If you’re wondering “did Al Gore take a long fossil fueled trip to make this pronouncement?”, well, yes, he did. He was in London on Friday for the release of his new film, which has failed spectacularly. But, he has Things To Say
(Reuters) Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore said on Friday that President Donald Trump’s rejection of the Paris climate change agreement was fueling, rather than weakening, momentum among environmental activists.
Gore, whose follow-up to his 2006 Oscar-winning documentary “An Inconvenient Truth” is showing in movie theaters worldwide this month, said governments and companies had stepped up since Trump’s decision in June to withdraw from the 2015 global pact.
“The entire world the next day re-doubled their commitments to the Paris agreement and in the U.S, the governors of our largest states and hundreds of mayors, thousands of business leaders all stood up to fill the gap and said ‘We are still in the Paris agreement,'” Gore told Reuters Television.
“I do think that the reaction to Donald Trump is actually driving much more momentum in the climate movement,” he added.
On one hand, Gore is correct, but, really, this is just part of the #Resist movement. If, come fall, Trump says that everyone should get a flu shot because they are great and American flu shots are the best, Democrats and Leftists around the world would refuse to get them, and probably call flu shots racist.
On the other, for all the caterwauling, most are still not doing anything other than making a lot of noise. But, hey, if cities and states want to do this, that’s their prerogative. But, the Democrats who approve of this and vote for this should stay in their own cities and states, and live under the misery they create.

As hard a I might looking locally for a theater that was showing Al Gores movie I failed (yeah)
We have several multiplex’s in the area with lots of screens. I guess there isn’t that much interest locally anyway. I then looked at the local “art” theater, and they are showing it, and its near a university, which is empty this time of year anyway.