Israel Warns Iran Of Consequences For Rocket Attack

And the Biden-Harris admin, but, they’re basically toothless. Harris had yammered about telling Iran “don’t”, and they did, just like Biden told Russia “don’t”

US, Israel Warn of Response to Iranian Missile Attack

The United States said Tuesday that it was discussing a joint response after Iran fired a barrage of missiles at Israel, warning Tehran of “severe consequences”.

Israel vowed it would make Iran “pay” for the attack, which it said saw 180 missiles fired at its territory, most of them intercepted by air defences.

Tehran meanwhile threatened to strike any forces that intervened on its soil on Israel’s behalf.

President Joe Biden said the United States was “fully supportive” of Israel after the missile attack, adding that he would discuss a response with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Asked by reporters what the response towards Iran would be, Biden replied: “That’s in active discussion right now. That remains to be seen.”

Yeah, yeah, of course, Biden has made no real statement. In fact, it was the Vice President, who is really nothing

Anyhow, Israel is a little stronger

(Jerusalem Post) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu threatened that Iran would pay for attacking Israel with close to 200 missiles, as the region moved closer to an all-out war.

“Iran made a big mistake tonight – and it will pay for it. The regime in Tehran does not understand our determination to defend ourselves and to exact a price from our enemies,” Netanyahu told his security cabinet. It met Tuesday in the shadow of Iran’s second attack against the Jewish state, following the one in April.

Obviously, the Israel haters cheered, and blamed Israel for this whole thing. Iran will surely not like the response from Israel.

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4 Responses to “Israel Warns Iran Of Consequences For Rocket Attack”

  1. Dana says:

    Iran’s attack was mostly impotent, and I am convinced that the Iranian leadership — at least the civilian and military parts, though the mad mullahs might not have gotten it — knew that it would be. Supposedly the Ayatollah Ali Khameini ordered it, with President Masoud Pezeshkian reluctantly obeying the order, knowing that it would be almost useless, but also knowing that the vast majority of the missiles would not get through. Thus, Iran gets to save face, while launching an attack that would do little or no damage, allowing Iran to claim it struck last, while Israel has an excuse not to retaliate, if there’s little damage.

    Will it work out that way? I have no idea. Israel could destroy the Kargh Island oil depot, through which 90+% of Iran’s oil exports flow, damaging the Persian economy, and leave it like that, something which wouldn’t kill too many people but be a serious blow, and I see that as a reasonable response, but one which might not lead to an escalation.

    Unlike the actual governments of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon, which border Israel and none of which want war with the Jewish state, Iran is 1,000 miles away, and doesn’t fear any invasion by the IDF. But Iran is hardly safe due to the distance, because Israel has an estimated 90 nuclear weapons, while Iran has zero.

  2. Doom and Gloom says:

    Ukraine is gearing up to attack Iran with drones since it is supplying Russia with weapons.

    Russia is hated by the left but IRAN is Loved and adored by the left. Yet Iran gets most of its assistance from Russia, which is in bed with Iran. I will wait for Dowd to enlighten us on how the left can so loathe Russia while loving Iran to the point of unloading pallets of money on the tarmac for them to use.

    The left should love Israel since they are soon to blow Iran’s oil infrastructure off the face of the map, along with Ukraine attacking supply depots as well as Oil storage facilities. Neutering Iran and turning the country into civil war once they have no money.

    Russia is begging for weapons. China is a failed state that is just following the USA’s lead and printing money to embezzle resources from other countries.

    China can and has most likely fitted all your Apple iPhones with bombs so that when they declare war on Taiwan, they will blow up half the country. Apple iPhones should be banned from the USA after what Israel showed they could do with them, and since Apple iPhones are ASSEMBLED in CHINA, they do not have to intercept a shipment to fit them with kung pow bombs or spy on you.

    The world is a complex place now, and unfortunately, Politics has overruled common sense when it comes to the supply chain. Hell, even Governor Cuomo’s and Hocul’s assistant was just arrested along with her hubby for being Chinese spies. They, incidentally, were living in a 3.5 million dollar mansion on a state government salary.

    Interesting times we live in.

  3. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    The Iron Dome, David’s Sling, Arrow-2, Arrow-3 defense systems, developed with the United States was effective in blocking most of the missiles. Some that “got through” fell on largely open ground. Did the Iranians aim off target or did the Israelis-US permit these through?

    Iran made this same kind of show in an earlier “retaliation”. The US and Israel knew that that barrage was coming 72 hr beforehand, but had only a few hours warning of yesterday’s “surprise” attack.

    Netanyahu was in political peril just after Oct 7, for not protecting Israelis. His muscular response since has helped his (and Trump’s) futures!

    The WSJ editorial page urges the US and Israel to invade Iran and knock them out once and for all!!

    The problem with Iran is its fundamentalist Islamic government. Some 70 years ago the US and Britain staged a coup (in suport of western oil interests) against Iran’s democratically elected and non-fundamentalist president, Mossadegh, installing the Western puppet, Mohammed Reza Palhlavi (The Shah) who ruled with an authoritarian fist until he was overthrown by Shia Islamic fundamentalists in 1979, who still control.

    • Dana says:

      The distinguished Mr Dowd wrote:

      The Iron Dome, David’s Sling, Arrow-2, Arrow-3 defense systems, developed with the United States was effective in blocking most of the missiles. Some that “got through” fell on largely open ground. Did the Iranians aim off target or did the Israelis-US permit these through?

      Your statement assumes that the Iranian missiles had that precise targeting ability, and that the Israel had the capacity to decide which warheads to intercept.

      The WSJ editorial page urges the US and Israel to invade Iran and knock them out once and for all!!

      I’d like to see that editorial! But Iran is 1,000 miles away from Israel, and how Israel and the US could invade is problematic, at best. Our invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq didn’t turn those countries into peaceful Western democracies.

      The now 100-year-old Jimmy Carter is ultimately responsible for this by his pussified response to Iran seizing American embassy personnel as hostages. If he had told Iran that our people needed to be released, safe and unharmed, within 72 hours, or they’d be the unfortunate collateral damage from the attacks which left Tehran and Qom radioactive black holes in the ground, and meant it, Iran would have been cowed forever.

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