At a time that most states, counties, and cities are getting rid of their mask mandates, even for schools, the CDC thinks they’re still relevant
CDC to release guidance Friday that would ease mask restrictions for many Americans
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will release new and highly anticipated guidance on Friday that eases indoor masking recommendations in many parts of the U.S., officials told ABC News.
The new guidance is expected to outline how the country should move into the next phase of the pandemic, with a shifted focus from daily spread in a community to the more severe impacts of the virus, like hospitalizations and health care strain.
CDC Director Rochelle Walensky has said publicly the agency was updating the guidance.
“Moving forward, our approach will advise enhanced prevention efforts in communities with a high volume of severe illness and will also focus on protecting our healthcare systems from being overwhelmed,” she tweeted late Thursday.
The new guidance will be intended to help states and counties decide what metrics should guide that decision at a local level. Omicron, which has substantially subsided across the country, left many Americans feeling eager to retain some normalcy during a potential lull in the pandemic.
Most states have been ignoring the CDC’s masking guidance for well over a year, because it has made little difference. You have lots of mask cultists stating that wearing masks brought down Delta and Omicron, yet, both variants rose while people were wearing masks. If masks work so well, why change the guidance? They didn’t after Delta cases crashed. And the infection rate right now is still higher nationally than it was before Omicron hit.
Though a majority of states went ahead and announced that they will drop mask mandates before the CDC’s guidance was ready, the new information could still aid local leaders and public health officials who are facing vastly different versions of the pandemic even within the same state.
Looks like the CDC is giving up on trying to influence states and, instead, target cities, getting them to listen to the CDC.
Walensky has cautioned, though, that there won’t be a “date certain” that ends the pandemic.
“I think we’re gonna tiptoe out of this and that we will very gradually, one day, realize in retrospect, we’re no longer in this anymore, or at least in it the way we have been for the last two years,” she said in a podcast interview on Tuesday.
In other words, they want to keep this going as long as possible, while most nations seem to be moving away from keeping this going. You know, this might have all turned out a lot better if it wasn’t so darned apparent that groups like the CDC weren’t using a pandemic for authoritarian power.

Our esteemed host began:
I must find my people so I can lead them!
However, in some places the Democrats are using the CDC guidelines as an excuse for continued tyranny, so this may be at least some progress.
Philadelphia recently ended its vaccine mandate for indoor dining, meaning minimum wage hostesses won’t have to check vaccination cards — and don’t you just love how the city imposed the mandate but left enforcement up to cute college girls? — but maintained the mask mandate. Of course, people have to take their useless masks off to actually eat and drink, so . . . .
Masks are tyranny!! LOL. Youse guys are a riot. An absolute friggin’ riot.
You may not be aware, but a true act of tyranny is taking place in Ukraine today! It’s been in the papers and on the TV! With the support of the ‘freedom-loving’ American right, the Russian tyrant has send Russian troops, tanks, bombers and missiles into neighboring Ukraine, a peaceful and functioning democracy. Putin’s objective is to recreate the old Soviet Union, one non-NATO nation at a time.
Sometimes ‘mandates’ rely largely on the commonweal of reasonable citizens…
We don’t have police officers enforcing the stop sign ‘mandates’.
And we’ll always have cranks rankling (cranklings?) under any suggested or ‘mandated’ action.
There are no laws outlawing line cutting at the theater, yet by and large reasonable citizens do the right thing and wait their turn. It’s these ‘sheeple’ who keep the peace, not the cops. The disapproval of the line is usually sufficient.
We get it. The cranklings aren’t gonna have nobody tell them what to do, dammit. You want me to wear a mask? Who’s gonna make me?
Today masks, tomorrow we invade Canada! It’s a slippery slope for the most free nation on Earth! (Although America will wait until Donald J. Trumputin is installed as Dear Leader in 2024 so the resulting American protesters can be better controlled by the Army. Canada has resources we need and is becoming increasingly ‘European’).
dOwd, your insane rantings are an absolute delight. It reminds us how lucky we are not to be you and not to be so filled with propaganda, misinformation and partisan hate we would spread the type of filth you spread.
Her’s an example how you sound to normal intelligent people: Cenk Uygur on how to show your dOwdist stupidity.
Francis J. Porretto asks of this idiot: “Have you ever seen a brain so completely programmed with slanders and insults? So thoroughly cleansed of anything resembling rational thought?” We answer “YES”, we know the dOwd and he’s so fukin stupid and hateful he makes Uygur look like Mother Teresa.
Here’s another brainless douche who kisses the pervert pres’ penis while vomiting hate toward whites, Christians and Americans:
Let’s go Brandon, more Americans to call traitors cause they don’t want you and your son grifting more billions from Ukraine.
Don’t care.
Best wishes!
Hypocrite Elwood repeating his Masters’ lies, hoping someday to be their good slave.
Typical Leftist.
The BillBot1900 is back!
My town has police enforcing “Stop” sign mandates. They even pull people over for violations. Where I live, this mandate is called a “LAW”, which was passed by both houses of my state, signed by the govenor and subject to judicial review.
I also won’t be fired from my job if i run a stop sign…
Well now Mow… If police in your town monitor every stop sign, YOU should protest. That is a police state.
Private companies have all sorts of rules. They make you wear shirts and shoes. You can’t come to work drunk. You can’t harass your fellow employees. You can’t curse your colleagues. You can’t pee in a jug in your office and carry it the bathroom at the end of the day. They can force you to fill out the cover sheets for your TPS reports. Sometimes they make you wear a badge, or a hat, gloves, a vest and on and on. They can test you for drugs. In fact, they can fire you for just about any reason they want, including if you don’t wear a mask. And they can even fire you for running stop signs.