So far, beyond some randos on Twitter and such, the gun grabbers have been avoiding their typical gun grabbing ways, as one would expect after any big shooting. No opinion pieces at the NY Times, Washington Post, or LA Times. All the networks are avoiding this. So, they’re either all calibrating their talking points or planning on ignoring the event. Why? Well, it’s rather tough to blame the gun when the Democratic Party run city of New York is a hotbed of crime and shootings, continuing to get worse. It is a mecca of everything the gun grabbers want, yet, shootings persist. NYC Mayor Adams is not waiting, though he did stay on the margins
Democratic New York City Mayor Eric Adams called for a national response on gun control Tuesday following a shooting in a Brooklyn subway station.
At least 10 people were shot in the incident, including seven males and three females, according to authorities. Thirteen people suffered injuries from smoke inhalation, falling down or suffering from a panic attack. Five people were in critical condition but were expected to survive.
At least 29 in all were treated at hospitals for gunshot wounds, smoke inhalation, and other conditions. None of the injuries appeared to be life-threatening. (snip)
Adams went on to say that “the problem we’re facing is a problem that is hitting our entire nation right now,” which he said merits “a national response” on the issue of gun violence.
Adams touted how the New York Police Department (NYPD) has taken nearly 1,800 guns off the streets of New York City this year.
“We’re going to continue to do our job, but there is some assistance that’s going to be needed,” said Adams, stressing the importance of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), and the necessity of making ghost guns illegal.
“There’s so many things that we could do to assist the cities across America, particularly New York City to make sure that we’re a safe place for our residents,” said Adams.
A “national response.” Because soft on criminals Democratic Party run cities are hellholes? No thanks. The gun grabbing group started by Gabby Giffords (who still owns a handgun, as does her husband), also chimed in, with Giffords saying
“Still reeling from the recent tragedy in Sacramento, we awoke this morning to yet another story of gun violence leading to chaos and trauma in yet another community—this time in Brooklyn, New York. Ten people going about their morning commutes were shot. Others were injured from smoke inhalation and the ensuing panic. Neighborhood schools went into lockdown. The Sunset Park community deserves better. All communities across our country deserve better.
“Yesterday, President Biden made a historic announcement about ghost guns in the White House Rose Garden. I’m grateful for his leadership on this issue, and yet, this is a complicated, multifaceted epidemic that is only growing in scope. We need more action from leaders at every level. We know what solutions work to save lives, and we will not rest until these solutions are fully enacted, implemented, and funded. The stakes are too high and the costs are too great to tolerate continued inaction.”
How is this gun violence?
This is Frank James who is a person of interest in this investigation. Any information can be directed to @NYPDTips at 800-577-TIPS.
— NYPD NEWS (@NYPDnews) April 12, 2022
James has been posting lots of seriously racist stuff, hating on pretty much everyone, as well as threats
He also shared local news reports and movie clips and used them as jumping-off points for his rants. A March 1 video began with a PIX 11 report about rising violence in New York City’s subways. In it, he went on to criticize Mayor Eric Adams, women, social workers and homeless people.
“I wanted to kill everything in sight,” he says about 12 minutes into the video. “I was planning to kill everything I saw.”
So, a seriously disturbed wacko, but, we need gun control? Because he is black, the media is not that interested in digging deep, and pushing gun control would keep the story going.

If only NYC had effective gun control this would never have happened. He would have had to make his own guns and explosives. I imagine he would not have killed as many people if he were forced to use a cricket bat for his rampage, or if he had to use a rented truck to plow through a parade. Maybe the real solution here is to make it illegal for blacks to own or possess firearms.
As an aside, it is funny that there are black nationalists in the USA when there are already whole countries run by black people and none of the black nationalists want to go there.
Listening to this guys podcasts though make it obvious he was poisoned by the MSN/CNN cool aide. When Biden said “republicans want to put you folks back in chains” this idiot believed him.
None of the victims have died yet, although some are in critical condition. The suspect, Frank James, has been arrested and is expected to face terrorism-related charges brought by federal prosecutors.
It was reported that James purchased the 9mm handgun “years ago” in Ohio. New York does not stop visitors from bringing guns with them.
Mx Teach and his minions immediately capitalized on the race angle! Should a guy as nutty as James have been able to legally purchase a handgun?
Although most mass killers are crazy white men, wingers call for gun laws targeting Black men. By the way, no one has died in the Brooklyn shooting.
We suggest that only women carry guns to protect themselves from toxic white and Black men!
So gun violence or any violence is ok as long as the person does not die. Jeff, that is nutty thinking.
Whadaya expect from Rimjob?

Bwaha! Lolgf
The other commenter said people died. We merely corrected their honest mistake, although a number of the victims are said to be in critical condition.
We’re pleased that the suspect is in custody and would be OK if he dies in prison.
But even you would agree that NOT being killed is better than being killed, right?
Sometimes we have to wonder why you and some of your fluffers even bother to type something.
Loneliness? Low self-esteem?
Rimjob bringing up his imaginary friends again.

Seeing things only he can see.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
What is needed is a national response to black supremacist/racism.
There’s your sign.
Remember Bernhard Goetz aka The Subway Vigilante?
Compare and contrast the media coverage with that of Frank James.

Bwaha! Lolgf
We need criminal control.
New York (state and City) has some of the most draconian firearms laws in the country. Yes, you can bring a gun into New York, however the regulations you must comply with are byzantine and the penalties for improper compliance is harsh, particularly in NYC.
Criminals don’t bother with compliance, surmising that laws are for honest people. This issue will drop from the media almost immediately with the perp in lockup since he is a member of one of the left’s protected groups.