By now you’ve surely heard about Trump taking a shot at Rep Elijah Cummings, noting that his portion of district in Baltimore is pretty bad. Rather than addressing the actual substance of the tweet (which, let’s be honest, is meant to drive Liberals insane), the Usual Characters went with claiming raaaaacism. Which is interesting, since the first thing they think of is skin color. Doesn’t that make them…..racists? Anyhow, how’d the Baltimore Sun cover it? (via Twitchy)
This is the perfect example of #TrumpDerangementSyndrome #TDS.
In April, the @baltimoresun was concerned about the trash in the city.
Only 3 months later, they are accepting of a rat infestation.
The citizens of #Baltimore deserve better.
— Amy Kremer (@AmyKremer) July 28, 2019
They’ve also noted that Trump was right about Baltimore’s problems back in 2016, and mapped Baltimore’s rat hot spots last August. But, see, now
Better to have a few rats than to be one
In case anyone missed it, the president of the United States had some choice words to describe Maryland’s 7th congressional district on Saturday morning. Here are the key phrases: “no human being would want to live there,†it is a “very dangerous & filthy place,†“Worst in the USA†and, our personal favorite: It is a “rat and rodent infested mess.†He wasn’t really speaking of the 7th as a whole. He failed to mention Ellicott City, for example, or Baldwin or Monkton or Prettyboy, all of which are contained in the sprawling yet oddly-shaped district that runs from western Howard County to southern Harford County. No, Donald Trump’s wrath was directed at Baltimore and specifically at Rep. Elijah Cummings, the 68-year-old son of a former South Carolina sharecropper who has represented the district in the U.S. House of Representatives since 1996.
In pointing to the 7th, the president wasn’t hoping his supporters would recognize landmarks like Johns Hopkins Hospital, perhaps the nation’s leading medical center. He wasn’t conjuring images of the U.S. Social Security Administration, where they write the checks that so many retired and disabled Americans depend upon. It wasn’t about the beauty of the Inner Harbor or the proud history of Fort McHenry. And it surely wasn’t about the economic standing of a district where the median income is actually above the national average. No, he was returning to an old standby of attacking an African American lawmaker from a majority black district on the most emotional and bigoted of arguments. It was only surprising that there wasn’t room for a few classic phrases like “you people†or “welfare queens†or “crime-ridden ghettos†or a suggestion that the congressman “go back†to where he came from.
So, see, some equivocation and obfuscation. Fort McHenry isn’t in the 7th. John Hopkins is just barely outside of it. SSA? Depends on which one they’re talking about. But there is that assault on a Muslim city police department employee, which looks to have occurred within the 7th, and made the same editorial board upset.
Oh, and hey, boosters are going to launch a We Are Baltimore website after Trump’s attack! They might want to forget some information
Most of his district is high crime, and Baltimore gets a 1 on safety scale (100 is the best)
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) July 28, 2019
Joy? The overall crime rate for Baltimore (70% Black) is 153% higher than the national average. Employment gets an D-. Schools get an F. Cost of living is s C-. Stats don't lie.
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) July 28, 2019
No, not all of Baltimore is horrible, but, this is what Democrats have wrought in Charm City. As Todd Starnes notes
I feel great sympathy for the plight of the impoverished citizens of Maryland’s 7th Congressional District. For decades the Democrats have promised them jobs, good schools and safe communities.
Residents waited patiently for the Promised Land, only to discover the Democrats’ policies had turned their congressional district into a dystopian wasteland.
The people of Baltimore pledged their allegiance to Democrats in City Hall and Washington, only to be betrayed, their community turned into a dumping ground for the political ruling class. (snip)
The BBC featured the city in a scathing report on poverty in America. At least 25 percent of the people in Cummings’ congressional district live in poverty.
“If you want to know what poverty in America looks like, well this is it,” the BBC reporter declared.Â
This is what you get in a city run by Democrats. And, if we want to go down the race route, it sure seems like they do not care much about Blacks, eh?

Another Democrat Run City – Why am I not Surprised! Lets keep the city looking like chit! Someone has their hands in the cookie jars – where’s the money to keep the city running instead of turning it into a TOILET BOWL!
Another Democrat Run City – Why am I not Surprised! Lets keep the city looking like chit! Someone has their hands constantly in the cookie jars – where’s the money to keep the city running instead of turning it into a TOILET BOWL!
