No, not that guy. Not the other one. Or those over there. This one
Guy who drives large fossil fueled vehicles and lots of fossil fueled plane trips complains
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) December 4, 2018
From the article
Arnold Schwarzenegger says he wishes he could travel back in time like the cyborg he played in “The Terminator” so he could stop fossil fuels from being used.
“If we would’ve never started in that direction and used other technology, we’d be much better off,” the actor and former California governor said Monday at the start of a U.N. climate conference in Poland.
“The biggest evil is fossil fuels: it’s coal, it’s gasoline, it’s the natural gas,” he told conference delegates. (snip)
Schwarzenegger later told The Associated Press he has converted his signature Humvee trucks to run on hydrogen, electricity and biofuel and only allows himself to eat meat three days a week.
“I mean, maybe it tastes delicious, but I think we should think then and there before we eat about the world and about the pollution,” he said. “So I discontinued eating meat four days a week. And eventually, maybe we’ll go to seven days”.
Note that he is giving this speech in……..Poland! Did he fly in a hydrogen lifted blimp? A direct flight (roundtrip) from LA to Katowice, Poland on a commercial jet produces 11.2 metric tons, which is much higher than the average carbon footprint that most people in the world have for a year. An old survey has the average US yearly carbon footprint at around 19mt, which has gone down a bit.

Arnold wishes he could time travel back and rethink about banging that maid too.
Without fossil fuels, his beloved Austria would just be a bunch of grunting cavemen picking lice off of each other. No trains, no ships, no metallurgy, and if he had resources he’d be lighting his shelter with dead whale juice.
Whale juice is a fossil fuel.
Good catch!
I think the actions in Europe have put a huge boulder in the path of climate take over of the world.