians, both Protestant and Catholic, have been very tolerant of Judaism for decades

      Uh huh, sure.

      Trump, America’s best Christian, exhibits behaviors that dredge up old feelings. Big Donnie daily eliminates protections for Muslims, Blacks, LGBTQ, Jews, women, Browns, the poor…

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