Well, this is not a good thing for the West
Shaken at First, Many Russians Now Rally Behind Putin’s Invasion
The stream of anti-war letters to a lawmaker in St. Petersburg, Russia, has dried up. Some Russians who had criticized the Kremlin have turned into cheerleaders for the war. Those who publicly oppose it have found the word “traitor” scrawled on their apartment door.
Five weeks into President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, there are signs that the Russian public’s initial shock has given way to a mix of support for their troops and anger at the West. On television, entertainment shows have been replaced by extra helpings of propaganda, resulting in a round-the-clock barrage of falsehoods about the “Nazis” who run Ukraine and American-funded Ukrainian bioweapons laboratories.
Polls and interviews show that many Russians now accept Putin’s contention that their country is under siege from the West and had no choice but to attack. The war’s opponents are leaving the country or keeping quiet. (snip)
The public’s endorsement of the war lacks the patriotic groundswell that greeted the annexation of Crimea in 2014. But polls released this week by Russia’s most respected independent pollster, Levada, showed Putin’s approval rating hitting 83%, up from 69% in January. Eighty-one percent said they supported the war, describing the need to protect Russian speakers as its primary justification.
Can this continue?
Analysts cautioned that as the economic pain wrought by sanctions deepens in the coming months, the public mood could shift yet again. Some also argued that polls in wartime have limited significance, with many Russians fearful of voicing dissent, or even their true opinion, to a stranger at a time when new censorship laws are punishing any deviation from the Kremlin narrative with as much as 15 years in prison.
But even accounting for that effect, Denis Volkov, Levada’s director, said his group’s surveys showed that many Russians had adopted the belief that a besieged Russia had to rally around its leader.
Could all the sanctions by Brandon and other 1st World nations have the opposite affect in getting Russians to rally around Putin and the war? Perhaps Biden and a few others shouldn’t have been pushing Russia to invade Ukraine
Now, while the government has tried to popularize the letter “Z” as an endorsement of the war, Shalygin said it’s rare to see a car sporting it; the symbol is mainly popping up on public transit and government-sponsored billboards. The “Z” first appeared painted on Russian military vehicles taking part in the Ukraine invasion.
“Enthusiasm — I don’t see it,” said Sergei Belanovsky, a prominent Russian sociologist. “What I rather see is apathy.”
So, pretty much “something’s happening down over there and the West is hurting the average Russian. Mr. Vast Foreign Experience should have been more careful beforehand. He’s pretty much in La La Land now.

After all, Russians tend to be conservatives… so…
The pro-Putin Teach ignores that Putin and his henchmen control the Russian media and his forces are suppressing any mutinous insubordination! Send a letter to the editor, go to jail! And Russian jail at that.
We get that the U.S. nuRight cult hates Biden and today’s America. We get that the U.S. nuRight cult follows the lead of their cult leader, DonJon, and DonJon and Putin are co-dependent.
The increasingly Russian Teach typed: Perhaps Biden and a few others shouldn’t have been pushing Russia to invade Ukraine
From Putin’s mind to Teach’s lips (er… fingertips). Jeezus…
Anyway, Putin waited to invade so that it would hurt Democrats leading to a more Putin-friendly tRumpist (nuGOP) U.S. government. The tRump years were salad days for Putin. If tRump had won in 2020 (he lost by 7 million votes) Putin would NOT have invaded, because tRump would have effectively ceded Ukraine to him!!
Anyway anyway, Putin, tRump, Teach, anti-NATOans and other “America-firsters” feel that America has no reason to counter Russian aggression and expansion. Plus, interfering with the deadly Russian invasion has caused gasoline prices to go up (and global inflation*) AND a wheat shortage!
*Yes kids, the current inflation is global! And yes, worse in the U.S., but no economy on Earth is expanding as is ours.
BTW – local gas prices today are $3.42-3.89
Again Rimjob “sees” things that are not really there.

It’s getting worse.
Bwaha! Lolgf
ShitLips, real name Dick Breath (they/them/their), ignores things that are really there.
It’s getting worse.
Bwaha! Lolgf
People tend to be nationalists Elwood when your nation is threatened. Look at what happened with President Bush after 911. He polled at 90 percent for some weeks before slipping into the ’80s. It is why the left immediately went to work with their anti-war schtick to bring Bush down. Political survival was at stake for a party whose opposition president was polling so high.
Yesterday two supposed Ukrainian Helicopters attacked a Russian oil depot inside of Russia which will further turn support in Putin’s favor. Yet these helicopters had to fly over Russin forces held territory during peace talks to attack this oil depot. I wonder how they managed to fly over 1000’s of Russian Troops and attack the motherland. I suspect, as do most rational thinking people, that this was staged by Russia even though you can see these are clearly western helicopters.