“No, he was returning to an old standby of attacking an African American lawmaker from a majority black district on the most emotional and bigoted of arguments.”
To the editors of the Baltimore Sun: What does it mean if YOU hear the “dog whistle”?
Show your work.
So it’s bigoted to point out the Democrats treat their black constituents like the used to treat their black slaves? Perhaps instead of being “offended” by the truth the left should accept responsibility and begin to throw out crooks like “Elijah” and his wife and actually do what they’ve spent decades saying they would do. He has a salary of $174,000 and lives here:
No corruption there, I guess.
Trump 2020 Throw “Elijah” and his wife OUT!
Nothing racist about that. Not at all.
Clowns like you see raaaaacism everywhere. That’s why no one can take you seriously. I was pointing out the CORRUPTION, has NOTHING to do with race and race wasn’t even mentioned. Your inability to challenge the blatant corruption in the application of leftist policy in big cities that has resulted in third world style shit holes is in itself contemptible. Calling those of us raaaaacist for doing so is vile and dishonest.
Trump 2020 Throw leftists out, they’ve ruined enough!
Kye: Clowns like you see raaaaacism everywhere.
Not at all. Racism isn’t everywhere. However, it was clearly evident in your graphic.
The luxury home you depicted as being Cumming’s Baltimore home is actually located in Alpine, New Jersey. As of 2015, Cumming’s primary residence was a row house, when it was gutted by fire.
But sure, there’s nothing racist about “Massa this” and “Massa that”.
Did you not realize I was CRITICIZING the editors of the Sun?
Democrats want to keep them on the plantation. Because they are starting to find the underground railroad to freedom they now want open borders to replentish the plantation with new voters.
I wonder what formwiz will find wrong with this post? Perhaps I misspelled a word. Who knew Jeffry was really formwiz pretending to be an insane far right radical.
Seattle is dying is another great piece on the wonders of a completely democratic controlled Major city.
Try checking out Los Angeles now. They are trying to recall the mayor of LA for his total lack of dealing with the disaster that is becoming downtown. Much of it now looks like downtown Tijuana.
Detroit looks like a bombed out city. Much of downtown is now being refurbished by the owner of Quicken loans who also owns the Cleveland Cavaliers. In fact he is singlehandedly rebuilding the main city of downtown Detroit using CAPITALISM to accomplish what a century of Democrats couldn’t do with billions of tax dollars.
Democrats really need to stop, look in the mirror and reflect on their total losing positions and stop with the identity politics and once they do that they might actually be able to convince people about the need for GREEN and other stuff.
William Teach: Baltimore is pretty bad.
Doom and Gloom: Seattle is dying
Doom and Gloom: Try checking out Los Angeles now.
Doom and Gloom: Detroit looks like a bombed out city.
Sir you are disingenuous. Seattle is dying is a 1 hour documentary done by a news station in Seattle which documents the massive amount of homeless drug addicts and the way in which the city has dealt with it.
do your research. Seattle is dying. found on youtube watch it. You might learn something about the leftist telling the police to not enforce drug laws within the city.
Once again disingenuous. A simple google will bring you tons of articles including MSNBC about the efforts to restore a destroyed downtown by one liberal leftist billionaire using his own funds.
Los Angeles, Baltimore. You are simply being disingenuous and a flat out liar in an attempt to remove the reality of what is happening in your large urban cities with Leftists in charge. If you continue to deceive Blacks this is the 21st century and most of them have the internet and cell phones now. They can fact check YOU.
putting up silly graphs about economy is hardly solving inner city problems now is it. Or do you insist their are NO problems in the inner cities?
Doom and Gloom: Seattle is dying is a 1 hour documentary
Apparently not. That a news report may use hyperbole is not news.
Doom and Gloom: Los Angeles, Baltimore.
Both urban areas continue to grow economically.
Doom and Gloom: putting up silly graphs about economy is hardly solving inner city problems now is it.
No. Nor did we say that these cities didn’t have problems. However, you were the one who claimed the problems were terminal. We provided evidence to the contrary. Instead of responding substantively, you just repeated your claim.
Your use of the graph on Baltimore is at best disingenuous.
At worse, an outright lie.
The graph includes Towson and Columbia, neither of which is in Baltimore City. It appears that you decided to use a graph that included Baltimore County, which is not the same thing as the City of Baltimore.
