…is a float needed for a world covered in carbon pollution flooding, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Powerline, with a post noting that for reporters, Trump is the enemy, not North Korea.

…is a float needed for a world covered in carbon pollution flooding, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Powerline, with a post noting that for reporters, Trump is the enemy, not North Korea.
At the gathering of Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists in Charlottesville VA, David Duke had this to say:
It seems that your man Obama has triggered something. Of course he is not by himself. Our great press has created substantial turmoil. Stupid liberals like yourself have pushed the issue. At the end of the day, you played right into Dukes hands and he now has the ammunition to cause the harm he has wanted since the 60s.
LOL. Sad little dems try to tether Duke to every Republican. Sounds just like the new black panthers reaction when obama was elected. Racists will be racists. Ignore them.
So you agree that the Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists need to be smothered?
The GOP is calling out tRumpski for not criticizing the Neo-Nazis and white Supremacists.
Senator Hatch Office
We should call evil by its name. My brother didn’t give his life fighting Hitler for Nazi ideas to go unchallenged here at home.
What ” WhiteNatjonalist” are doing in Charlottesville is homegrown terrorism that can’t be tolerated anymore that what Any extremist does
Marco Rubio
Very important for the nation to hear @potus describe events in #Charlottesville for what they are, a terror attack by #whitesupremacists
Cory Gardner
Mr. President – we must call evil by its name. These were white supremacists and this was domestic terrorism.
Senator Hatch Office
Their tiki torches may be fueled by citronella but their ideas are fueled by hate, & have no place in civil society.
Jeff Flakeâ€
Verified account
The #WhiteSupremacy in #Charlottesville does not reflect the values of the America I know. Hate and bigotry have no place in this country.
Tim Scott
Domestic terror in #Charlottesville must be condemned by
 Otherwise hate is simply emboldened.
It will be up to the Trump regime and their supporters to pressure their Neo-Nazi and white supremacist brethren to stop.
Do you agree that Neo-Nazis and white supremacists do not deserve the support of the our citizens and government?
Of you are discriminating against those then throw in BLM, the NAACP, communist party and the anitfa.
Trump criticizes any and all EXCEPT Neo-Nazis/white supremacist/far-right terrorists/Russians.
Do you agree that the deliberate driving of a car by a white supremacist into a crowd of anti-Nazi protestors is a right-wing terrorist attack? One was killed, two dozen injured.
Of you are discriminating against those then throw in BLM, the NAACP, communist party and the anitfa.
Jeff, if you are going to lie, don’t comment.
We knew Kleagle dave would defend the Nazis, the KKK, white supremacy and domestic terrorism.
Thank you for never disappointing.
Here’s the deal putz. We’re not going back to the days of the KKK, white supremacists and stupid wannabe Nazis. The American people won’t stand for it. tRumpski has overplayed his hand on this one.
Ruh roh… tRumpski suspects his chief advisor on white supremacy, Steve Bannon, is a big fat leaker.
If tRumpski fires Bannon AND criticizes the neo-Nazis he’ll lose his most rabid followers.
Can any Cesspoolian bring themselves to condemn the Neo-Nazis, the KKK or the White Supremacist organizations? Note that the leader of your Cult, tRumpski, could bring himself to condemn them either.
You and tRumpski have sided with Nazis, the KKK and White Supremacists. Why?
You do realize that the majority of violence was precipitated by the liberals? Even the guy in the car can defend his actions as he was being attacked. Why don’t you grow up?
If all you’re going to do is lie, please don’t comment hear, you old White Supremacist, you.
Funny, little jeffuckery is still commenting HERE.

Oh well, a mewling quim has gotta mewl.
I am truly sorry Jeff, but you have rarely had a truthful statement the entire time you have commented.
It was our impression that Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists were marching with torches chanting awful slogans – “Jews Will Not Replace Us!”, Hitler’s famous “Blood and Soil!”, “You Will Not Replace Us!”, “The Goyim Know!”, … wearing Nazi clothing and playing dress up in military-esque costumes. Waving your confederate flags and swastikas, Hitler quotes on your shirts…
Real Americans will not tolerate this behavior.