The final debate, and Trump’s last chance unless there is a massive October/November surprise against Hillary that the media can neither ignore, downplay, nor explain away, occurs on October 19th in Nevada, which is next Wednesday. And the topics?
(LA Times) The Commission on Presidential Debates released topics on Wednesday for the third — and final — presidential debate next week.
Fox News anchor Chris Wallace will moderate the debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump and has selected topics focused on debt and entitlements, immigration, the economy, the Supreme Court, foreign hot spots and the candidates’ fitness to be president.
The topics are subject to change, but, as it stands now, these would typically be Republican leaning topics. Chris Wallace will take great pains to be neutral, unlike in the previous debates where the moderators certainly were there to help out Hillary.
Immigration? This should be a bread and butter topic for Trump. He better be ready for Hillary to come after him.
Debt and entitlements? Trump better be ready to squash Hillary for her support of the crazy spending by Obama which she wants to continue, and ready for Hillary to call him mean.
The economy? Trump best be ready with some facts about how lame the economy has been under Obama, and, again, that Hillary wants to do the same.
If he’s not studying up on these topics, and just taking them for granted, she will bait him and have pre-planned answers. He best have policies he can explain. He needs to stay away from the personal attacks and focus on her failures and support of failing Obama policies. We’ll see.

Teach 2 out of 3 Americans want a path to citizenship for those living here in the USA without proper documents. How is tha a “Republican” issue???
So now even American citizenship is up to a poll? How about we go by the law and not people’s emotions reflected in a poll?
Why don’t you ask 2 out of three Americans if, knowing hat the illegal invaders are at the very bottom of their socio-economic class and bring with them tuberculosis, syphilis, and polio plus mental problems and given that about 20% of these invaders are criminals in their own country who will most likely end up murdering, raping or robbing a member of your family, should we reward them for breaking our laws by giving them a “pathway to citizenship” which boils down to a key to loot the treasury and steal benefits and jobs from actual Americans?
Those who answer “yes” should be assigned an illegal to feed, house, educate and give health care to so as to show their commitment with their own money and lives before risking ours.
Actual issues? Yeah, I believe that!
Teach 2 out of 3 Americans want a path to citizenship for those living here in the USA without proper documents. How is tha a “Republican†issue???
What part of tyranny of the majority do you not understand John?
The constitution and the laws of the land dictate the will of the people…..some people are angry some are happy………
We are a nation of LAWS….NOT POLLS….unfortunately the left seems to have forgotten that as Hillary announced to the USA that she plans to put activist politicians on the supreme court in order to change the constitution.
America is well in decline…..oh it will take 40-50 more years to get there….but just Look at the former USSR….they just embarked on all these errors 50 years sooner then we have…..
Ya think?
John seems to believe that if at any given time half +1 of the people poll for something it should be codified. The old saying john is “democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner” means something. For some reason you think you’ll always be one of the wolves so tyranny is okay. Do you believe good government shoves crap down people’s throats? Do you think being in the majority gives one the authority to crush the rights and freedom of others?
Top secret military planning information found where?
In Clinton’s email!
Politics is the attempt to conduct the will of the people within the constraints of our Constitution.
So of course politicians need to pay attention to the will of the people, and polling is one way. Our votes, protests, torches and pitchforks also relay the intensity of the peoples’ mood.
Our courts interpret how the new policies and law comport with our Constitution. The Constitution is mum on gay marriage, abortion, F-22s and food stamps, forcing us to figure it all out. It’s messy.
Some Americans find the concept of gay marriage to be an abomination, while gays find it only fair to be able to marry. We have to find a peaceful way to reconcile the differences – and it’s usually in favor of increased individual freedoms. (I know, I know… fundamentalist evangelicals say it violates their religious rights to co-exist with legally married gays, but courts typically side with individual freedoms, not the right to never be offended.)
Don’t forget to ask the poll if the citizens in the US want to give their jobs to the illegals. I wonder if John’s job could be taken by an illegal?
