Let me throw this proposition out to all the gender confused supporters: what if your  daughter was really good at something in school, and should have made the team/club/etc, except a TG boy took the spot. Oh, and is allowed to shower and change with your underage daughter. Are you good with that? What if a biological boy/girl who “identifies” as the opposite biological sex (BS) competes and takes a position/scholarship/etc meant for a specific BS away from your child of that BS? You good with that? (Via Hot Air)
(KTVA) Â Haines runner Nattaphon Wangyot qualified for the girls 1-2-3A 100-meter and 200-meter finals Friday afternoon at the high school state track and field meet, but unlike her competitors, she was born with male anatomy.
Transgender equality has become a hot topic of discussion around the country, and Alaska is no exception. The Alaska Schools Activities Association recently implemented a policy to allow individual school districts to decide if a transgender athlete can compete in a sport as the gender they identify with.
In all, 16 runners qualified for state. Saskia Harrison, a runner for Fairbanks’ Hutchison High School, just missed the cut with a time of 14.11 seconds, just behind fellow Hutchison runner Emma Daniels.
“‘I’m glad that this person is comfortable with who they are and they’re able to be happy in who they are, but I don’t think it’s competitively completely 100-percent fair,†Harrison told KTVA.
At the Hot Air piece, Larry O’Connor notes
As everyone on the Left fall all over themselves to extend every possible right to transgender individuals, this case forces the question that always pops up when one groups’ “rights†conflict with another’s. Whose rights win? Whose rights are more important?
Wangyot ran the 100 meter trial in 13.14 seconds, which appears to be 5th best. In the accompanying video, at either link we hear a young lady say “I don’t know what’s politically correct to say, but in my opinion your gender is what you’re born with. It’s the DNA. Genetically a guy has more muscle mass than a girl, and if he’s racing against a girl, he may have an advantage.” What if a gender confused guy decided he wanted to play in the WNBA? Or a women’s soccer team? A gymnast in the Olympics? Supply your own example. When it’s your own child, family member, friend, it suddenly will become personal for Liberals, and they’ll see the problems their own idiocy causes for Other People in their own lives.

It’s that girl’s own fault for not quickly self-identifying as faster than the dude-girl. Don’t they teach them anything in school?
Are the “bathroom protector conservatists” (BPCs), who pretend to care about protecting women from predators, outraged by the 6 month sentence given to actual rapist Brock Turner?
BPCs are apoplectic over the possibility that a man will put on a dress and assault a woman in a bathroom, and would create a conservamedia shitstorm if it ever happened. Yet, not a peep when an entitled white man actually rapes a girl and gets only a slap on the wrist.
In fact, BPCs don’t care about women, they care about ridiculing the transgendered, and will use the immense force of the state to that end.