Before Jonah Goldberg was infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome, he wrote a book called Liberal Fascism. It’s very long, it’s very dry, but, still worth the read. In it he calls Progressivism “nice Fascism.” It doesn’t mean they’re nice, it means they’re doing this for your own good. Oh, and the Fascism part. Here’s the Canadian Globe and Mail
The Ottawa truck convoy has revealed the ugly side of freedom
During the truck convoy protests, we have watched banners demanding “freedom” waving over big rigs parked in front of Parliament. But what does this vaunted “freedom” mean?
The answer is, everything and nothing.
Everything: the right not to wear masks in public places; the right not to be vaccinated; the right to hold Ottawa’s downtown residents and businesses hostage; the right to malign public officials and call for the Prime Minister’s death; the right to shout epithets at people of colour.
And nothing. Because freedom is an empty word unless you ask further questions: “Freedom from what?” “Freedom to do what?” And beyond that, “Where do my freedoms end and the freedoms of others begin?
Freedom is not absolute. We live in a social matrix, where one person’s exercise of freedom may conflict with another person’s exercise of freedom. Section 1 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms states this plainly. The Charter gives Canadians a bundle of rights and freedoms. But it prefaces them with this caution – these rights and freedoms, precious as they are, are not absolute. Governments, it proclaims, can limit freedoms, provided the limits are “reasonable” and can be “justified in a free and democratic society.”
Once again I’ll note that those freedoms, specifically speech, protest, and redress of grievance, are specifically meant to be about being able to do that against government without fear of reprisal, just like here in the U.S. And every single one of these people running around hating on the Freedom Truckers and cheering on cops acting like the Stasi, and things like
BREAKING: Tamara Lich, one of the key organizers of the protests in Ottawa, has been denied bail.
An Ontario court judge said she was not convinced Lich would not reoffend.
— Toronto Sun (@TheTorontoSun) February 22, 2022
keeping her in jail because she might fundraise for protesters again, and
.@JustinTrudeau's deputy tells Canadians the only way to get their bank accounts "unfrozen" is to stop protesting the government.
— Young Americans for Liberty (@YALiberty) February 21, 2022
That’s some stuff that would get organized crime prosecuted. This is what the lefties in Canada and the U.S. are cheering.
(Breitbart) Most Americans disagree with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s handling of the Canadian freedom truckers in his country, but a majority of Democrats support his protest crackdown, a Trafalgar Group survey released Tuesday found.
“Do you approve or disapprove of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s handling of the trucker protest in his country?” the survey asked.
Overall, it found 55.3 percent disapproving, compared to 35.1 percent who approve and 9.6 percent who are unaware of it.
Notably, there is a significant partisan divide, as 87.3 percent of Republicans disapprove of Trudeau’s handling of the protest, but 65.7 percent of Democrats approve of it. Most independents, 74.4 percent, disapprove.
Those who support the government crackdown, acting like a repressive government, should remember that they the next ones on the chopping block could be them. Democrats spent 4 years calling Trump literally Hitler. A Fascist. A dictator. And now they’re throwing their support behind government repression. Look at the top of the blog. Look at that tag line: if we don’t believe in freedom of speech for people we despise, we don’t believe in it at all.

According to the nuCons, there’s a dark side to democracy or something. A former US president and his former CIA head/ Sec of State lavishly praised the murderous Putin for his “savvy” and “genius” land invasion of a sovereign democracy.
Yet, the leader of the nuCon/nuGOP movement (nice fascists) expresses his admiration for his own Dark Lord and Russian Idol, Vlad Putin, who just led the military invasion of a sovereign democracy, Ukraine. Does The Teflon Don and his minions NOT realize that Putin hates America and wants to destroy us?
We fully understand the rank perfidy and cruelty of the nuCons who crave power and are willing to take it by any and all means necessary.
We fully understand that Don and his drooling minions hate Ukraine and President Zelenskyy since the President refused to be extorted by Boss Don’s melting lawyer Rudy Juliani and rejoice at the Don’s boss taking them down.