The fact of the matter is that Baltimore’s “growth” is far behind the national average. Unemployment is higher than the national average. The City Council continues to put restrictions on businesses and new businesses that cost money and yield no benefits. (A great example is that UnderArmor wanted to expand and looked to do so in an abandoned industrial park. The City put so many restrictions on that move that the company scaled down the expansion, which meant a loss of tax revenue and jobs.)
(Even the owners of the Pimlico Race track – where the Preakness is held – are looking to move out of the City. The track is in one of the most economically depressed areas in the city and one of the most crime ridden areas in the city.)
The transportation system is a disaster. A recent report showed the MTA dumping money into light rail systems while letting traditional bus routes flounder. The result is that the system does not meet the needs of the people. Costs are up. Maintenance is not being done. Ridership is down.
Like most cities, the infrastructure in Baltimore is bad. In some cases, Baltimore is worse. Nothing illustrates this more than a report from the state saying Baltimore no longer was able to paint traffic lines on streets. The City doesn’t have the tax revenues.
Crime is up, but arrests are down.
The City can’t seem to keep a police commissioner and even then, any reforms that are instituted are met with resistance from the police union. The City police department is under the oversight of the FBI and the DOJ after multiple cases of corruption were found and prosecuted federally.
The Mayor recently resigned after an illegal publishing deal came to light.
Empty available business rental space is at an all time high in the City.
Education in Baltimore is, to put it mildly, an issue. The City employees more administration per student than most areas. More administration, less teachers.
The economic centerpiece of the City – the Inner Harbor – is no longer is the tourist attraction it once was. There are no anchor stores and there is plenty of retail space available. Roving bands of teens attack people including one such attack last week where a person was attacked by a group of teens on electric scooters. They were beaten and kicked to death.
The City literally has “blue light districts.” These are areas designated by blue lights on top of security cameras on top of traffic lights and poles. They police allegedly monitor the cameras (there is much debate about that) but won’t actually patrol the area.
Baltimore is in a death spiral. The City Council broached the idea of declaring bankruptcy but the City Attorney’s office said they were not there yet. The response was to increase spending.
Now you and others may want to include Baltimore County in with Baltimore City, but the two areas are not controlled by the same governments, police, etc. and have radically different policies.
Next time try to be honest.
gitarcarver: The graph includes Towson and Columbia, neither of which is in Baltimore City.
Cities drive regional growth.
gitarcarver: The fact of the matter is that Baltimore’s “growth†is far behind the national average.
This is where you provide a citation. Baltimore City does lag somewhat in GDP growth, and has a number of problems, as do most large cities, but is still growing, meaning it is not “dying” as suggested above.
gitarcarver: Next time try to be honest.
Next time try to be honest.
Cities drive regional growth.
In some cases that is true. However, the regional growth is tied to the growth of the city. Baltimore is no where near experiencing the growth of the surrounding Baltimore County. (Or Anne Arundel County for that matter.)
This is where you provide a citation. Baltimore City does lag somewhat in GDP growth, and has a number of problems, as do most large cities, but is still growing, meaning it is not “dying†as suggested above.
So you think a citation that shows exactly what we are saying indicates what you want to believe?
You think a city with declining population, declining revenues, declining property tax base, more crime and more corruption is somehow on an upward track?
Next time try to be honest.
You lied and got caught Zachriel.
gitarcarver: You think a city with declining population
Baltimore City’s population is largely flat, slightly increasing, while the labor force is increasing.
gitarcarver: declining revenues,
City revenues are increasing. The city government has a modest budget surplus.
gitarcarver: declining property tax base,
Baltimore City is unusual for large cities in that it does not include the immediate suburban areas, which benefit from the presence of the city, but don’t pay taxes to the city. Total property tax assessments have been increasing since 2014. Property tax rates, though still higher than surrounding areas, have been cut for each of the last ten years.
gitarcarver: more crime
Crime remains an issue in Baltimore City. Most of it is concentrated in poor areas of the city. Police morale suffered after the death of Freddie Gray while in custody. However, crime is slowly beginning to decrease due to targeted policing.
gitarcarver: and more corruption
Corruption is harder to quantify, but the increased media scrutiny on city government appears to be resulting in higher standards for accountability.
William Teach: Rather than addressing the actual substance of the tweet (which, let’s be honest, is meant to drive Liberals insane)
So the substance of the tweets is not substance, but racist trolling. Got it.
No your again coming to this site in an attempt to deny their is a problem in the inner cities by turning the attention away from all the filth on the streets into Trump is a racist therefore we will Saul Alinsky him and anyone who agrees with him.