From what I have seen so far and been able to put together, I have come up with this. Comey should have put Hillary away, for the rest of her life, but he didn’t and he the way that he phrased the issue led to considering that forces were on him. Now, Obama and group are very corrupt, but this corrupt? So they act as if they are hiding something. Then there is the private server and the desire to not show emails, which are really our property. Then Trump has been very out spoken about investigating the issue and this has disturbed McCain and the elite. Then we have Hillary not accounting for 6 billion dollars and wiki suggesting nefarious activity on her part in Libya as well as the fact that the ambassador who was killed was up to something and efforts were being made to keep him under cover and not apparent in his activity. Then he was killed, which is very strange and they lied about the killing. Many other things go into this, but I think all this had to do with Hillary starting ISIS. McCain was a part of that as I remember. I think Hillary supplied guns and money with the 6 billion. I certainly think she is responsible for the Arab Spring and its total failure. That would explain a number of issues, especially with the Republican elite not supporting Trump and the lack of a Federal investigation. Otherwise, we are left with the fact that they are all corrupt and crooked.
If that is what you think fundamentalist evangelicals are saying, you have just demonstrated once again that you are ignorant on this matter.
Just another strawman from you.
Well, except when Leftists lose. The majority of Arizonans approved of SB1070. State after state after state approved of a gay marriage ban by ballot initiative, even in uber left California. There are numerous examples. Yet, leftists didn’t like that majority rule or Direct Democracy.
The Hag “does not recall”…anything
Kinda like the little guy who’s more retarded than john and lied about serving in the Army..
Typical conservative – Lou Dobbs reveals contact info of woman who accused Drumpf of assault
Well good, my mistake. Fundamentalist christians support same sex marriage.
Turns out Jessica Leeds is just another disgusting hag for Hillary.
She should be outed for her lies.
Weak men like Trumpf (and most of his “male” supporters) bully and dominate the weak – imagine Trumpf (or any of his fanboi supporters) standing up to a real man, LOL. Trumpf whimpered like a little baby in the presence of the Mexican president and could only talk tough behind his back.
Weak men like Trumpf overcompensate for their own self doubt and internal weaknesses by bullying. This explains his behavior with women and underage girls.
He’s lucky that Americans pay for his armed guards – otherwise some little girl’s dad might kick his orange ass.
I hope all these women coming forward realize that this is the DONALD they are going after….and once this election is over and Hillary has destroyed the donald and won the election that the left and Hillary and the DNC will drop them like hot potatoes and let them face the wrath of the donald on their own.
I hope these girls know whats about to hit them after this election…..The donald will sue everyone of these girls out of existence and the democrats will not lift a finger to help them…..
THE DNC got what they wanted at any price…..the presidency……these girls are on their own after November 8th….
I hope they realize this.
OH and let me add….IM NOT SAYING THEY ARE NOT TELLING THE TRUTH……what Im saying is thirty years ago….do they not realize what the Donald did with the ms. Universe thing…..He will not stop till these women are stomped into the ground……….
And that is just another reason why I do not, never did and never will support this clown for President.
Will Trumpf try to use his great wealth, his 100s of lawyers, the courts, his celebrity, the media and the laws of the land to destroy his opponents? Duh. LOL. It’s what he does. He’s a bully and uses whatever tools available to beat up on others to get his way. 3500 lawsuits filed and counting. It’s his business/brand model.
you expect politicians to always tell the truth?
Ahhh Hoagie you are acting a little silly there, try and grow up, OK? Do you feel like you are a sheep being hunted by wolves?
Do you feel that the Gay Agenda has been crammed down your throat?
Do you think that cake bakers or restaurant owners should be able to refuse service to anyone they think might be gay ?
Go ahead Hoagie embarrass yourself more.
America has changed, adapt.
Well, you certainly have no acquaintance with the truth, so maybe you feel a certain kinship with people like Hillary?
In some cases, yes.
That is what people of your ilk are either too stupid to understand or just willfully deceptive.
If a baker has a case of cupcakes that say “Cupcakes – $1.00,” the baker should sell the cupcakes. It is part of established contract law that the baker has made an offer and the next step is for a person to accept the offer and pay for the cupcake. That acceptance is without regard to race, creed, gender, etc.
What a baker should not have to do is create something that espouses or supports and idea to which he is morally opposed.
The Supreme Court has held that creative expression can be considered speech. In the case of Wooley v. Maynard, the Court ruled that compelled speech is a violation of the First Amendment.
Therefore, when a person walks into a bakery and wants the baker to create a cake that is contrary to the baker’s ideas and morals, he should have the right to refuse that cake. The government should not compel his speech in support of ideas in which he does not believe.
An additional difference between the cupcake and a created cake is that there is no contract or even an offer of a contract.
In john’s world, a gay baker should be forced to create a cake that says “Gays ae going to Hell.”