Did you know that the USA bought hundreds of millions of dollars of Russian military hardware to reverse engineer it and learn how to defeat it? I can only surmise that Russia has done the same from their contacts around the world. This is why the USA will NOT sell any F-22s to anyone.
Around the world, as we speak more and more nations are rejecting globalism. In fact, if you are a citizen of the world Elwood you would read things like:
Mar 26, 2022 · Black Rock CEO claims that Globalism is officially ‘dead’. This would also mean the power of the World Economic Forum just diminished precipitously.
Why is that important? Black Rock is the hedge fund with 10 trillion dollars that was buying up houses in select markets which in turn drove the middle class out of the market.
Even the world economic forum which has become such a lightning rod admits:
Globalization is dead: what now? | World Economic Forum
What was the final blow to globalization? This concept was on life support and was why the world elites spent bigly to get rid of Trump in 2020, who was evil incarnate to their agenda. However no one could have predicted the invasion of Ukraine and the West’s insane response to it, but I think Putin did which is why Trump praised him. 4D chess and all.
I said at the onset of this war that the sanctions would hurt the West far more than they would hurt Russia which now has 6.5 of the 7.5 billion people still willing to do business with Putin and Russia. India has been pulled into the hegemony of China, Pakistan, Iran, Russia, and Belarus.
The Ruble has completely stabilized and of course, Russia and Ukraine produce about 1/3rd of the wheat and most of the fertilizers the world depends on to feed its citizens. Not to mention oil and natural gas were taken off the market and pumped to China and India instead of Europe.
Nato most certainly has had a wake-up call and if you remember the German delegation was snickering to themselves when Trump was telling the EU that they would rue the day they completely put all their dependence on Russian oil and natural gas. Trump was 100 percent correct on that front and Putin’s attack on Ukraine was a calculated event that caused Trump to praise his intelligence of Putin for invading Ukraine.
The main message of the world is to mind your own business. Patriotism and nationalism. The right has been changed forever with the election of Trump and the defeat of Trump in 2020 by the world elites has forced Trump to live in everyone’s head for 16 years instead of perhaps 10.
President Bush lost the popular vote in 2000 and was installed by a sympathetic Supreme Court. He won outright in 2004 after invading Iraq in Spring 2003. Just a coincidence we’re sure. Do you think that liberal condemnation of the Iraq invasion prevented Mr Bush’s third term (election of Palin/McCain)?? Mr Obama trounced Senator McCain because of the loopy Sarah Palin, the invasion of Iraq and especially, the 2008 housing/financial crisis.
America WAS attacked on 9/11 by reactionary Islamic fundamentalists. It’s understandable that this aroused nationalism in the citizenry, just as the Russian invasion has aroused Ukrainian nationalism.
Anyway, the world’s elites (Jews!!!) didn’t toss tRump out, the American voters did. tRump never reached even 50% approval. It wasn’t just global elites who disliked DonJon.
The rich get richer. What’s new. BlackRock uses billionaire’s money to make more money for billionaires and will use whatever available legal means to do so. If we want to slow the buy/flip/rent cycle redistributing billions from the working class to BlackRock et al, we have to change the laws. Every policy, every law…EVERYTHING… is enacted with the BlackRocks of the world in mind. Billionaires such as Putin, trump, Russian oligarchs, Chinese oligarchs, American oligarchs, Carlos Slim, Kim Kardashian and Tyler Perry bend the laws to their wills. Jeff Bezos’ personal wealth increased 60% during the pandemic!! He made an additional $60 BILLION in 2021 alone, for a total of $177 BILLION. Yay!!
But the big story is whether Hunter Biden paid enough in income tax!!
OH MY GOD. DOWD. The guy mentions Bush one time and you go off on a tangent about how the election was stolen in 2000 but the election in 2020 was perfectly fair.
You are seriously suffering from derangement syndrome. Like the guy said, Trump will live in your head for 16 years now because you guys cheated massively in 2020 to get rid of the MEANIE that was Trump. Ahh, I can see how the guy with a higher IQ than most scientists but was rude, crude and not sophisticated would offend the likes of sciency guys that believe they have the answer to everything, including the afterlife.
Say speaking of which where are the charges against TRUMP from the DA of NYC? I mean she has been investigating him for 2 years now and ZIP, ZERO, ZILCH. NADA.
Oh thats right its HRC and DIAPER JOE and HUNTER HIS PENIS BIDEN that is in trouble. The DNC was just fined 100k by the SEC for lying about the Russian collusion Hoax and CNN is reportintg on Nazi’s in Ukraine.
Doesn’t it just chap your anti-jewish ass that your echo chamber is falling apart and you aint got enough fingers to keep the truth out?????
The demoralized Democrat from Missouri wrote:
So, what’s next, posts that the Rothschilds control the world?