Your go to meme for the left is always anything said is RACIST or Homophobic and therefore meant to impugn the character of blacks or Muslims or whatever. Deny their is a problem in Baltimore and you are nothing more than a leftist enabler who enables those in charge to destroy lives of people by keeping them in misery and poverty while screaming everything Trump is trying to do to help them is a RACIST LIE.
This once again is the 21st century. Blacks have cell phones and the internet. They are fact checking your BS. They are #walkaway from the democratic party. That does not necesarrily translate to becoming republicans but unfortunately for the left they are now able to get out of your lying echo chamber and see the world for what it really is instead of what the left tries to force them to believe it is.
Doom and Gloom: No your again coming to this site …
We just reiterated William Teach’s point. If the tweet was meant to “drive Liberals insane”, then the substance of the tweet was non-substantive, and it is trolling by definition, in this case, racist trolling.
Doom and Gloom: Your go to meme for the left is always anything said is RACIST or Homophobic and therefore meant to impugn the character of blacks or Muslims or whatever.
Well, no. You can say all sorts of things that are not racist. Trump went out of his way to racially troll. That’s what he does.
Nothing Trump tweets is considered un racially motivated. Your man was calling his ICE facilities all kinds of anti-humane treatment. Trump simply turned the cards and pointed to the TRUTH. Cummings district is a hell hole created by democrats and overseen by cummings who would dare say ICE is inhumane when cummings himself overseas a third world country as a district.
forshame on you. Fix your problems. Or you will have 50 percent of the blacks voting for trump in 2020.
Doom and Gloom: Nothing Trump tweets is considered un racially motivated.
Well, there must be some things he tweets that are “un racially” motivated, but he makes a point of making racial trolling whenever he wants to grab attention.
Doom and Gloom: Your man was calling his ICE facilities all kinds of anti-humane treatment.
The man had to responsibility for providing humane treatment, and they had failed.
Doom and Gloom: Or you will have 50 percent of the blacks voting for trump in 2020.
You do realize that’s not going to happen? And if you realize that, then you must consequently realize your reasoning to that conclusion is faulty.
The man had to responsibility for providing humane treatment, and they had failed.
Where does one find anything substancial in y’alls opinion, kiddiez?
Blacks have cell phones and the internet. They are fact checking your BS.
Too bad that’s not true. Maybe 1 in 6, the Blexit crowd, is, but the rest probably enjoy that feeling of entitlement handed to them by Fake News. Bunny suit thinks A) it’s impossible and B) too small a group, but conventional wisdom on the Left says if they lose 10% of the black vote, they’re toast.
A poll done by NAACP shows trump at 21 percent among blacks and 35 percent among Latinos.
It is a landslide in 2020. Blacks are quite a bit smarter that DEMOCRATS give them credit for.
Care to link that?
If so, Trump has about 3 times the black vote he had in ’16 and a little under double the Hispanic support.
Under such circumstances, the Demos have to be scared.
Doom and Gloom: A poll done by NAACP shows trump at 21 percent among blacks and 35 percent among Latinos.
The poll, from before the 2018 election, had a margin of error for blacks was 5%. The poll was likely an outlier. Blacks did not support Republicans in the 2018 election indicating the you shouldn’t put too much credence in the specificity of the result.
“So the substance of the tweets is not substance, but racist trolling. Got it.”
Your reading comprehension needs work.
First step: Try NOT seeing racism everywhere. There was none in the tweet, save what you chose to see there.
alanstorm: Your reading comprehension needs work.
William Teach specifically said the tweet was “meant to drive Liberals insane”. That’s called trolling, and in this case, as he often does, he chose to troll America’s racial divide.
Once again y’alls opinions are not substantive but obvious trolling.
Lolgf kiddiez.
Zach-follow along. In this case he spoke the truth, and the truth in this instance drives liberal insane. Nothing racist about it.
Jl: In this case he spoke the truth, and the truth in this instance drives liberal insane. Nothing racist about it.
The tweet, according to William Teach, was “meant” to troll. The structure of his trolls are based on racist tropes.
Try again.
The substance is to make the Left defend Hell holes like Baltimore.
(you’re starting to sound like the bunny suit)
formwiz: The substance is to make the Left defend Hell holes like Baltimore.
