Well, gee willikers, I wonder why the Sanctuary City Of New York could do with $53 million to help the legal residents of the city? Perhaps hire a lot more police to reduce crime? Do better with sanitation? Work on the rat problem? Feed and house the homeless?
NYC launches $53M program to hand out pre-paid credit cards to migrant families
Mayor Eric Adams’ administration will soon start handing out pre-paid credit cards to migrant families being put up in Big Apple hotels, The Post has learned.
The $53 million pilot program, run by the New Jersey company Mobility Capital Finance, will provide asylum seekers arriving at the Roosevelt Hotel with the city cash to help them buy food, according to city records.
It’ll start with a group of 500 migrant families in short-term hotel stays and will replace the current food service offered there, according to City Hall.
The cards can only be used at bodegas, grocery stores, supermarkets and convenience stores — and migrants must sign an affidavit swearing they will only spend the funds on food and baby supplies or they will be kicked out of the program.
How many of them have babies, and how many are young, single, military age men?
The amount on each card will vary depending on the size of the family and whether any income is coming in, according to the details of the contract. A family of four, for instance, could be provided nearly $1,000 each month, which comes out to $35 per day for food. Cards will get refilled every 28 days.
I hope the low income residents of SCNY do not complain, because they surely voted for Democrats who enable all the illegal aliens. Otherwise they might have received the money themselves.
“Not only will this provide families with the ability to purchase fresh food for their culturally relevant diets and the baby supplies of their choosing, but the pilot program is expected to save New York City more than $600,000 per month, or more than $7.2 million annually,” Adams spokesperson Kayla Mamelak said.
First, it should not save them anything, because they shouldn’t have to deal with feeding illegal aliens. But, hey, irony is a bitch. Second, why culturally relevant food? Do they not want to learn what it is to be an American? Or, do they just want to take advantage of America and never assimilate?

We The People should go and take back our money from the illegals…
I mean It IS OUR Money, so it is not stealing.
If “patriotic” MAGAts had any balls they’d grab their AR-15s and take back America from these brownish invaders!!
