They have to ruin everything
Prevent Frosty’s climate change Christmas — Madeleine Para
I hope never to see “Frosty’s Climate-Change Christmas†on TV, as joked about in the “FoxTrot” comic strip last Sunday. But the cartoon made me think about communicating with children about climate change.
As a former first-grade teacher, I always felt children should be allowed to just be children, and I was pretty careful to not overload them with thoughts of a grim future. On the other hand, adults need to face problems and work together to solve them.
And there’s good news. Recently, two Republicans and three Democrats in the House of Representatives did just that. Led by Ted Deutch, D-Fla., Francis Rooney, R-Fla., and Brian Fitzpatrick, R-Penn., they worked together to craft the strongest bipartisan carbon pricing legislation in a decade, called the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act. Already two more sponsors have joined the original five, and I hope that Wisconsin’s congressional delegation will join them. This is sensible legislation that will benefit all Americans.
For Frosty and the children who love him, and for the millions of Americans who want to see reasonable solutions to the pressing problem of climate change, I hope we see swift action on this legislation. Find out how it works at
This bit of climanutbaggery was by Madeleine Para of Madison, which I would assume to be Madison, Wisconsin, as this is a Wisconsin paper, the State Journal. They fail to identify her, almost making her seem just like some any-old citizen, but, there is a Madeleine Para who is the Program Director of the uber-left Citizens’ Climate Lobby.
Yes, because Frosty would melt when the North Pole stays below freezing. (full size here)

Fact is the left never misses an opportunity to pollute, propagandize and abuse children’s minds. They show no mercy and have no pity. When they’re not killing babies they’r programming kids.
Nothing but increasing fall snow in North America for the past 40 years. It should be a big snowman party:
Well, see, Warmists will tell you that this is caused by ‘climate change’ and the melting Arctic and stuff.