Now you’ve got it! Trump is trolling to divide Americans. Rather than treating Baltimore as part of the fabric of America, a city with all sorts of good and bad mixed up together, something worth working to make better; they are separate, dying, worthless, infested, a city of 600 thousand where no humans beings would live.
Yes, you have got it now.
@Zach. Afraid to watch the video put up by a LIBERAL station in Seattle?
Here Ill save you the time to look it up. I never said Seattle is dying. I linked a video which said that.
Perhaps watch this: ON THE STREETS — a feature documentary on homelessness in L.A. BY THE LA TIMES.
Los Angeles Streets of Shame: Homeless Encampments | NBCLA
SKID ROW: In LA, poverty on Skid Row defies US’ humane reputation BY PBS.
San Francisco’s Homeless Problem: Where’s The Money Going? By local CBS channel.
This goes on for hours Zach. Stop lying to yourself and your side of the aisle and help your people. They are yours. The towns are totally democratically controlled. Fix your problems.
but nah I guess its just easier to call the right racists and ignore the misery Your side creates daily.
The West Coast is dying because no kids. If mothers had to raise children in those conditions, they would descend on the various city halls like the Christian women descended on the RosenStrasse when the SS announced their Jewish husbands and sons would be deported*.
*The ladies won.
“…its just easier to call the right racists and ignore the misery Your side creates daily.”
That’s the modus operandi of all the useful idiots on the left, D & G. That’s Zach’s forte. First shout “Raaaaacist”. Then follow up with piecemeal data “proving” your point even as everyone with vision sees the truth on a daily basis. Then continue to present the Daily Big Lie as the truth. Come back tomorrow and do over again.
Trump 2020 Because all the ghettos made by leftists are a BIG LIE everything is Marvelous!
Doom and Gloom: …its just easier to call the right racists
Not easier, in the case of Trump, just accurate.
“Not easier, in the case of Trump, just accurate.”
I keep seeing that accusation, but no one ever demonstrates any evidence for it.
alanstorm: I keep seeing that accusation, but no one ever demonstrates any evidence for it.
They’re called racist tropes. It wasn’t expressed out of Trump’s concern for the people of Baltimore, but to troll people about America’s racial divide by treating them as “other”. Just like birtherism. Just like “go back”.
Baltimoreans love their city, and though they do have their share of problems in Baltimore, there is plenty of good and plenty of potential in the city.
It wasn’t expressed out of Trump’s concern for the people of Baltimore, but to troll people about America’s racial divide by treating them as “otherâ€.
Trump is making people face what the Democrats have done to them in the last 50 years.
10 worst pestholes
New York
Los Angeles
San Francisco – Oakland
Washington, DC
Seattle – Tacoma
Dallas – Ft. Worth
Baltimoreans love their city, and though they do have their share of problems in Baltimore, there is plenty of good and plenty of potential in the city.
And you know this how?
Are you from Baltimore? Are you from the area?
Do people that love a city burn it down? Do people that love a city seek to leave it in droves? Do people who love a city turn on neighbors?
You don’t know what the people Baltimore think.
Stop pretending that you do.
wrong. It was about Elijah Cummings troupes:
“Rep, Elijah Cummings has been a brutal bully, shouting and screaming at the great men & women of Border Patrol about conditions at the Southern Border, when actually his Baltimore district is FAR WORSE and more dangerous. His district is considered the Worst in the USA,â€
THERE IS NOT ONE shred of racism in this post.
“Why is so much money sent to the Elijah Cummings district when it is considered the worst run and most dangerous anywhere in the United States,†he continued. “No human being would want to live there. Where is all this money going? How much is stolen? Investigate this corrupt mess immediately!â€
NO RACISM HERE EITHER…..and oh by the way why not investigate WHERE THE MONEY WENT??
Cummings took particular offense after McAleenan said he was doing his “level best†to handle the ongoing crisis at the U.S. border.
“What does that mean? What does that mean when a child is sitting in their own feces, can’t take a shower? Come on man,†Cummings said. “What’s that about? None of us would have our children in that position. They are human beings.â€
Cummings has his own problems at home. Why are you and Cummings wanting more and more misery dumped on our doorsteps in the form of illegals when he cant even take care of his own district??
Racism…..People there is nothing racist here. Only in the minds of the democrats which have ZERO to run against Donald J. Trump.
formwiz: Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco – Oakland, Washington, DC, Philadelphia, Detroit, Baltimore, Seattle – Tacoma, Dallas – Ft. Worth
Ah, some of the most economically productive and culturally rich cities in the world.
