Unsurprisingly, anthropogenic climate change is actually a low hanging issue
Voters want to tackle climate change — but not at expense of kitchen table issues
As the nation prepares for the 2020 election, two major issues have emerged, especially for the Democratic field: income inequality and climate change.
Not surprisingly, these were the major themes in the Green New Deal (GND), a congressional resolution introduced in February by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.). The GND has again taken center stage with two recent presidential candidate climate change forums and all the activities surrounding climate week including mass protests across the country, activist Greta Thunberg’s prominence and the United Nations Climate Summit.
But is climate change at the top of voters’ minds? And how do they feel about some of the proposed actions and policies put forth by experts and politicians?
A new poll conducted by Morning Consult, on behalf of the American Council for Capital Formation, shows that the vast majority of adults (81 percent) worry about the quality of the environment, and over half say climate change is happening and that it is caused by human activity. But when asked “What is the top issue on your mind when you cast your vote for federal offices?†the most common responses are the economy and jobs (19 percent) followed by health care (16 percent). Only 7 percent mentioned climate change as their top concern.
Funny how that keeps happening. People just really do not care in practice about this stuff. Especially when
Another emerging theme from the survey is that people do not want to spend their own money to combat climate change. Thirty-seven percent do not want to pay any additional taxes, and only 14 percent are willing to pay even $1 more a month.
Since the GND promotes a 100 percent switch to renewables, we also asked whether people would be willing to pay more in various costs to support such a switch. A resounding 70 percent of respondents said they are unwilling to pay more in electric bills, 66 percent are unwilling to pay more in taxes, and 67 percent are unwilling to pay more in food costs to see a shift to 100 percent renewable energy.
It gets more fun with paying more
Just 27% are willing to pay more than $5 extra a month. And only 10% more than $20. Further, from the Morning Consult poll
When given more information about natural gas and its clean energy nature, abundance, and source of cutting carbon emissions, a majority (70%) of adults support continued use of natural gas for electricity.
70% of respondents are not willing to pay more in electric bills, 67% are not willing to pay more in transportation costs, 66% are not willing to pay more in taxes, and 67% are not willing to pay more in food costs to see a shift to 100% renewable energy.
And, this poll has a Dem/GOP/Independent breakdown of 38/33/29, so, an oversampling of Dems and they still do not care in practice. And this Hotcoldwetdry push isn’t moving the needle for Independents. Keep pushing, Warmists.

To do half of what the UN and the world demands of the United States it will be more on the order of 5000 a month. But we can afford it. We will just keep the printing presses rolling until their is nothing left of our country while the rest of the world
And the AGW crowd wonders why the fiscal right in this country are so opposed to AGW proposals which are noting more than taxes.
Why we are opposed to programs that actually destroy entire segments of the economy? If they don’t know talking about it over and over and over again by us is a waste of breath.