It’s that time of year when 10,000+ members of the Cult of Climastrology take their pilgrimage to a designated site to hobnob with their comrades from around the world, using fossil fueled vehicles and eating evil meat, paid for by taxpayers. All to make pronouncements of Doom and that things must change
Climate change threat has ‘never been worse’, says UN climate chief
The UN talks come at a crucial juncture in mankind’s response to planetary warming.
The smaller, poorer nations that will bare its devastating brunt are pushing for richer states to make good on the promises they made in the 2015 Paris agreement.
They want their sweet, sweet, redistributed, unearned climate cash
In Paris three years ago, countries committed to limit global temperature rises to well below two degrees Celsius, and to the safer cap of 1.5 degrees Celsius if at all possible.
But with only a single degree Celsius of warming so far, the world has already seen a crescendo of deadly wildfires, heatwaves and hurricanes made more destructive by rising seas.
Wildfires, heatwaves, and hurricanes never happened when CO2 was below the safe level of 350ppm, ya know.
“Climate change impacts have never been worse,” Patricia Espinosa told journalists after Sunday’s first negotiating session.
“This reality is telling us that we need to do much more.”
In a rare intervention, presidents of previous UN climate summits issued a joint statement as the talks got underway, calling on states to take “decisive action… to tackle these urgent threats”.
“The impacts of climate change are increasingly hard to ignore,” said the statement, a copy of which was obtained by AFP. “We require deep transformations of our economies and societies.”
At the COP24 climate talks, nations must agree to a rulebook palatable to all 183 states who have ratified the Paris deal.
Well, that’s interesting. What does it mean, Ms. Espinosa? Exactly how will our economies and societies be transformed? If previous dogma is to be considered, it sure sounds like she’s pushing for a government run economy, call it Socialism, Progressivism, Marxism, Communism, whatever, it’s all about Government dictating and control, even owning the means of production. As for societies, the same thing: full government control of your life.
Funny how this supposed scientific issue has draconian political authoritarian solutions, eh?
The media viciously attacked @realdonaldtrump for skipping the #G20 #climatechange pledge (nevermind that the USA leads the world in lowering emissions)… but it turns out the UN climate summit will emit more CO2 than 8,200 American homes do in a year.
— The Daily Signal (@DailySignal) December 3, 2018

The lunatic left and their climate change arguments. We have known for years that it is simply an exercise in population control.
With the coming ice age and NO ENERGY PRODUCTION the amount of people freezing and dying of starvation will quadruple to at least 4 billion thus fulfilling the dreams of the population control lunatics at the UN.
1. Grain exports in Ukraine down first time in 5 years.
2. Wheat sales pick up last week but remain down overall in 2018/19.
3. Australia’s June wheat exports at 1.35Mt down 6pc from May
By Liz Wells, 08 August 2018
4. The freak Spanish weather that devastated salad crops and led to rationing of vegetables in UK supermarkets
5. Reports of fighting over fruits and vegetables in local markets.
6. CHITWAN: Strong winds accompanied by hailstones dealt a heavy blow to farmers of Chitwan as it damaged large swathes of banana, maize and other vegetables and fruits worth millions of rupees.
7. Global Food Shortages a Growing U.S. Security Concern: Report
8. ANECDOTAL: National security officials are joining Fortitude Ranch, who are building “doomsday camps†across the country, which promises protection and a year’s supply of food when the “inevitable†catastrophic event occurs, with one member telling he reporter that he and others had joined after “waking up†to the potential of a national crisis, stating “For most of us, something rattled our cages and woke us up.â€
Remember my post on the testing of the GPS disruption and the switching of the magnetic field and its subsequent weakening. this will cause basically the entire grid to go down.
I know you guys if you read this think I am crazy. I am not trying to convince you the world is ending. I do not work for a preparedness company. I’m simply encouraging people to prepare. The more prepared WE ALL ARE, the better this country fares, the more likely we keep ticking and the more likely those who collect pensions and SSI will continue to do so. Simply. Keeping ourselves prepared will take more burden of the US government IF the SHEET does hit the fan.
Until Climate activists stop using electricity, we know they are not serious about what they say. If they don’t take themselves seriously, why should anyone else? When an activist doesn’t believe his own activism, it’s called fraud.