One has to wonder, what with all the tyrants in governor’s office, such as Gretchen Whitmer, if this will result in them mandating what masks are acceptable and which aren’t
Duke researchers put masks, face coverings to the test
How can consumers know how much protection their face covering really offers? A new Duke University study attempts to answer that very question.
The study conducted at Duke will help not only in the Triangle but all across the country.
Fitted N95 masks performed very well, according to the study, by keeping droplets inside the mask. But some coverings didn’t do so well. (snip)
Despite testing, the surgical mask didn’t do as well as the N95 because there are some gaps in the mask where droplets can escape. Researchers found that the two-layer cloth mask doesn’t give droplets much room to escape. However, it does not provide a tight seal like the N95. (snip)
The bandana face-covering did not do well in the study. The researchers said it may look fashionable, but it did very little for protection.
“Because the material is thin, it transmits lots of droplets,” Fischer said. “A bandana has lots of gaps.”
Lastly, and perhaps most surprisingly, the neck fleece had the highest number of droplets released – more than if no mask were worn. The researchers believe the material breaks larger droplets into smaller particles.
So, will they ban use of ones like neck fleece, which most people refer to as gaiters, and bandanas? How about all these colorful masks worn by people that are typically still rather thin, not much different from t-shirt material, and leave openings? Will governor’s mandate that the companies making them test them to see if effective?
In fairness, if they work, wear it when you are supposed to. It is what it is. Such is life pretty much around the world right now.
Who's up for wearing a plague doctor mask on election day?
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) August 2, 2020
How about every day?

Our esteemed host wrote:
Well, of course they will . . . because it’s a chance to strike out against unfettered capitalism!
My Facebook feed is full of ads for University of Kentucky logo masks, so somebody is making a buck or three on them. I see things about individuals sewing their own masks, perhaps even selling them, and, horrors! that means the State isn’t collecting sales tax!
In fairness, the states have politicized this far too much. Reichsstatthalter Andy Beshear (NSDAP-KY) has extended his mandatory mask order for another thirty days, and while I would wear the mask without reservation had he asked me to, his ordering of such makes wearing a mask feel like knuckling under to the Power of the State, and thus, I resist where I can.
While there had been several lower court injunctions against the Reichsstatthalter’s Führerbefehle, the state Supreme Court decided that no lower court could enjoin the Führerbefehle until that Court had reviewed them. The Court set the date for oral arguments at September 17th, which means that we have yet another 1½ months before his orders can be legally challenged. Thus, his current orders will remain in force throughout their intended lives. Herr Beshear could end them before September 17th, in which instance the Court would dismiss everything as moot . . . at which point he could reissue them!
Eventually the Wuhan Chinese Virus will fade away as a problem, but the damage to our constitutional rights will last much longer.
Stop signs, income tax, no smoking areas, zoning laws, seat belts, air bags, speed limits, defamation, business licenses, anti-pollution laws, TSA, vaccinations, truancy, public decency, noise ordinances, checkpoints at state borders, voter registrations, FDA, CDC, USDA, drug laws, OSHA, EPA, tariffs, child labor laws, minimum wage…
But connies will die on the hill opposing wearing masks to stop the spread the Trump Virus. Freedom!!
Anyway, why shouldn’t capitalism be fettered a little? An economic system doesn’t need to be a suicide pact. Should a billion dollar drug company advertise its “cure” for autism and sell it to desperate parents? If the autism “cure” turns out to be toxic, those hurt can sue the company. What’s a dead child worth? Enough lawsuits, enough bad press would keep the companies in line, right? Unless connies limit lawsuits and prosecute complaining “customers”.
Isn’t absolute freedom called anarchy? What connies want is THEIR absolute freedom to do what they want at all times with no responsibility to others. Toddlers think that way too.
Portland Grandmas vs. Antifa Terrorist Mob (Video)
tRump is leading a death cult – The tRump Death Cult – The tDC.
“They are dying, that’s true. And you have — it is what it is.”
Hundreds of thousands of Americans dying and “It is what it is”.
Remember the right-wing brouhaha over the Ebola pandemic handled by President Obama – 11 cases and 2 deaths.
Whether at the hands of right-wing police, gangs, mass murderers, or the Trump Plague, we all die. It is what it is. No doubt hundreds if not thousands of schoolchildren will die in service to the tDC’s re-election campaign. A father of a child killed by tRump’s willful ineptness may not be satisfied with “It is what it is”.
It’s been reported that that symbol of connie manliness, Jared Kushner, led a committee that decided since the Trump Plague was contained to Blue states (CA, NY, NJ, MA, CT, IL etc) that the administration could slow walk any actions and place all the blame on Dem governors. “…because the virus had hit blue states hardest, a national plan was unnecessary and would not make sense politically.†tRumpists are still fantasizing that the strategy is working, with 10s of thousands more dead American, with over 50 million collecting unemployment benefits and minority unemployment at 15%.
Mommygov will declare war on mortality and we will all be immortal.
Commissar apparatchiks are hammering out the stone tablets right now.
Forward! Yes we can.
The simple truth is….
No matter what you do, what you wear or how far away you stay from others, you likely will catch this thing unless, of course, you already have and just didn’t know. This social distancing, shut down and mask crap is doing nothing but prolonging the inevitable. The vast majority of the world’s population is going to catch this cold at some time and there is NOTHING we can do to stop it.
The vast majority of the world’s population is going to catch this cold at some time and there is NOTHING we can do to stop it.
Hardly 10,000,000 Americans would die with a 100% infection rate, and mostly old, infirm, minorities and the poor.
So why not just allow the virus to infect everyone? After all, by killing many seniors it limits SS and Medicare payouts! And rather than clutter ICUs with senior patients just prescribe sedatives and opiates to ease their path to the inevitable. That way we can save the limited (~ 125,000) ICU beds and staff for those most likely to survive.
Poor Americans are also disproportionately affected by Covid-19, so we also get the bonus of dead poor people, decreasing overall poverty! It’s the ultimate NuCon war on poverty!
Fewer oldsters, fewer minorities, fewer poor people, reduced gov’t spending. It’s a win, win, win, win. A younger, whiter, healthier and more prosperous America.
Hardly 10,000,000 Americans would die with a 100% infection rate, and mostly old, infirm, minorities and the poor.
Care to back that one up?
So why not just allow the virus to infect everyone? After all, by killing many seniors it limits SS and Medicare payouts! And rather than clutter ICUs with senior patients just prescribe sedatives and opiates to ease their path to the inevitable. That way we can save the limited (~ 125,000) ICU beds and staff for those most likely to survive.
Hmmm, you’ve just given the world a justification for Nipsy Cuomo to send all the released Dien Bien Flu patients into nursing homes.
And most of the ICU beds were never used, idiot.
Poor Americans are also disproportionately affected by Covid-19, so we also get the bonus of dead poor people, decreasing overall poverty! It’s the ultimate NuCon war on poverty!
ICYMI that was ol’ Lyndon Byrd’s War On Poverty. Since the Demos never formally surrendered, I assume it’s still going on.
Fewer oldsters, fewer minorities, fewer poor people, reduced gov’t spending. It’s a win, win, win, win. A younger, whiter, healthier and more prosperous America.
You forgot fewer Democrats. The mishandling of this fiction by tyrannical, megalomaniacal Democrat state governors, coupled with the riots encouraged and sanctioned by Democrat mayors, is achieving that.