Doom and Gloom: THERE IS NOT ONE shred of racism in this post.
Tropes. “Brutal”, and from many of his previous tweets “infested” and “go back”.
Doom and Gloom: “No human being would want to live there.”
Consequently, African-Americans who love their homes in Baltimore aren’t human beings. Trope.
Inaccurate. Trump’s just telling blacks (and Hispanics and poor whites) this is what the Demos have done to you.
No Human being wants to hear your racist lies. No one wants you to comment here. No one wants to listen to what you have to say. No human would agree with your views on Trumps tweets.
Its a figure of speech and unless your black then of course it must mean I am a racist for saying these things. Sure their are some people in Baltimore who want to live in a house infest with rats but most likely they have mental issues or are so drugged up as to be out of their mind. No human would want to live in these conditions. Even the mayor of Balitmore, a Black woman said as much. Bernie Sanders called Baltimore a third world nation.
No human wants to live in these conditions and for YOU to DEFEND this by throwing the topic from the rat infested swamp in which these people are forced to live to Trump is a racist is beyond the pale. It shows just how deeply the left really cares about those under their care.
Just vote for us one more time and we will give solve all your problems. We will get you a 2 percent raise in your welfare. The GOP, those inhuman bastards want you to have a job and benefits and a 401k and a nice place to live. Those racist monsters.
Doom and Gloom: No human would agree with your views on Trumps tweets.
The majority of Americans think Trump’s comments have been racist.
You seem to have more of a chip on your shoulder than the other Zs. Let me reassure you that you have no idea what is racist or not. But in observing your comments it is clear that you are a bigot and an elitist. I think our society is getting a bit tired of children such as you running around calling everyone they disagree with racist. Now on the city problems, we are concerned that our major cities are decaying an d that people of all colors are living in these conditions. Much of this is secondary to political corruption. You would be able to see this if you were more mature, but you are still a child and act like a child. You seem to think that critics of black people is racist, hardly. What you are doing is extending affirmative action to every aspect of our society. Obama turned out to be the worst president we have had, was that due to his skin color? In bring up racism, you are labeling yourself a bigot and fairly ignorant.
david7134: Let me reassure you that you have no idea what is racist or not.
Let us assure you that you have no idea what is racist or not. That you wave your hands doesn’t mean Trump’s statements stop being racist tropes.
Most African-Americans think Trump’s tweets have been racist.
Funny. The little racism smear is no longer working. Just like the Russian
collusion smears.
How does losing feel kiddiez?
Lolgf losers.
I guarantee you “Most African-Americans” have neither read Trump’s tweets nor heard of them until they were proposed in a racist context by a radical leftist racist poll taker. Most African-Americans don’t read Trump’s or anybody’s Tweets. I would think a genius like yourself would know that.
Trump 2020 Throw out the pigs who call everybody ‘raaaaacist”.
They can’t read them. 75% of black males graduating high school in California can not read. Isn’t liberalism great!
Kye: I guarantee you “Most African-Americans†have neither read Trump’s tweets nor heard of them
Fox News polling: Americans think Trump’s tweets were racist
Again you racist, I don’t care what a push poll says, they would have to poll EVERY black to prove “most” think Trump’s tweets are racist.
You’re just saying “most” of the blacks THEY SELECTED TO POLL. You are a racist manipulator out to hurt the black man!
Kye: Again you racist,
You’re the one who published a graphic showing a false picture of Cummings’ Baltimore home, a graphic that used “Massa this,” “Massa that.”
Kye: I don’t care what a push poll says, they would have to poll EVERY black to prove “most†think Trump’s tweets are racist.
It’s not “proof”, but evidence, more evidence than you saying “IS NOT!”, even if you put it in all-caps. By the way, it was a Fox News poll.
…â€What the hell – we should just take all this shit down. Ooh, you can smell the ratsâ€â€¦
–Racist Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh
No pun intended.
Lolgf losers.
How do you know the mind of Africans?
Do we have to ask Africans what we can think?
As a child, you need to learn, not expound.
david7134: How do you know the mind of Africans{-Americans}?
By asking them.
Fox News polling: Americans think Trump’s tweets were racist
The Baltimore Sun:racist. I guess we just missed that one….
You do realize Fox’ polls were always considered the most inaccurate even when Ailes ran the operation.
You want people to believe the Murdoch brothers, committed Leftists, are honest?
