It’s strange: one would think that Warmists would voluntarily change their behavior, not have Certain People within the Cult of Climsastrology find ways to force that change. If they really believe
Addressing climate change with behavioral science: A global intervention tournament in 63 countries
Effectively reducing climate change requires marked, global behavior change. However, it is unclear which strategies are most likely to motivate people to change their climate beliefs and behaviors. Here, we tested 11 expert-crowdsourced interventions on four climate mitigation outcomes: beliefs, policy support, information sharing intention, and an effortful tree-planting behavioral task. Across 59,440 participants from 63 countries, the interventions’ effectiveness was small, largely limited to nonclimate skeptics, and differed across outcomes: Beliefs were strengthened mostly by decreasing psychological distance (by 2.3%), policy support by writing a letter to a future-generation member (2.6%), information sharing by negative emotion induction (12.1%), and no intervention increased the more effortful behavior—several interventions even reduced tree planting. Last, the effects of each intervention differed depending on people’s initial climate beliefs. These findings suggest that the impact of behavioral climate interventions varies across audiences and target behaviors.
Unsurprisingly, government force is required
The second outcome was support for climate change mitigation policy (nine items; e.g., “I support raising carbon taxes on gas/fossil fuels/coal”). Given that successful climate mitigation requires large-scale policy reform (1) and the public’s support for climate policies is the top predictor of policy adoption (27), this outcome variable reflects the importance of impactful systemic change, rather than private mitigation efforts based on individual decision-making (28–30). Recent work argues that individual-level behaviors should be targeted alongside structural changes (31), especially since framing climate change as an individual level problem can backfire, leading to feelings of helplessness and concerns about free riding (32, 33).
This is a long, long, long paper, which, much like the new Roadhouse movie, did anyone ask for it? Or, is it just a matter of government gave them lots of money or they wanted to find a way to get lots of money from government, which is happy to piss taxpayer money away on cult science?
Here, climate change beliefs were strengthened most by decreasing the psychological distance of climate change. Support for climate change mitigation policy was increased mostly by writing a letter to be read in the future by a socially close child, describing one’s current climate change mitigation actions. Willingness to share climate change information on social media was increased most by inducing negative emotions through “doom and gloom”–styled messaging about the consequences of climate change. Last, while half of the tested interventions had no effect on the effortful tree-planting behavior, the other half of the interventions reduced the number of trees participants planted. Beyond revealing the utility of harnessing a multioutcome approach, these results also highlight the need for tailoring interventions to target outcomes.
I’d love to see what they wrote. “Hey, I changed a few lightbulbs.” “Hey, I drove a fossil fueled vehicle to a protest.” “Hey, I threw soup on artwork and glued myself to something.” “But, the hell if I’m going to give up my own massive 1st World carbon footprint.” Seriously, why should anyone make any changes when the Elites don’t, and the biggest climate cultists do not?

Resistance is futile; you will be assimilated.
This is where the activists just plain fail. Jimmy Carter was at least smart enough to turn down the White House thermostats to 68º, to at least try to lead by example, but very few of today’s
global warmingclimate change activists show any move at all to change their own lifestyles, but simple expect the peons to accept living more poorly.Dana.
ALL of the USA is now using less energy because of cars with higher mileage more efficient appliances led light bulbs.
Total energy consumption has been flat for a long time, despite increase in population
It’s a ding-a-ling cult, nuttier than a truck load of peanut brittle.
I am not the first to say this but the reason AGW is failing is because 40 percent of the world lives in abject poverty and they are NOT going to give up food to reduce their carbon footprint. 100,000,000 Chinese are starving to death right now. The Chinese are in freefall as their real estate markets are collapsing.
Hell two Corporations are 760 billion in DEBT….thats just two corps out of 100’s that deal in real estate. It is so bad XI XING PING order all negative news of the Chinese imminent collapse scrubbed from the news.
Now do you think XI XING PING cares about AGW which is going to force even more of his people to die from starvation? NO…He might give lip service but he does not care and will not do anything that causes his people to starve. India…..same issues. Pakistan…yeah. NO. Right…. 3 billion people are telling AGW to go FUK themselves.
Impoverished people do not give a sheet about politics when they are starving to death and their children are dying in their arms from Malnutrition.
Mr. Beaat the YouTuber has gone over to these countries and offered them health care which is awesome but he needs to offer them truckloads of food too. FACEBOOKER Zuckerberg went to Africa and dug some water wells. Good for him. They will starve but not die of thirst. Musk is putting Sattelites over poor countries so they can use their free cell phones begging the world to send them a BIG MAC.
CO2. Go FF yourself says a huge portion of the world.
Hence the AGW crowd is now going after food. Ukraine ia about GRAIN….not OIL. Our farmers and ranchers are pouring Billions into steroids, HGH, antibiotics, pesticides, and herbicides to grow more food to make more money. Why is that?
Because big corporations including CHINA are buying up our farms and ranches around the world and BIG PHARMA is loving some sick people so they can give us drugs to heal us from our food-driven sicknesses.
