The Cult of Climastrology can’t seem to win at the ballot box with ‘climate change’, at least not often. So, they want to sue to force their beliefs on everyone else
Outdoor lovers sue US government over climate change
The Animal Legal Defense Fund sued Monday to force the U.S. government to target climate change, coming days after a similar lawsuit filed by young activists was temporarily put on hold by the Supreme Court.
Those who joined the lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Oregon include scientists, nature enthusiasts and wildlife advocates who say they fear for their safety as wildfires, mudslides and other threats grow more severe, The Oregonian/OregonLive reported .
They say they have a fundamental right to be left alone “free from human interference†in the wilderness and they want a federal judge to declare that the federal government is violating that right by contributing to a dangerous concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Animal Defense Fund member and plaintiff Michael Goetz of Portland said that on a recent backpacking trip, wildfire smoke was so intense that couldn’t see his hand in front of his face, according to the lawsuit.
Outdoor adventure athlete Will Gadd also joined the lawsuit, which said he has witnessed melting ice and glaciers while climbing in conditions that are much more dangerous now than they were years ago when he first began climbing.
Well, that’s strange, because they’re not leaving animals “free from human interference” while doing their outdoor shtick’s.
“Will is harmed by the government’s actions and inactions to stem the severity of climate change because he is prevented from reasonably and safely exercising his right to wilderness on which he relies for his physical and mental well—being as well as his global status as an outdoor adventurer and educator,†the suit says.
Oh, wait, my mistake, I figured that the Animal Legal Defense Fund was about protecting animals. Alas, no, this is all about an utter freakout over a minor 1.4-1.5 Fahrenheit increase in global temperatures, which is less than previous Holocene warm periods.
I wonder if they take fossil fueled trips out to the wilderness?
The new lawsuit (as opposed to the one from the “kids” which started out suing Obama) takes a different approach, said Carter Dillard, senior policy adviser for the Animal Legal Defense Fund.
While the young people’s case focuses on constitutional rights to life, liberty and property and protection of public resources, the one filed Monday focuses on “the simple right to be let alone, the right long recognized and protected under banners like privacy and liberty,†Dillard told the newspaper in an email.
Perhaps Skeptics should counter-sue, claiming the “simple right to be let alone” from the nefarious big government, big taxation schemes of Warmists who also refuse to practice what they preach.
One thing, the lawsuit doesn’t really state what they expect the government to actually do.