Here’s a shot of Nazi Pelozi with a black communist, a Hispanic communist and a Mohammadan america hater dining atop a fancy Harry Cipriani hotel in VENICE ITALY yesterday. As they trash us “Deplorables” and our country we are paying the tax dollars for their gala vacation. That’s how elites roll! These people are nothing but parasites. They make the rats in their cities look respectable!
Trump 2020 Get rid of parasites like these!
Kye: Here’s a shot of Nazi Pelozi with a black communist, a Hispanic communist and a Mohammadan america hater dining atop a fancy Harry Cipriani hotel in VENICE ITALY yesterday.
You mean Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, with four elected members of the U.S. Congress.
Kye: As they trash us “Deplorables†and our country we are paying the tax dollars for their gala vacation.
The trip is to Ghana, Africa. Vicenza, Italy, a few miles from Venice, is where the U.S. Army Africa Headquarters is located, while the trip is delayed on a mandatory pilot layover. The Congressional Black Caucus is sending twelve representatives to Ghana, and plan to visit the “Door of No Return” to mark the 400th anniversary of the first enslaved Africans landing in America.
Kye: These people are nothing but parasites.
You’re a liar, a denier and a fool.
Kye: You’re a …
Above, you misled people with your false graphic of Cummings’ house in Baltimore. Meanwhile, you didn’t find any point of fact with which you could disagree in the comment to which you replied.
Kye: These people are nothing but parasites.
She was still there in a ritzy restaurant saying, “Let them eat Twinkies”.
And where in Ghana (which is a country, not a city) will she stay? Out in some mud hut on the savannas?
plan to visit the “Door of No Return†to mark the 400th anniversary of the first enslaved Africans landing in America.
Yeah, that’ll make in difference in black peoples’ lives.
PS WaPo says he’s right, you’re wrong.
Vicenza is HQ US Army Garrison Italy. Confused again.
formwiz: And where in Ghana (which is a country, not a city) will she stay?
Presumably at a hotel that can provide adequate security. (Yes, Ghana is a country. We didn’t say otherwise, and it was apparent from the phrasing; Ghana, Africa.)
formwiz: Yeah, that’ll make in difference in black peoples’ lives.
Ceremony is an important component of being a representative, in this case, important both to Americans and to Ghanaians. The primary purpose of the visit is meet with officials to discuss security and development.
formwiz: Vicenza is HQ US Army Garrison Italy.
From your link: “US Army Africa HQ is in Italy.”
Sanders and Obama-racists! Wait……
Jl: other-politicians-like-bernie-sanders-and-barack-obama-ripped-baltimores-crime-problem-but-that-was-just-fine
Because they didn’t use racist tropes, and weren’t trolling to distract from other issues, but were trying to draw attention to the real problems that cities like Baltimore face.
Trump wasn’t, either, but he was criticizing Cummings for trolling to distract from other issues, namely the lies about the detention centers.
Obviously they didn’t buy rat poison with it….
You can’t blame Zach for his racist beliefs. He comes from the upper crust elitist community who believe everybody right of Karl Marx is a ra You can’t hold it against Zach that he’s a racist left wing elitist. His people come from the upper middle class well educated morons that create places like the slums of Baltimore to “help” the plight of the black folk. His “people” think that blacks live in rat infested, drug infested, feces covered shitholes because The White Manâ„¢ did it.
To elitist racists like Zach blacks are either too stupid or too lazy to kill the rats, clean up the feces, haul away the trash, fix and repair the buildings and even go get a valid ID to vote. It’s just the way “those darkies” are ever since The War of Democrat Rebellion. Why, without the gracious benefits of leftist socialism how would those poor folks survive?
Then when people like you and me and Trump point out what the left has done to “their constituents” Zach & Co. have only one of two responses: either we MUST be racists, or they are WRONG! Obviously they can’t be wrong they’ve only been in charge of these ghettos for a mere fifty years. Give them time!
So perhaps Zach is correct , The White Man did do it. The White Democrat Man.
Trump 2020 Get the Elite raaaaacists out of government! Go after the rats, not the messenger!
Kye: These people are nothing but parasites.
Everything is racism.
Everything is climate change.
Everything is Trump.
Now the kiddiez are into;
Everything is trope-a-dope.
Bwaha! Lolgf losers.
“You know, I honestly don’t understand how a person can claim to love America, and then the next breath, condemn an American city and the 600,000 people who call it home.”