This is the current state to which the nuGOP has devolved – choosing Russia over America.
Teach and HIS minions must take a stand. Are you Russian or American? Teach has yet to say.
The sage from St Louis wrote:
You’ve got to admit it: Vladimir Vladimirovich has certainly outmaneuvered Joe Biden!
By recognizing the separatists’ states, and moving troops therein, Mr Putin can claim that he hasn’t invaded Ukraine, and has actually done pretty much we have done in using the United States Army to protect the westward expansion of white settlers, which is an unquestioned good.
Since the separatists claim more territory than they actually control, when the
RedRussian Army moves into those areas, if the Ukrainian military resist, Russia will have its pretext to move into the rest of Ukraine. That’s actually pretty smart, at least from the conqueror’s point of view.I speak Russian, I have studied Russian and Soviet history, and I occasionally sing the Soviet national anthem, to work on my Russian pronunciation, because Russian twists your tongue in ways unfamiliar to native English speakers.
But, then again, I know God Save the Queen and the La Marseillaise, and that doesn’t make me either British or French. I admire the Israelis for having survived the shoah, and reconquered the land of Israel, but that makes me neither Israeli or Jewish.
Heck, I’ve even tried Die Wacht am Rhein, the patriotic song the Nazis were singing in Casablanca, but I’m pretty poor at it. Ich spreche kein Deutsch.
But I’m an American, with my earliest American ancestor having arrived 401¼ years ago in the Mayflower. Your idiotic formulation, that we must somehow support Joe Biden to be American is as silly as it is repugnant. I note here how much support you gave to Donald Trump when he was in office.
We have the spectacle of Jennifer Rubin and the rest of the left trying to blame Donald Trump for this. Vladimir Putin sent his troops and tanks in to Ukraine in 2014, when Barack Hussein Obama was President, and before Mr Trump was even a candidate. Then Mr Putin did nothing from 2017 through 2020, only beginning to make his moves 13 months after President Trump left the Oval Office to the dummkopf from Delaware.
The Komrade of Kintuckistan should stop digging…
One word against The Teflon Don’s pronouncements, against Russian aggression, against nuGOPher hero, Vladimir Putin. One word?
We understand you’ll never support President Biden or America, but not one word against the Russian authoritarian who invaded the democracy next door?
We understand that you nuCons want to destroy the America you see today and rebuild it the image of 1900 America. And you can do it if you win the free and fair elections you hate so much (but that’s why nuCons are rigging the elections state-by-red-state). As the Kintucky Kolonel has famously admitted, the authoritarian nuCons know better than the people of America, so Caucasian, Christian, Conservative, Cockowners (C4s) should decide the fate of the nation. He noted that America was better when Blacks, women and the poor couldn’t vote (and it sure was – for Caucasian, Christian, Conservative, Cockowners).
Here’s the deal. Your apoplexy over Canada and your celebration of Russia tells America all it needs to know about your plans. Your projection about authoritarianism and ‘lining enemies of the state against the wall’ let’s us all know what you have in mind for nonCaucasian, nonChristian, nonConservative, nonCockowners.
Here’s a easy question for a nuCon: Is it wrong for an authoritarian dictatorship to invade and occupy a sovereign democracy?
Your hatred ‘the other’ outstrips your love of America. You hate America and don’t even realize it. We already knew that you hated democracy.
The distinguished Mr Dowd wrote:
The typical leftist argument: if you don’t denounce, you must support. I suppose that if I noted what every historian has, that Adolf Hitler completely outmaneuvered Neville Chamberlain, I’d be accused of supporting der Führer. It’s a specious argument, and I won’t play the game. Sure, it’s wrong for an authoritarian dictatorship to invade and conquer a sovereign democracy, but something being ‘wrong’ does not somehow invalidate the normal condition of nations, that every nation on earth, with the possible exception of an isolated place like Iceland, is governed by the people who conquered the previous inhabitants.
