So, this just happened
(Washington Post)  Scott Pruitt, who as Oklahoma’s attorney general spent years suing the Environmental Protection Agency over its efforts to regulate various forms of pollution, was confirmed Friday as the agency’s next administrator.
Pruitt cleared the Senate by a vote of 52-46, winning support from two Democrats, Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota. Only one Republican, Susan Collins of Maine, voted against him, saying he had “fundamentally different†views than she about the EPA’s role.
As you can well imagine, the majority of the article takes swipes at Pruitt, because they are super non-biased!
Of course, it all means climate doom. And dirty water and air and land, really, RIP Earth. As Doug P notes “Animas River unavailable for comment.”
Anyhow, you surely have lots of weepy EPA employees/activists. And this
(Daily Caller)  EPA employees are calling their senators to complain about President Donald Trump’s choice to head the agency, according to The New York Times.
They are furious Trump nominated Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to lead the agency. Pruitt has battled the EPA numerous times in court, earning the hatred of many of the agency’s employees.
“Employees of the [EPA] have been calling their senators to urge them to vote on Friday against the confirmation of Scott Pruitt, President Trump’s contentious nominee to run the agency, a remarkable display of activism and defiance that presages turbulent times ahead for the E.P.A,†reports The New York Times.
Futility in action.
(Daily Caller)  President Donald Trump could visit EPA headquarters in the near future, but sources say employees are so demoralized many wouldn’t turn out to see him.
A former EPA official told InsideEPA, “career staff will be unlikely to voluntarily attend or applaud Trump or Pruitt,†should Trump visit after the Senate confirms Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt.
If they don’t like the new bosses and the direction of the agency, they can do what those of us in the private sector do: suck it up or leave and work somewhere else. The EPA employers, namely, the taxpayers of this nation, voted Trump in. Deal with it.

A bipartisan confirmation.
Who knew?
Give all those EPA employees who were followers of the cult of climatology a scrub brush and tell them to start cleaning toilets. A shitty job for shitty people.
Actually almost all of them need to be fired. I always found when I took over a new restaurant the best way to get rid of the sh!tty work habits that cost the previous owner his business was to toss out the poor help and hire new people. In this case he should put in all new loyal department heads and have them sort through and separate the wheat from the chaff.