It’s always something with these people
Climate change will make hundreds of millions more people nutrient deficient
Crops grown in a high CO2 atmosphere are less nutritious, containing less protein, zinc and iron
Rising levels of carbon dioxide could make crops less nutritious and damage the health of hundreds of millions of people, research has revealed, with those living in some of the world’s poorest regions likely to be hardest hit.
Previous research has shown that many food crops become less nutritious when grown under the CO2 levels expected by 2050, with reductions of protein, iron and zinc estimated at 3–17%.
Now experts say such changes could mean that by the middle of the century about 175 million more people develop a zinc deficiency, while 122 million people who are not currently protein deficient could become so.
This is essentially a reprint of the previous article (link in the excerpt) with added Doom, which assumes that CO2 levels will hit 545-585 by 2050, and this occurs even if world governments put in all the measures the Warmists have been pushing
However the study had limitations, including that it assumed diets would stay constant over the coming years, while it did not take into account that rising CO2Â levels might increase the rate of plant growth. The authors note that even if individuals were able to eat more of the plants to get the same nutrient intake, they might end up with other issues like obesity, while climate effects such as increased temperatures and water stress could actually result in an overall decrease in crop yields.
All about hedging the bets, you know.