No, really, this is what police are being asked to waste their time with in SJW World
Prankster sent mayor penis-shaped candy. Cops were asked to investigate.
Someone thought it was a good idea to send the mayor of Hamilton Township (New Jersey) a bag of penis-shaped candy as a prank.
Mayor Kelly Yeade received a package of penis-shaped candy, sent through the website Dysfunctional Veterans, last week.
The group’s website, and its accompanying Facebook page, describe its community as “a brotherhood and sisterhood of veterans rooted in sarcasms and the things that remind us we are not alone.”
The Dysfunctional Veterans website sells a variety of items such as T-shirts, hats, mugs, flags, patches, and pranks.
The website offers “Eat a bag of d—-” under its prank gift category with the following description:
“Don’t you wish you could just tell that special idiot you know to eat a bag of d—-? Wouldn’t it be even better if you could actually give them a bag of d—- to eat? Now you can!”
Yaede’s office received the candy last week, when the mayor wasn’t in.
OK, a harmless, though somewhat rude and inappropriate, prank
“My staff intercepted it and then asked the Hamilton Township police department to find out the origin of the package,” Yaede told NJ Advance Media. “When I was alerted to it I didn’t give it a second thought, and laughed it off.”
Good for the mayor, who realized that it was just a prank, no big deal, move on. Or, it could have been the realization that having law enforcement attempt to force a company to violate their privacy policy was a) not going to happen and b) made the mayor’s office look silly. She says she took it at a prank, and we’ll leave it at that.
The bigger point here is that her staff called the police to investigate. An actual detective contacted the company. It’s a bad deal when those in government feel empowered to use their powers for this.

But, getting actual threats by internet and media? No big deal