Might this bit of hypocrisy be a reason why 25+ years of spreading awareness hasn’t worked?
Global experts gather in Christchurch to tackle climate change
Some of the world’s brightest minds are gathering in Christchurch this week to discuss how best to tackle the ever-pressing issue of climate change.
The city will host 120 scientists from 59 countries as they examine how to manage some of the thorniest problems caused by our rapidly-changing environment.
As members of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) – a global coalition of scientists and academics – they will spend the next five days drafting a report that will inform and influence how governments deal with the problem in the decades ahead.
And, of course, one of the things they’ll complain about is the use of fossil fuels by Other People, and the need to make those other people reduce their use of fossil fuels.
Artists have also created a street mural on the topic, part of which includes green-themed poems, one by 17-year-old Burnside High student Samantha Jory-Smart.
Street art. Otherwise known as graffiti, ie, destruction of property.
Meanwhile, did you remember that last night was Earth Hour, when Warmists spend 1/8760th of the year pretending they’re doing something
(ABC News) Hundreds of landmarks worldwide turned out their lights for one hour on Saturday night, starting at 30 minutes past 8 p.m., in order to bring attention to the issue of climate change. The symbolic shutdown is organized every year by the World Wildlife Fund and called the Earth Hour. It bills the event as the “world’s largest grassroots movement for the environment.”
Well, that’ll do it, eh!

The IPCC are not scientists. They are UN bureaucrats with science degrees. And thanks to the internet, they could draft all the reports they want, from their offices, without going to Christchurch. But then how would they get other people to pay for their frequent flyer miles?
Just another boondoggle.
William Teach: Might this bit of hypocrisy be a reason why 25+ years of spreading awareness hasn’t worked?
That misrepresents how most experts view the problem. The proposal isn’t for people to abandon modern technology, but for the energy infrastructure to be updated.
Is that why their “dicussions” will be held behind closed doors?
Back to your sandbox, kiddiez.