So, let’s see, government can mandate masks, but, cannot mandate that government not mandate masks?
Judge rules Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s ban on school mask mandates violates federal law
A federal judge in Texas ruled Wednesday that Gov. Greg Abbott’s executive order banning mask mandates in schools violates the Americans with Disabilities Act, setting the stage for school districts in the state to decide whether they want to impose mask rules.
U.S. District Judge Lee Yeakel wrote in a 29-page ruling that the ADA, a federal law enacted in 1990, supersedes Abbott’s July order banning facial coverings in schools.
“The spread of COVID-19 poses an even greater risk for children with special health needs. Children with certain underlying conditions who contract COVID-19 are more likely to experience severe acute biological effects and to require admission to a hospital and the hospital’s intensive-care unit,” Yeakel said. “This includes children with conditions including, Down syndrome, organ transplants, lung conditions, heart conditions, and weakened immune systems.”
Yeakel added, “The evidence presented by Plaintiffs establishes that Plaintiffs are being denied the benefits of in-person learning on an equal basis as their peers without disabilities.”
The plaintiffs can wear masks voluntarily, right? No one is stopping them. Besides the fact that masking barely makes a difference, even if worn correctly, which most people, including those in the Mask Cult, do not. This is the problem with the Big Federal Government laws: what seems common sense, the ADA, is used in ways it was never intended. People, including courts, continuously find new ways to use it, when most everything should be the responsibility of the States, per the Constitution. Hence, things that should stay in states are pushed into federal court. Why would a federal court be involved in a dispute within a state? This is not a Constitutional issue.
“Governor Abbott’s executive order clearly violates federal law, and Attorney General Paxton’s enforcement of the order against school districts is now stopped,” said Kym Davis Rogers, an attorney for the group, in a statement.
“As the court found, Texas is not above federal law, and state officials cannot prevent school districts from providing accommodations to students who are especially vulnerable to the risks of COVID-19. We are thankful that school districts can now take the steps necessary to protect these students. No student should be forced to make the choice of forfeiting their education or risking their health, and now they won’t have to.”
Here’s a question: what if a school doesn’t want to implement a mask mandate, and one or two parents lose their minds? Will they force all the kids to do so with a lawsuit? At a point where schools are removing their mask mandate, and, heck, a goodly chunk of Europe did not have mask mandates for kids. If masks work, why do we keep seeing the Elites playing mask theater? Here’s Pelosi, one of the latest.
At this time, there is no word for Greg Abbott or AG Ken Paxton on whether they will appeal. Meanwhile
Highly-vaccinated Vermont has more COVID-19 cases than ever. Why is this happening?
As Vermont reports higher than ever COVID-19 case rates, state health officials have been trying to understand why.
How can a state that did so well during the first part of the pandemic — even garnering national recognition — be doing so much worse now?
“There is not one simple answer,” said Vermont Health Commissioner Dr. Mark Levine during a news conference Tuesday. “But, there are clearly factors that have come together to create the situation that we’re in now.”
Positive cases have been climbing in Vermont in recent weeks despite the state’s having one of the highest vaccination rates against the virus in the U.S. Cases rose last year around this time as well as people spent more time indoors, but the state still enjoyed one of the lowest case rates in the country then.
Cases in Vermont have increased by about 55% over the last 14 days, according to a modeling report by Financial Regulation Commissioner Mike Pieciak. Some recent days have seen daily cases spike above 400 — the highest Vermont has seen since the beginning of the pandemic.
Vermont is an easy Democrat state. They voted 66% for Let’s Go Brandon. So, even though there’s no mask mandates, you can bet the mask fetishists in the Dem party are wearing them everywhere. So, strange that COVID is rising, eh?
Those gosh darned liberal judges. They just ruled that the ADA created an affirmative obligation of the government to kill all the healthy people if it saves just one unhealthy (disabled) person.
This is what happens when judges rule in favor of the outcome they want instead of the actual law.
Masks are very effective against the transmission of covid
Jan 26 2021
Federal Judge Yeakle appointed by George Bush has now been declared a liberal by the radical right
Hmmm… couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the vaccines themselves.
Nah! Perish the thought.
Americans don’t like being played for suckers.
Bwaha! Lolgf
If everyone gets vaccinated, Covid becomes like a mild cold.
Another opinion piece cut&pasted by the Rimjob with lots of unvarified speculation claiming to be fact.
Oh, forgot the dipshit doesn’t like to post facts.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Yikes. One-third of white-tailed deer tested in Iowa were positive for Covid-19. Another study showed 40% of wild white-tailed deer sampled in 2021 in four U.S. states: Michigan, Illinois, New York and Pennsylvania were positive.
This is disquieting since it suggests an animal reservoir in the US for re-infecting humans. In addition, an animal reservoir where other coronaviruses are endemic affords opportunities for viral recombination events capable of generating other, more dangerous various.
I saw that story a couple of days ago, and joked (?) that Governors Andy Beshear and Tom Wolf would use it as an excuse to cancel deer season.
Better get used to living with COVID-19; it’s here to stay. That’s the kind of thing that might persuade more people to get vaccinated, far more than authoritarian dictates.
I thought you were going to say that Beshear and Wolf would mandate deer masks!!
I’m deer hunting this weekend and this group butchers their own deer. I’ll recommend gloves and masks (although all are vaccinated and boosted).
Our esteemed host erred:
You can’t bet that at all: the left don’t like wearing masks any more than normal Americans, so they probably don’t wear them anywhere they do not have to, save opportunities in which they can advocate more restrictions on normal Americans.
Abbott’s executive order banning mask mandates in schools violates the Americans with Disabilities Act,
BullSHIT. Nobody is being DENIED the ability to wear a mask.
[…] Federal Judge Blocks Texas’ Mask Mandate Or Something — Pirate’s Cove […]
So, why not just treat it like other states that have legalized Pot which is to ask why not just ignore the Federal Judge?
To paraphrase the Democrat POTUS Andrew Jackson with regards to the SOCUTS ‘some Federal Judge has issued his ruling now let him enforce it’.
The Biden administration is the opposite of Jackson. They are entirely willing and able to enforce any judicial decree whenever they support the outcome.