Dana in 2014 would you have supported Obama in going to war with Russia over the Crimea? I certainly don’t remember the GOP taling that position. I do remember the Dem House rebuking Trump for removing the sanctions on Russia, Do you think that Biden should put even more harsher sanctions on Putin? I do
Even if it causes fossil fuel prices to SKYROCKET ever higher.
Remember the costs of oil have remained the same. The only thing going up is profits. All of the oil producing gangsters love the Ukrainian invasion.have you checked your monthly electric bill lately for any increased “fuel surcharges”? Would you rather have Biden use economic muscles and increase fossil fuel prices? Or use mimitary muscle and have mitary casualties?I’d rather pay more for fossil fuels. Of course we could just allow Putin to grab any countries he wishes.
Thew Hirsute One asked:
Of course not. I see absolutely no reason to risk war with a nuclear-armed enemy over the Crimea, over Ukraine, over the Baltic States. or over Poland.
There is no such thing as morality in foreign affairs; there is only power.
The Hirsute One asked:
Given that the sanctions will not force Russia to quit Ukraine, why would I want to take money out of the hands of American workers? The question is: why would you want to cause fossil fuel prices to SKYROCKET, being that the victims of that would be the workers in the democratic nations?
Vladimir Vladimirovich knows what Joe Biden and Elwood Dowd and you refuse to recognize: sanctions are temporary, while Mr Putin can reasonably hope that any conquest of Ukraine would be permanent.
We can and will do sanctions, but while they will cause Russia some pain, they won’t undo the invasion, however far it goes.
Your statement presupposes that we could stop him; do you see us being able to stop him from seizing Ukraine?
From the Ace of Spades:
Will The Teflon Don’s fawning subservience to the murderous dictator Vladimir Putin help him with nuGOP voters in 2024? Will it help the nuGOP in the mid-terms? If so, what does this tell us about nuGOP voters?
Here’s the truth. Today’s nuCons hate the Dems more than they love America.
So PM Justin Trudeau is fascist dictator but Vladimir Putin, who has dissidents and journalists murdered worldwide is feted by nuGOPhers? At least Canada didn’t declare Eastern Alaska to be independent “nations”.
Just in: That ‘pussy’, President Zelenskyy, just declared a National Emergency in Ukraine just because the benevolent nuCon Putin is ‘peacekeeping’ in Eastern Ukraine.
Is the nuCon extreme concern over Canada as opposed to now Russian satellite, Ukraine, because Canada is our neighbor?
The madman from Missouri wrote:
It’s because we love America that we hate what today’s Democrats have become.
As I’ve noted before, while Republicans would have been upset that President Trump had lost, we wouldn’t be nearly as upset with Tulsi Gabbard Williams as President as we are with the dummkopf from Delaware and his ‘progressive’ filled administration. Mrs Williams respects individual rights in a way that the ‘progressives’ no longer do. She would have pushed vaccination hard, but she wouldn’t have tried to impose mandates and restrictions. She supports radical things like freedom of speech and religion and assembly. Yeah, she’s a stone liberal, supports infanticide and single-payer and perhaps even a guaranteed annual income, all things that conservatives would try to defeat, but she isn’t stupid and isn’t venal, and respects everybody’s individual rights.
That sure ain’t you guys! You want to compel people to get vaccinated, to force them to wear face diapers, buy plug-in electric cars or take public transportation, push reparations for slavery, deny history, push transgenderism and homosexuality as normal and acceptable, and basically try to remake society into your idiotic vision.
Philadelphia saw its 76th homicide of 2022 yesterday, and has now moved slightly ahead of the pace of killings from 2021’s not just record-setting but record-obliterating 562, all the product of seventy years of unbroken Democratic rule, and a ‘social justice’ and ‘racial justice’ George Soros-sponsored District Attorney who won’t prosecute criminals. This is what you and your policies have wrought!