There is almost nothing you can eat today that won’t inflame or toxify your body. Red meat has IGH One which is terrible for your body. It is why Harvard said red meat is bad for you. Or so they claim. Red meat is not bad for you but the meat grown by todays farmers and ranchers can be.
Did you know wheat is sprayed with Round Up while it is growing and then sprayed a second time to force it to DRY FASTER so they can get it to market sooner? WHY? Because these are corporate farms now.
My wife’s side of the Family are farmers from Texas who have been farming since immigrating to the USA in the late 1800s. They sell everything they grow to DOLE and a bunch of other CORPORATIONS. The more they grow the more they make and the higher on the list they garner attention from the CORPS. It’s a no-brainer for them to use Round-up and fertilizers rich in Human toxic elements to make more money.
So remember when you see articles about cows and pigs and chickens and farmers and ranchers there is a war on them as well. Soon we will all be eating bugs and after a few years all the birds, rodents will die because 8 billion people eating bugs will destroy our echo system.
The fuking DEEP STATE will do anything for a BUCK and POWER! It is them you should fear, not co2 which is a building block of life on earth.
The poor won’t give up food. The rich won’t give up their lifestyle and private jets. The middle class won’t give up SUVs and annual vacations. No one will give up their quality of life today to please some activists about the unproven miniscule harm, that might happen in the far distant future. It seems the only people who are pushing this are the people who expect to become enormously rich from doing it and their loyal activist followers. Even the 2 “all in” activists on this site won’t do anything in their personal lives to achieve this goal, nor should they.
In the USA most Americans believe in AGW.
Just because they might ‘believe in AGW’ does not mean that they have been willing to do anything about it, or at least anything which would require lifestyle changes or personal sacrifice on their part. I’m sure that you’ve read on our host’s fine site that the automobile manufacturers are cutting back plans to produce plug-in electric vehicles because the demand for them just hasn’t been what they expected.
I’ve reported, on my too-small site, how the long-running show This Old House has, several times, shown us how wealthy New Englanders who are remodeling their homes have been adding updated gas furnaces to keep their homes warm rather than relying on electric heat, in a heavily liberal and Democratic area.
And Governess Kathy Hochul (D-NY), who has pushed a ban on new gas appliances and services for new construction in the Empire State, got slammed for having gas ranges in both the Executive Mansion in Albany, and her personal home in Buffalo. Perhaps she can’t just switch out the range in state property, but she certainly controls what appliances she uses in her own home.
The attitude of clown world is painfully obvious. Here is something close to their train of thought:
There are so few of us – compared to the billions and billions of useless eaters destroying everything – that no matter what we do, our carbon footprint is soooo tiny it makes no difference at all. None. Zero. Zip. Nada. So we buy a few carbon offsets to demonstrate our concern (heh) and head off into the sunset, paying homage only to the gods of power, wealth and position, blameless and guilt free. Once we – the beautiful people of Earth – are rid of those disgusting, illiterate, uneducated, smelly, hordes of polluting eaters, Earth will be a paradise. (We will need to keep of few of them around to do all the menial work and provide us with an endless supply of beautiful, pliable but empty-headed females)
Or something close to that. Show me where I’m wrong.
[…] Teach reported, just this morning, that we are being told by Our Betters that the behavior of the public as a […]
Yes Teach your behavior must change. Change is difficult, remember how hard to get I’ve up your beloved incandescent light bulbs?
Johnny-why should our behavior change pertaining to this matter?
And do you have data that shows that not using incandescent light bulbs will change anything as far as climate?
China emits 33% of the worlds fossil fuel CO2, and burns 50% of the total coal consumed (which is also the main source of mercury in your fish!). India + non-China Asia emits 20%, North American emits about 16%, Europe emits 7%, Russia 5%, middle east emits 11%, the rest from Africa (e.g., South Africa, Nigeria) and South America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile).
Emissions from North America and Europe are decreasing, but in Asia, increasing.
In general countries with high percentages of people living in poverty have lower emissions.
Developing nations such as India, Pakistan and many middle Eastern countries are increasing emissions even with great poverty.
It’s paradoxical that the US, with the world’s most robust economy, is cutting emissions. Same with the EU. The deniers predicted that we would be living in caves if we set out to cut emissions. Huh.
49,000,000 Americans rely on food assistance (private and public). That’s about 16% of Americans.
The USA has cut per capital carbon emissions by 25%0in 35 years. We didn’t starve and our electricity costs didn’t skyrocket as teach claimed. Our electric rates have gone up by an average if 2% for the last 2 decades.
Michael Mann was just awarded 1 million dollars in court to be paid by those who slandered him. Even Teach has not stopped arguing against the hockey dtick being inaccurate.
“The deniers predicted living in caves..” Specifically denying what?
But not quite-that prediction was for net zero.
Doubt he ever gets that money, but we’ll see. Steyn will drag it out forever, just like Mikey Mann did when he lost his case against Tim Ball, where Mann was ordered to pay Ball’s court costs