This is exactly the kind of utter insanity that has Donald Trump leading the GOP polls
(LA Times) Julian Zatarain always assumed the doors of City Hall were closed to him because he is here illegally, arriving from Sinaloa in 2007 when he was 13.
The 21-year-old college student found other outlets for service, such as volunteering for the Red Cross and with an organization that helps young people like him get access to educational resources.
Then on Monday, Zatarain proudly accepted an appointment to the Huntington Park parks and recreation commission. Another immigrant here illegally, Francisco Medina, 29, won an appointment to the health and education commission.
“I’m speaking out for people like me,” Zatarain said. “I’m not doing anything wrong.”
Yes, you are. You’re in the country illegally. Will you represent the legal citizens? You’ve as much stated that you won’t.
Unsurprisingly, the comments are heavily against giving two illegal aliens these positions. It’s the same at Yahoo News, where I first ran across the story.
People who are in this country illegally cannot vote or seek elected office, but officials in Huntington Park said their status should not stop them from helping govern in other ways.
This is a dereliction of duty, and blatantly violates federal law which prohibits anyone from hiring anyone who is in the country unlawfully. It may be legal in California, but, federal law trumps state law. As liberals were quick to point out when states tried to crack down on illegals.
Typical liberal insanity. And once they’re done ruining a city, liberals move elsewhere to escape from the messes they created.
One thing the Huntington Park government is telling residents and visitors is that they do no have to actually obey the law.

Aldo Waldo
Read up. They are volunteering. No paycheck. They are helping the city as volunteers. They are qualified. They have studied and have years of experience. To any of those complaining, who of you would work for the government for free? I mean, you don’t even like Obama!
typical conservative insanity. You don’t even read that LA Times article before shooting your mouth off.
Here he is volunteering to serve on that Cpmmission, how much volunteering do you do Teach ?
The point is not that the person is volunteering as most local boards are served by people volunteering.
The point is that boards in most cities have the requirement of being a legal resident of the city or county which the board controls.
By definition, illegal immigrants cannot be legal residents of any town, city or municipality.
However, without any legal justification, the people on the City Commission have said that “resident” as part of the qualifications for an appointment to a board does not mean “legal resident.”
The Commission had a lawyer make up an opinion that is not within the realm of the black letter or spirit of the law.
The people who oppose this are left with the option of suing the city and having their own tax money used against them in defense of the indefensible. They will get walloped twice in the pocketbook because Council members don’t need or want to follow the law that the people established.
On the plus side, these two illegal aliens have now been publicly identified and located, and once a Republican gets in office, they can be picked up and deported easily.