This is just so inconvenient for the Cult of Climastrology activists
Climate change gets pushed out of the spotlight
Climate change is no longer at the top of the agenda for world leaders and many executives, having been shoved aside due to the Russian war in Ukraine as well as COVID-19 and inflation.
Why it matters: The recent developments come at a hinge point for climate action, with the most ambitious Paris Agreement temperature target perilously close to slipping out of reach. (snip)
Inflation has increasingly taken up political oxygen in Washington and other global capitals, along with the fast-spreading Omicron variant that’s only now ebbing.
Against this backdrop, the Ukraine war is occupying world leaders’ time, and the ongoing, large-scale Russian military action in Ukraine could knock climate much further down the priority list.
That’s so terrible for climate cultists!
Threat level: John Kerry, President Biden’s climate envoy, warned last week that the crisis in Europe risks the world losing focus on the urgent tasks of driving emissions down and mobilizing financial resources from the private sector.
Yeah, I mentioned him yesterday, and lots of people excoriated him over his idiotic, divorced from reality, cult comments.
Zoom in: Kelly Sims Gallagher, director of the Climate Policy Lab at The Fletcher School at Tufts University, said she is concerned the conflict in Europe will sap the momentum from climate action.
“The problem is that now is exactly the time that countries need to be converting their pledges in Glasgow into concrete actions and policies so that they can set their economies on a path toward net zero,” she told Axios via email.
Life is just so inconvenient for people trying to force Other People to comply
What’s next: On Monday, a major new U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change assessment of climate change impacts, adaptation and vulnerability will be released. It is expected to contain new details of just how far behind we are in preventing the worst consequences of global warming.
Its message may be drowned out, though, this time by the sounds of artillery shells exploding in the heart of Europe.
All the cultists complaining about things like war getting in the way of implementing their Progressive (nice Fascism) seem to have no empathy for those going through war, COVID, high inflation. Yet, so few of the cultists change their own lives. Among most citizens Doing Something about ‘climate change’ is popular in theory, but, not in practice, and it almost always comes in low when a poll is taken on what’s important.

Hardly a surprise: whatever negative impacts
global warmingclimate change will have is down the road, while inflation is right now, today. Russia has already invaded Ukraine, and the fears of a wider war are today.I took this photo about an hour ago; regular gasoline, which was below $2.00 a gallon when Donald Trump was President, is now $3.379, up 20¢ since yesterday.
I took this photo yesterday at the Kroger on Bypass Road in Richmond. 1% milk was 99¢ per gallon in 2020, when Donald Trump was still President, rose to $1.29 in 2021, then to $1.79 on January 4, 2022. Now 1½ months later, it’s up to $2.19, all in the same store.
Since Joe Biden has [shudder!] been President, 1% milk has increased 121.21%!, and much of that occurred before Ukraine was even in the news.
The Bidenflation was, according to the numbers, ‘just’ 7.5% in January year-over-year, but when people actually see the changes in prices, it sure feels like more to them.
people, mostly the ignorant type locked in a partisan bubble of misinformation see and believe government numbers on anything including inflation they seem to instinctively believe it. They believe what they want to believe not what really is.
It’s their nature as leftists. That’s why the really dumb ones keep spouting about how “the right” (no explanation as to who that is exactly) are siding with that big bad Putin because Trump. It’s their narrative. It’s mental incompetency. I’m farther right than Rush or Tucker and I’m not for Putin! None of my conservative friends, family or neighbors are for Putin either. The leftist (who hate America) just make this stuff up and throw it out for their comrades in the press to blast around as fact. The only people who believe them are their own pre-propagandized followers cause the rest of us don’t give a rat’s butt about Russia or the Ukraine.
BTW, when did the snobs decide that Kiev, pronounced in English Kee-ev since before WWI is now Keev? These people just have to screw with everything.
It turns out that Ukrainians pronounce Kyiv as Keev. Russians call it Kee-ev. Reasonable people respond to new information, sometimes changing their actions. What do you do?
CarolAnn: the rest of us don’t give a rat’s butt about Russia or the Ukraine
Then STFU about it. But you do care, because you can use it as a cudgel against the Dem libs! No other reason!
The only objective of the American right-winger is to own or troll the libs. Period. No policy, no proposals, just fight the libs!
You and yours, farther right than the dead Rush or mother-Tucker, appear happy to let dictator Putin overrun Europe risking WWIII. Most Americans disagree.
But, please, please, please… by all means do exactly what the Dems want and continue your worship of the anti-American Donald J. TrumPutin! He cares as little about America as you do Ukraine.
DNC sez: Donald, if you’re listening… Please keep talking!!
the maestro from Missouri wrote:
Some Americans might be worried that setting up war over Poland or the Baltic States — we already know that there’ll be no war over Ukraine — is what risks World War III.
SovietsRussians already dominate Belarus and Georgia, and they are setting up to dominate Ukraine — assuming they don’t annex it outright, but that’s not what I anticipate — and that leaves the next logical targets to be the Baltic States, and the Baltic States are NATO members.We’re not going to fight over Ukraine; we’re just going to impose tough sanctions to punish Russia. But sanctions come with their own problems. If they aren’t tough, if there are tougher sanctions which could subsequently be imposed, then the sanctions don’t actually hurt Russia, and if the sanctions are about as tough as they can be, then there’s no room to toughen them even more if Tovarisch Putin moves into the Baltic States.
Oh, I’m sorry: ‘Comrade’ is no longer appropriate, is it?
And now we’re sending more American soldiers to Poland and the Baltic States. Those soldiers aren’t there in the hopes they could stop a Russian ‘incursion,’ but to be the sacrificial lambs if the Rooskies do come, the American casualties which force war.
We cannot win in a conventional war against Russia; we have failed every time we’ve fought at the end of multiple thousand mile long supply lines, in Vietnam, in Korea, in Iraq and in Afghanistan, and the last time we succeeded at the end of those supply lines took us four long years of war to do it. And if we were winning a conventional war against Russia, Russia’s ace in the hole to turn the tide would be nuclear weapons.
The notion of risking a nuclear war is utter, abject madness, yet today’s left seem to be blindly, and mindlessly, pushing toward that. You guys try to hold that if we aren’t trying to be tough, tough, tough on the former KGB officer, we are somehow Vladimir Putin’s cowardly stooges. Me? My position is that there is no bravery in risking war with a nuclear-armed nation, only utter, utter stupidity.
CarolAnn wrote:
In September of 2016, Heather Long, then an economics reporter for CNN, now with The Washington Post, wrote an article, “Problem: Most Americans don’t believe the unemployment rate is 5%,” noting that, despite the ‘official’ U-3 unemployment rate, people believed that unemployment was much higher, around 9% or more, which I pointed out was close to the U-6 unemployment rate at the time. And no matter what the official ‘numbers’ are, when a gallon of milk has gone up 121.21% in just over a year, inflation certainly feels higher than 7.5%.
People vote based on their perceptions, and a whole lot of people’s perceptions don’t match the official numbers.