Yeah, we hate that. Everything that today’s Democrats have touched has turned to [insert slang term for feces here]. You see crime and want to blame the people who haven’t broken the law. You see success, and want to trample upon that because it was success by whites or Asians, and claim it should be stifled and given to people who were not as successful. In the name of non-discrimination, you want to discriminate against people who have worked harder. In the name of diversity and inclusion, you have trashed religion.
And, in the end, you have hated yourselves. If the ‘progressives’ ever gain real power, it’s people like you who’ll be the first lined up against the wall.
The rapidly deteriorating Kintuck Kook types, risibly: It’s because we love America that we hate what today’s Democrats have become
And it’s because we love America that we recognize the transformation of the GOP into the nuGOP – anti-freedom, anti-democracy, anti-America. It’s clear that you nuGOPhers want to take America by any and all means necessary (including cheering on the ‘admirable’, ‘savvy genius’ Putin), but your tyranny will be for ‘good of the country’. Like any abuser, you claim ‘they made me do it!’.
Is there one nuGOPher who will criticize the military takeover of Ukraine by Russia? Just one? Teach? Bueller? Dana?
The Teflon Don has put you in an unenviable position. Do you block for The Teflon Don or do you protect America? That’s rhetorical. LOL.
the socialist from the Show Me State wrote:
It’s rather amusing that Mr Dowd claims that the GOP is “amti-freedom,” when it is the Republicans and conservatives and libertarians who are fighting for freedom, fighting against vaccine mandates, against mask mandates, against restrictions on the freedom of speech and religious liberty, against restrictions of the right of assembly or to keep and bear arms. It is amusing that Md Dowd claims that the GOP is “anti-democracy” when he has been supporting the authoritarian, executive imposition of orders and restrictions without any recourse of elected legislatures.
“Anti=-America”? We’re the ones fighting for those things upon which this country was founded, on individual rights, on personal liberty, while you would restrict them.
The Kommando from Kintuckistan doesn’t understand what freedom means.
The Libertarian cult is a joke, sorry to say. You guys have thrown in with the trumpiss klan so you’ll have to live with it. Interfering with the right to vote is not freedom. Discriminating against gays and trans people is not freedom.
Mr Dowd asked:
That, and because we see so many liberal Americans fawning over Justin Trudeau and his authoritarian actions, knowing that, if you could, you’d do exactly the same things!
Mr Dana types: because we see so many liberal Americans fawning over Justin Trudeau
Slow down there, Vlad. So your hatred of liberal Americans trumps everything, including your disdain for the murderous, truly authoritarian, neighbor-invading, that ‘savvy genius’ Russian, Putin???
nuGOPher logic: “Regrettably, we must destroy America to save it.” and “Let Putin be Putin.”
Really? Ronald Reagan is spinning in his grave.
Could a nuGOPher at least pretend that Russia invading Ukraine is the least bit a negative?
From the Canuckistan Globe and Mail:
Yes, it should mean the right not to wear masks in public places, along with the concomitant right to wear masks in such places. It should mean the right not to choose to be vaccinated, the right to malign public officials, to call for the Prime Minister’s death — at least if not in the form of an actual threat; the burning in effigy should be allowed — and the right to shout epithets at anyone, regardless of their color.
Blocking residents and businesses does infringe on the right of other people to travel, and the truckers could have found a better way to carry out their protests. The best way would be to simply stop trucking good; a week without truckers, and grocery store shelves would become very, very bare.
The Canuckistan government is still behaving like authoritarian dictators, holding someone in prison without bail for the crime of ‘mischief’ is wholly unreasonable . . . and just like the Feds here holding some of the Capitol kerfufflers without bail. Canuckistan is threatening to seize ownership of the truck and sell them, even though they haven’t actually convicted any of the truckers of any crimes. Of course, we have the repugnant civil asset forfeiture laws here, and they should be struck down.
Frankly, we disagree with PM Trudeau’s Emergency Order, but the fantasy that making people wear masks in restaurants, bars and stores during a pandemic is ‘like’ gulags and firing squads is a sign of extreme fear.
Anyway, the nuCon obsession with Canadian ‘authoritarianism’ is, well, unusual. Yet nuGOPhers have rallied behind the real ‘authoritarianism’ of Putin.
The Kintuckistani, Mr Dana, sees masks and vaccines as the slippery slope to death camps for the unvaccinated. We will counter with, “That’s just stupid!”. In America, mask mandates are being rapidly relaxed as the Covid new case rates drop over 90%. Even deaths are plummeting. These are all facts. Note that nearly 1 million Americans have died from Covid (we know, we know, nuCons deny this, and attribute most of the deaths to vaccinations – this too is ‘just stupid’). To a nuCon, 1 million deaths seems like ‘a little, not a lot’, but it also means several million wives, husbands, sons, daughters, mothers, fathers and friends have suffered the loss of a loved one. But, no biggie.
NuCons. We understand the fears that your ‘manly stoicism’ will not allow you to express out loud (softly: We’re afraid of losing our privilege. We beg you not to replace us). You should say it out loud and then all Americans can work together to assuage your fears.
Instead, you want to conquer your neighbors by force if necessary!
And holding alleged miscreants without bail! The horror! In the US, sometimes we avoid having to deal with bail by executing the alleged miscreant on the street or in their beds.
Take the Commie Pinko Quiz!
Good Stuff!

Bwaha! Lolgf
dOwd, you’re pretty keen with the fascist and communist infiltrators that have taken over the Democrat party, do you think there’s any way they can cheat and steal their way out of the defeat they face in November? Do your operatives at Dominion and your “street people” still have the structure that enabled you to steal 2020 or has it been largely lost thinking the moron brandon would hold the fort? I read and see Democrats running in all directions trying to tell the American people that whatever they are doing is not what they’re really doing. Like going into a war in Europe. Raising the cost of energy and therefore the cost of everything to ridiculous heights, or insisting men can be women and therefore compete with them in women’s sports. Oh, and don’t for get the latest Big Lie that the fake vaccines will keep us from getting or spreading Covid. That was a laugh yet way back when we said it was a fake you called us so many names…….
Now you’ve decide we “don’t love America” because we won’t accept your CRT/BLM version of it. IOW, we won’t accept the lie.
Did you listen to the Canadian senators debating the emergency powers act? Every single one went on a rant about minorities, sexuality, women, the homeless etc. The actual notional subject of war powers was irrelevant to the speakers in any way. The leftist fascists are completely focused on race, religion, disability and class in every white nation on earth. Talk about a death wish.
It’s like he had Turdeau in mind when the late P.J. O’Rourke in his seminal work Give War a Chance wrote:
“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.”
One can thus easily conjure up the image of Justin Trudeau, the entirety of the biden Administration, Nazi Pelosi and her Congressional minions, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates, the denizens of major corporate boardrooms, the professoriate at any major university, the “journalists” at the New York Times and the Washington Post and a litany of Hollywood actors and producers among a sea of duplicitous faces within the ruling class. And of course our own inimitable dOwd.
America, this is who is governing this country, this is who your leaders are. Be afraid. They are psychotic in their hate if God, whites and freedom and fully intend to eliminate all three.
They are dOwdists. Defined as a mix of fascism with communism, a dash of atheism and a generous splash of hate, shaken with bigotry and served over rocks of denial then garnished with innocent blood.
Let’s go Brandon, thousands of disposable deplorable American military to kill in Europe. Not a Harvard grad in the bunch. All expendable in the name of equity.
BrandO (Don’t call me Marlon!) imagines there’s a communist under every bed in America, but ignores the nuCon/nuGOP dictator of Russia who ordered his troops into Ukraine. Like most nuCons he doesn’t even know what a communist is.
Nice rant, trumpiss. But why do you hate America, freedom and democracy?
Is it OK for an authoritarian dictatorship to invade and occupy a democracy?
Can’t hear you!
Great link, JL, thanks.
Teach would you support the lefts right to close important bridges and transportation routes? Would you support them taking over the business section of Raleigh?
When Trump used thousands of national guard troops in DC after George Floyd was murdered, I dont recall you objecting. When Trump used military helicopters on protestors. Trump was able to do this under the guise of “training” for crowd control. Now that tge shoe is on the other foot Does it still fit?
Hairy: “When Trump used thousands of national guard troops in DC after George Floyd was murdered, I dont recall you objecting.”
The streets were filled with Marxist rioters not normal protestors. If they had not set fires and shit cops would have sufficed. Do you really believe a bunch of working men, truck drivers, protesting is anything similar to the criminal George Floyd riots and arsons? I don’t. And I think you’re being disingenuous at the very least psychopathic at the worst.
Exactly how did “Trump use military helicopters on peaceful protestors”? We really need to know since unless they were firing rockets or machine guns from the doors the best they can do is observe. Big f’n deal!
Let’s go Hairy, maybe you can get some people killed by hyping it up to eleven when a truck blows it’s horn.
A narrative script of a dOwdist:
You lads have let your allegiance to trump back you into backing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Take a breath, please.
It seems your only argument is that Putin didn’t invade Ukraine while trump was prez. But why would he since trump was doing Putin’s bidding daily.
The prior president placated Putin, gloriously meeting with him, lavishly and gushingly praising him (even today!), attacking NATO for him – he called NATO “obsolete”, encouraging Putin to interfere in US elections , hectoring Ukraine for him, denying that Russia put bounties on US soldiers, hired Russian associate Paul Manafort, – the prior president laid the groundwork for the American right’s disdain for Ukraine today. Said the former guy in 2014: Putin did “an amazing job of taking the mantle” when Russia invaded Crimea in 2014, and in 2016, “The people of Crimea, from what I’ve heard, would rather be with Russia than where they were.”
The former guy encouraged Russian hacking of Americans. When asked if Putin was ‘a killer’, he said, “There are a lot of killers. Do you think our country is so innocent?”
Putin recognized that trump was his boy and Putin didn’t want to rock the boat. trump’s ‘strength’ was his willingness to sacrifice America’s interests for Putin’s.
Of course you support Putin’s invasion of ‘vile’ Ukraine!! You were conditioned by your allegiance to trump. And of course Putin wants to harm President Biden and America so he can return to the good old days 2017-2020!
Teach! You need to rescue your minions, they’re drowning! Maybe FOX can spin it for you.
The Teflon Don has once again kicked his supporters in the groin by embracing the murdering autocrat, Vladimir Putin.
Quick. Your side needs a lifeline. The Teflon Don doesn’t care if nuGOPhers win or lose in 2020, just like he didn’t care that his antics lost you the Senate last time. Thanks, Don!!
By all means, keep on pushing the falsehood that Canada is a dictatorship while and actual murderous dictator you support has invaded a democracy, Ukraine.
Russians are shelling Ukrainian villages as the villagers are evacuating. Has Trudeau killed any protesters yet?
dOwd, you psychopathic fascist, you have nothing without Trump. You are still bitching and crying about him. You are the most hateful person we’ve ever seen. That goes for all your brain washed comrades and freedom hating leftist followers too. You people are really pathetic. You have nothing to do but blame Trump for everything that senile pussy joe destroys.
We know you blame everything on Trump and so do the rest of thinking Americans. We know you’re all phonies, liars and grifters. Hunter should be your mascot and “Heels up” Harris and Occasional-cotex your brain trust.
dOwd, you made us believe males can become females. You’re the perfect example.
Let’s go dOwd, type out some more tripe about your fascist leaders and oppressive ideas.
Marlon, you’re a psychopathic fascist. Understanding trump explains psychopaths such as you. We’re not surprised that you want to change the subject.
Do you agree with your god, The Don, that the murderous ‘savvy genius’ dictator or Russia, Vladimir Putin is all that and a bag of chips?
We’ll let trump go when he’s gone.
Thanks, Brandon!