Let’s see, the United States overreacted to the panicdemic by shutting down much of the economy and scaring people into getting things delivered rather than going out to shop for themselves, and you are surprised that the owner of the world’s largest online shopping and delivery company made a ton of money?
Who, I wonder, was President for all but 19½ days in 2021? Which party controlled both Houses of Congress for all but 2½ days of 2021?
The Sage from St Louis wrote:
Let’s see, Vladimir Vladimirovich sent in the troops and tanks in 2014, when Barack Hussein Obama was President, and Mr Obama strongly, strongly! condemned the action, but did nothing. With Joe Biden as President [shudder!], President Putin once again sent troops and tanks into Ukraine.
During Donald Trump’s four years as President, no Russian troops or tanks were sent into Ukraine.
Thus, according to Mr Dowd, it’s all Donald Trump’s fault that Mr Putin sent the troops and tanks into Ukraine when Mr Trump wasn’t President.
The stumbling Kentuckian misses the mark. The murderous Putin has desired Ukraine since the dissolution of the USSR. Since the odious trump was doing Putin’s bidding for 4 years, ya know, destroying NATO, which would open up Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, why would Putin want to disrupt that cozy relationship? He wouldn’t. If he lives long enough Putin would love to see a trump or trumpist in charge in 2024. After all, Putin is a savvy genius.
Putin’s Russia increased its aerial assaults on Syrian civilians in 2018.
The distinguished Mr Dowd wrote:
Actually, I’m quite sure-footed. Something more alliterative might work better for you.
To have negotiated the fall of the Soviet Union, and come out on top, Mr Putin must indeed be a savvy genius!
President Trump was trying to destroy NATO? How, by pushing for the other NATO nations to start paying more of their own way? Heaven forfend!
It was, of course, the reaction of the NATO leadership in 2014 that put the Baltic States at risk; they saw how the NATO leaders were breathing a sigh of relief that Ukraine had declined NATO membership, as they saw that the larger powers had no stomach for defending Ukraine against nuclear-armed Russia. And now they’re seeing it again.
You said that Messrs Trump and Putin had a “cozy relationship”, but during that “cozy relationship” Vladimir Vladimirovich didn’t invade Ukraine! Do you think it somehow better that Mr Trump’s successor has a worse relationship with Mr Putin, even at the expense of Russia having invaded Ukraine? And when China invades Taiwan, will you blame that on President Trump as well?
The socialist from St Louis wrote:
Perhaps, just perhaps, some people think that going to war with nuclear-armed Russia isn’t the wisest idea around.
The laissez-faireian near Lexington typed: Perhaps, just perhaps, some people think that going to war with nuclear-armed Russia isn’t the wisest idea around.
We are not at war with Russia, although Russia invaded Ukraine and are now executing civilians. You may have an unmade point that the West has looked the other way when non-Europeans commit atrocities against other non-Europeans, e.g. Guatemalan gov’t death squad genocide of rural Mayans, Biafra/Nigeria genocide, Kurds/Iraqis, Serbian genocide of Bosnians (hence all these Muslim Bosnian refugees in St. Louis!)… But these Ukrainians look a lot like us and many speak English.
Although trumptilians deny it (they deny everything!), Ukraine was NOT threatening Russia, Ukraine is NOT run by Nazis or other right-wing authoritarians, and IS a nascent democracy. Paranoid Putin is afraid that freedom-loving, democratic European nations will have negative influences on the Russian people. Russian troops are reportedly executing Ukrainian civilians now.
Democracy-eschewing, tRump-worshiping wingers tend to side with Putin. nuWingers accept all the lies of the tRumPutin team.
What if anything should the U.S. do in response of this act by Putin?
Didn’t the wing-o-sphere tear into to President Obama for not taking “enough action” against Putin? My recollection is that Putin had nukes then too.
Here’s the lesson nations are learning: If you want to stay independent develop nukes.
Very soon we will erase the left from any real power. If we can keep it, that is. The next two elections will tell if real Americans love America or think she should be fundamentally changed. I don’t know what dOwd thinks “nationalism” means because he’s such a moonbat but it means putting your nation first. Now if that offends dOwd it’s too fukin bad but that’s what it is. We love America more than The Ukraine, Russia, England or Somalia. No, we are not all the same. No, all countries and cultures and religions and races and sexes are not the same. dOwd might think they are but that’s pure ignorance or fantasy.
FJB and his vp whore.
L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! is a whore!
FWT and his commenter whore!!
Got under your skin again dOwd? Thank you. That’s what I was going for. So I bad mouth one of the fags, commies or schvartze you worship like god’s and you call me bad names. Ohhh, I got the vapors. I’m so hurt. When you start calling us names we know we hit the target you moron.
FJB and his gangster son, whore VP and pervert fag Richie Levine. The entire democrat party is rotten to the core.
L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! typed: Got under your skin again dOwd? Thank you. That’s what I was going for.
This is the only objective of you nuCons. Pwn the libs! LOL. To you, Blacks are niggers, Muslims are muzzies, women are whores, gays are fags, trans are perverts. How would you address all the gay sex amongst fire”fighters”? You’re not married, right? Hmmm…
We’ve always understood that “men” such as you exist in America. We are not delusional, LOL. Insecure, white supremacist, con-boys like you are afraid to compete in the real world, so you become part of the white supremacist movement, feeling there is strength in numbers of like-minded, weak-minded white, “straight”, “men”.
Among the commenters here, YOU are the only one who uses those words and continually express those thoughts.

As stated before you “see” things that aren’t really there.
And you’re getting worse.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Silly ShitLips, real name Richard Breath. Winger commenters here type muzzie, whore, fag, pervert daily (including today). And Mr Teach made ShitLips stop typing his made up racist term, nignorant (nigger + ignorant).
So shut up. Your mother’s a whore, BTW. Lowrent Boebert is a whore. Melania is a whore. DonJontRump is a pervert (ask Stormy). Marjorie Greene is a whore. This is fun!! In fact, every conservative woman is a whore, and most of the “men”!
Bwaha! Lolgf
Losing it, hey Rimjob?
Guess you’ll be hovering over your keyboard all day waiting… for something to attack.

What a sick life you lead.
Seek help.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Ima thinkun that Dowd only believes every other country on earth is allowed to have national pride.
But weeze know that nationalism, when your trying to destroy a country from within as is what Communists progressives led by the SQUAD and the entitled AOC are doing with a dramatic flare, is pure evil and only those on the right would dare to have pride in their country.
Weeze know that the left wants to surge millions and millions and millions of illegals into this country using the tried and proven Cloward and Piven strategy of destroying an institution from within by OVERWHELMING IT and forcing it to collapse.
Diaper Joe and Jacklin Cameltoe are on orders to destroy the fabric of American society by allowing millions of criminals and MS-13 gang members into the country. Drugs are flowing freely as over 100k died last year alone from Drug Overdose’s but that is NOT ENOUGH.
We are led by Daiper Joe Biden who is most likely going to be impeached in 2023. Probably twice because the left impeached trump twice. Perhaps this time they might get some democratic votes since I was watching tv last night and hell even ABC and CBS was talking about Bidens problem with the laptop and these main news anchors looked pale and frantic.
LOLOLOL. Be careful GOP. Or you might end up with the idiot in Chief Harris or worse. NANCY PELOSI as president who will then select ILHAN OMAR to be VP then step down and OMAR can make it legal for people to marry their brothers and offer to fly in millions of Muslims from radical islamic countries for FREE!!!!
Listen to Down on the Corner claim to ever be a “thinkun”.
Be proud of what your country accomplishes and what your country aspires to. Don’t defend your country’s atrocities and crimes our of devotion.
“My country right or wrong”, is wrong. We’re sure the Nazis were proud of Germany, the Chinese proud of China, and Russians proud of Russia…
Problems arise from national SUPREMACY, which may lead to calls for racial PURITY.
Although it’s an accident that most of us were born here, it’s no accident that this greatest nation on Earth is also one of the most, if not THE most, diverse. Most of us are immigrants from France, Nigeria, Ireland, Germany, Mexico, Poland, Guinea, Italy, England, India, Senegal, China, Finland, Spain, Japan, Philipines and of course, native Americans… you get the idea. Six ethnicities/”races” are officially recognized by the U.S. Census Bureau for statistical purposes: White, American Indian and Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, and people of two or more “races”.
You see, unlike many (most?) nations, The United States of America’s culture and law do not equate nationality with “race”, religion or ethnicity, but with citizenship and an oath of permanent allegiance. When we give up these ideals, we give up America. The emerging from the shadows white (majority) nationalism movement is a response to this recognition.
DotC typed: Drugs are flowing freely as over 100k died last year
For whatever reason, drug overdose deaths have been increasing since 2016. A drop in 2017, but a steep increase since 2018. The emergence of fentanyl (a potent synthetic opioid) is one reason. Other conservative commenters view overdose deaths as a GOOD thing!! Do you agree, since you said 100K deaths are NOT ENOUGH. Based on what you now know, do you still think President Biden is responsible for the increase in overdose deaths since 2016?
DotC typed: millions of criminals and MS-13 gang members
A claim with no evidence? Let us help you out. 2021 DID show a record number of attempted border crossings! But…
Your anti-immigrant fervor (shared by nuCons, nuGOPhers) is recognized. You’re afraid of being “replaced”, but with America’s drop in fertility our population will DROP without immigrants!!
Laptops, Pelosi and Muslims, oh my!!