And just like that, Trump has Zach and the other DemComs defending rats and feces.
Trump 2020 Because his Tweets drive the commies crazy!
95% of all major cities are run by democrats
Which is one reason that people have been and are continuing to flee from rural areas to places with more governmental services
Rural areas now have more poverty and more crime than do cities per capita
And who moves? The young move looking for more opportunities in life
There is s huge age difference in age rural average 43 urban age 36
Trump’s son in law owns many crappy housing projects tell him to clean up the ones he owns in Baltimore
Which is one reason that people have been and are continuing to flee from rural areas to places with more governmental services
Actually, it’s the other way around. People can’t get out of the cities fast enough.
Rural areas now have more poverty and more crime than do cities per capita
Care to link some stats?
And who moves? The young move looking for more opportunities in life
And when they get enough money, they move right out again.
Trump’s son in law owns many crappy housing projects tell him to clean up the ones he owns in Baltimore
He has 2, which one?
“95% of all major cities are run by democrats”
Define “major” then show proof of your statement.
“Which is one reason that people have been and are continuing to flee from rural areas to places with more governmental services”
People are not “fleeing” from rural areas to cities for “government services”. Those services are available in the suburbs and rural areas also. Prove your statement.
“Rural areas now have more poverty and more crime than do cities per capita”
Once again you’re long on accusations and way short on proof.
“And who moves? The young move looking for more opportunities in life”
They’re looking for jobs but that all is changing since in the future they will work from their homes in the burbs free from the filth and crime of the DemCon run cities.
“Trump’s son in law owns many crappy housing projects tell him to clean up the ones he owns in Baltimore”
If you’re saying Trumps son (which one) is a slumlord then show pictures and proof of ownership. Otherwise you are lying.. Once again.
First Trump brought Zach out of hiding to defend the rats and filth now John has rejoined us to do the same. You leftists just don’t get it do you?
Trump 2020 send Zach and Jon a message: We will not be intimidated by racists!
Kye: If you’re saying Trumps son (which one) is a slumlord then show pictures and proof of ownership.
It’s public record. Kushner had 200 violations in just a single year.
And what year was that?
C’mon, link it if you’ve got it.
You said “Trump’s son”. Kushner is not Trump’s son.
Why do you hate Trump more than you love your fellow Americans wallowing in the filth your party has created in almost all the major cities of America? Why Zach, why? What is it inside people like you that drives them to hate someone so much just FOR STATING THE TRUTH?
And why have you, along with the rest of your commie party, tried your best to make this about race (which was never mentioned by Trump) rather than the squalor Trump pointed out? What are you guys hiding? The stolen tax money you have been using for years to perpetuate a string of leftist rulers in major cities. Payoffs? Bribes? Illegal contracts?
We taxpayers poured almost two billion dollars into Baltimore a couple years back to clean it up. WHERE DID THE MONEY GO? You are all Grifters and thieves! Immoral, hateful grifters and thieves!
Trump 2020 Hang the grifters and thieves and clean up America!
It’s public record. Kushner had 200 violations in just a single year.
What you failed to mention is that most of these violations were REPAIRED by Him. When notified that payments could be withheld and fines levied, the company made repairs in all but nine properties, the county said.
NOTE: NOTHING REPORTED FOR 2018 or 2019. Only 2017 and most of those were immediately fixed and or repaired. How many of the buildings owned by other slum lords as Kushner is now being called were repaired immediately?
The desperation of the left if oozing now. This is beyond racism. this is now mud slinging and in a few weeks everyone will forget The good people of Baltimore and move on to something else. The democrats will not fix their cities, the local officials will continue to pocket kickbacks and the people will continue to live in squalor.
“You know, I honestly don’t understand how a person can claim to love America, and then the next breath, condemn an American city and the 600,000 people who call it home.â€
He didn’t condemn the people, he condemned the Democrats who’ve created the conditions for 80 years.
The majority of Americans think Trump’s comments have been racist.
Care to give us a source?
Other than Fox?
To make things clearer, a new poll (Harris) found that 30 percent of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independent voters say that few or none of the 2020 presidential hopefuls share their values.
Off The Hill yesterday.
Incomplete crosstabs at the website. Sample Size a little big, MOE acceptable.
Read ’em and weep. Now you know why most of them were making noises like moderates last night (and probably tonight).
Any of them recall, “I voted for it before I voted against it.”?