In john’s world, a black publicist should be forced to write a speech or advertisements for the KKK.
In john’s world, a graphic artist who was raped should be forced to create handouts or flyers in support of an accused / convicted rapist.
In john’s world, a Muslim printer should be forced to print flyers that says “Muslims should be thrown out of the Country!”
The difference between conservatives and liberals in this area is striking. Conservatives believe that in most cases people should be able to say what they want or not say what. They should have the right of association. They should have the right to conduct business in a manner they deem moral and ethical to their beliefs.
Liberals, on the other hand want ideas that are against their point of view to be squashed. They want people to be compelled to speak and act in a manner that won’t “offend them,” despite the fact that the speech offers no harm to them at all.
The country has changed. Because of liberals like john we have lost fundamental freedoms. Liberals are forging the chain of slavery to the government one link at a time.
For the retard and that little guy who lied about being in the Army…
The Hag’s War on Women
ahhh GC are you sure that you know what it is like in John’s world?
So you think that if you are a “conservative” (whatever that means) you have the right to do what you wish according to religious beliefs, that trumps civil (and maybe criminal) law.
Yes that’s right GC your world is coming to an end. Abortion is going to continue to be legal and women are going to continue to have the right to choose to end a pregnancy.
Cry me a river.
And of course blame Obama.
I didn’t say that, now did I john? Once again you just can’t admit when you are wrong.
I didn’t say a word about any “agenda” but now that you mention it, yes, I do. I think people like you spend too much time trying to force people like me to support your beliefs with zero respect for ours. You have some sort of gay agenda and even people’s deeply held moral beliefs are not allowed to compete with it. That’s tyranny, john. It’s not like Christians and others of faith are just now making this stuff up john, we’ve believed this for centuries so who are you to tell us what we can believe?
I think anyone should be able to refuse service to anyone they choose. It’s not your business who I do business with and to force someone to work for another is slavery. Are you for slavery john?
The real question is do I believe a business should be forced to participate in any act, function or celebration even if it against their beliefs and again my answer is no. No business is the episodes that occurred “refused” to do business with anybody. They “refused” to participate in a celebration of what they deemed an immoral act. Is there no room in your narrow anti Christian world for people who don’t agree? Should you be forced to participate in an act you deem immoral(if there is such a thing for a Godless being)?
I’m not embarrassed by being a good, moral and Godly person john. But I am embarrassed for an America that would adopt the ways you espouse and is inhabited with people of low morals, corruption, lies and who take joy in harming their fellow citizens. It’s you who should be embarrassed by being a member of the sick cult of envy, fear, jealousy and corrupt power that has taken out country from the Shining City on a Hill to a second rate moral mess heading for banana republic status.
John, what happened in your life for you and other leftists to embrace so many things that are just plain bad? Who hurt you so much you ended up hating white people, Christians and men so deeply that in order to harm them you would destroy the greatest country ever? Why?
Dispute anything I said about your world john. Go ahead and try.
Are you that stupid? Talk about a nonsensical argument. If you really believe that laws are right all of the time, then you support the idea of slavery as that was legal and upheld by Supreme Court decisions. Clearly you think that a law passed by some people of your ilk means it is right and just to trample on the rights of people.
That also means that you have no standards on which you will rest. Your only belief must be that “might makes right.”
But isn’t it funny that you think that religious people should not be able to live according to their beliefs that do not harm anyone, but yet you feel that other beliefs that harm them should be forced upon them?
As usual, you don’t recognize your own hypocrisy and ignorance.
Maybe john. But the fact of the matter is that you are against a world where people have freedoms such as the freedom of speech. Just be careful because history has shown us that the willingness to oppress freedoms always comes back to bite those who lead and supported the oppression. Often that bite is done using the same teeth that people like you gleefully used on others.
One either supports freedom or one does not.
You do not. You support slavery and forced labor while extinguishing the rights of people.
Good to know that you like the idea of murdering children, john. It is ironic in that during a past discussion, you claimed a religious high ground by saying that you had spent a year in a Buddhist monastery. For the most part and in only limited situations, Buddhists are against abortion.
I am sure you know that, though.
So once again you reveal yourself to being a bloodthirsty person without morals or ethics other than “what I want is right and the hell with others.”
Packing for Venezuela yet john? Or are you truly frightened to see what the policies you advocate bring forth? .
Venezuela’s state run hospitals. The new standard for maternity wards:
And Venezuela’s “supermarkets”: