Obviously, that’s not what they mean, but, it really is what it equates to
Climate Change Enters the Therapy Room
Ten years ago, psychologists proposed that a wide range of people would suffer anxiety and grief over climate. Skepticism about that idea is gone.
It would hit Alina Black in the snack aisle at Trader Joe’s, a wave of guilt and shame that made her skin crawl.
Something as simple as nuts. They came wrapped in plastic, often in layers of it, that she imagined leaving her house and traveling to a landfill, where it would remain through her lifetime and the lifetime of her children.
She longed, really longed, to make less of a mark on the earth. But she had also had a baby in diapers, and a full-time job, and a 5-year-old who wanted snacks. At the age of 37, these conflicting forces were slowly closing on her, like a set of jaws.
In the early-morning hours, after nursing the baby, she would slip down a rabbit hole, scrolling through news reports of droughts, fires, mass extinction. Then she would stare into the dark.
It was for this reason that, around six months ago, she searched “climate anxiety” and pulled up the name of Thomas J. Doherty, a Portland psychologist who specializes in climate.
A decade ago, Dr. Doherty and a colleague, Susan Clayton, a professor of psychology at the College of Wooster, published a paper proposing a new idea. They argued that climate change would have a powerful psychological impact — not just on the people bearing the brunt of it, but on people following it through news and research. At the time, the notion was seen as speculative.
That skepticism is fading. Eco-anxiety, a concept introduced by young activists, has entered a mainstream vocabulary. And professional organizations are hurrying to catch up, exploring approaches to treating anxiety that is both existential and, many would argue, rational.
Why, yes, they really are crazy. The Elites, the media, the activists, etc, push the doom and gloom, which makes the average climate cultists fearful, anxious, unhinged, and so forth, and then they need therapy to reinforce their climate crazy.
Though there is little empirical data on effective treatments, the field is expanding swiftly. The Climate Psychology Alliance provides an online directory of climate-aware therapists; the Good Grief Network, a peer support network modeled on 12-step addiction programs, has spawned more than 50 groups; professional certification programs in climate psychology have begun to appear.
They’re addicted to doom.
She understands how privileged she is; she describes her anxiety as a “luxury problem.” But still: The plastic toys in the bathtub made her anxious. The disposable diapers made her anxious. She began to ask herself, what is the relationship between the diapers and the wildfires?
“I feel like I have developed a phobia to my way of life,” she said.
Good grief. This cultish belief set is not good for their mental health. There needs to be an intervention with deprogramming.

Ottawa truckers protest turns into big party with reported dancing in the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Bad optics on that one.
There is a lawyer who does little you tube videos. He has been covering this and guess what, fake news. Just think, you are one of the 40,000,000 million brain dead Americans that voted for Biden and we see that stupidity in your comments.
Show us pictures and video Hairy or it didn’t happen. I was watching all kinds of news on the truckers. Video and overhead drone and I saw ZERO violence, Zero rowdiness and certainly ZERO Confederate or Nazi’ flags.
Lie, Lie and Lies some more. Hairy is fake news.
When the warmunists have been promoting fear, fear, fear, is it any surprise that some have developed fear?
Shocking that 20+ years of “We’re all gonna DIE!” has that effect.
I think we need a government grant to study this.
Really? That is like asking me to rub your face in your own shit for a 2nd time
You should havevlooked yourself to avoid thst happening
Here is the first Google
Top Canadian Defence Force officials Condemn protedyors dancing on grave
Jan39,2022 6:51 (primevtime news!)
There how is that? Does it feel better to have to be told again for a 2nd time? Or do you wish that you had looked for yourself? I know I personally would not have to be told something I realky didn’t want to hear twice. But maybe you prefer to be instructed by others
Please quit being so stupid. Where is the arrest with proper I’d. For that matter, where is the link. Anyone dancing on war graves would be the ANTIFA types like the ones who acted like Trump supporters. You fall for the setup every time, little puke.
Pulled up the video, clearly not truckers. Fat women are usually liberal/ communist. As I said the lawyer did the story and not truckers, doesn’t even make sense.
Top Canadian Defence Force officials Condemn protedyors dancing on grave
Yeah, I looked at the VIDEO. There was what appears to be one man standing on top of a statue doing no dancing while about 3 or 4 people were milling about, one of them taking pictures of what I can only assume was their buddy, husband or wife.
There was no dancing. There was no desecration. There was no tearing down of statues for their political aims. Unlike BLM and Antifa both of whom are heavily supported by the left.
Why didn’t you link your Damning video, Fake News Hairy?
Fake news. The problem with the MSM anymore, especially in a nation like Canada that does not provide for free speech and has told many conservatives they will be ARRESTED if they cross into Canada to give a speech.
FAKE NEWS HAIRY. You just unfortunately eat up fake news and then purvey it with the greatest of glee.
From Huffington Post:
“uses threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or disorderly behaviour, or displays any writing, sign or other visible representation which is threatening, abusive or insulting, within the hearing or sight of a person likely to be caused harassment, alarm or distress thereby.”
Essentially, it makes it illegal to insult anyone.
There is no free speech and if the courts of Canada deem the great HONKENING as offensive it can be deemed a crime, punishable with pretty stiff penalties.
Until I looked at the check which said $5381, I be certain …that my best friend like they say really bringing in money in there spare time from their computer.. there mums best friend started doing this for under 10 months and just now cleared the morgage on their apartment and purchased a new Alfa Romeo.
visit this web-site…..…. http://webwork242.blogspot.com/
You date a lot of skinny female truckers ?
These were people supporting tge truckers. Maybe wives or daughters. David did you also read the statement from the Defense Minister concerning tge rally demonstrators about the dancing on the grave? Any comments by the rally organizers condemning that or ANY of the other crim ok names acts done there by either truckers or their supporters.
As for fat chick’s sfe lefties? Obesity is far higher in red states that is a well known fact. 9 of the top 10 healthiest states are blue. 90% of all Canadian adults are vaccinated. You think that she is one of the unvaccinsted liberals? You think that? There are well over 10000 female truck drivers in Canada my guess is that many are fat. Truck driving is a very unhealthy occupation The trucker protest is already losing whst little popular support it had . David exactly what do thectrucjers want? They protested because tge Canadisn government said that un vaccinated truckers must quarantine for 5 days after returning from the USA. Well unvaccinsted truckers are NOT ALLOWED INTO THE USA AS ARE ALL OTHER UNVACCINATED HUMANS without quarantine/testing. Lol
Do you even know why they are protrdting? I sure as hell don’t. As forvtge fat chick’s dancing on the war grave in support of the truck protest the police sre after her.
Hairy: “Well unvaccinsted truckers are NOT ALLOWED INTO THE USA AS ARE ALL OTHER UNVACCINATED HUMANS without quarantine/testing.”
Except for corrupt biden’s filthy illegal aliens! They can come in any time at any place, be welcomed by the junta as future democrat voters, transported to cities all over America, unemployed, unclean, infected and impoverished. But regular truck drivers (read conservative voters) no way. You are all partisan liars and thieves.