Warmists are always such buzz-kills. Interestingly, most will be part of the (supposed and totally fake) problem, refusing to practice what they preach
This Is What Your Hot Dog and Burger Are Doing to the Planet
When Americans fire up their grills on Independence Day, they’ll dump up to 882 million pounds of carbon pollution into the atmosphere—the equivalent of burning 2,145 railcars of coal. And that doesn’t even include the carbon burned just by driving to July 4 celebrations or the pollution that leeches from fireworks displays.
While it’s unlikely those stats will convince most Americans to skip the summer cookouts and fireworks, there is a less socially obtrusive way to be more environmentally responsible on the Fourth of July: Avoid the traditional barbecue fare. (snip)
Red meat has the biggest environmental footprint, which is largely a result from the methane produced by cow digestion and manure. Methane is anywhere between 25 to 36 times more potent than carbon over 100 years. The process of raising and delivering beef to your grill results in 27 kilograms of carbon-equivalent emissions, four times as much as chicken, and 13 times as much as vegeterian options. Since chickens aren’t responsible for high levels of methane, and because they require less feed than cows, they account for fewer emissions overall. But vegetarian fare has the smallest climate impact.
The average American already bears more blame for climate change than citizens anywhere else, thanks to the country’s position as the world’s biggest polluter historically and its high emissions-per-capita. So do your part this holiday weekend: Swap that beef burger for a black-bean burger.
Say, doesn’t eating lots of bean produce lots of methane? Think about all the energy and water needed to grow the bean, then all the fossil fuels needed to get them to market, then the energy needed to cook them. Then the flatulence. Maybe it would be better if we all starved to death.
I have to wonder how many members of the Cult of Climastrology are going to ruin July 4th celebrations by nagging their friends and relatives.

Maybe it would be better if we all starved to death.
It’s almost comical the lengths these whackos go to.. It would be funny if they werent in your bedroom demanding you to give up sex too….
All that exertion gives off way more co2 then just sitting and starving to death.
Punishment for being an American.
No Teach eating any type of vegetable based diet is much better for our planet, and that does include eating beans.
In the USA per person beef consumption peaked in 1976 at 94 pounds per person. It is now down to 54 pounds per person
Sorry if that killed your buzz Teach.
Fish shellfish consumption is up 50% in that same time Looks like the hippies are winning on this one too
Liam lefties don’t really care what you do in your bedroom or who you do it with. Unlike the GOP party platform in Texas which up until 3 years ago had as a party plank a commitment to remake sodomy a felony in Texas. http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2010/06/21/103568/texas-gay-marriage-felony/
And you thought the LEFT cares about what you do in your bedroom ?????????
“And you thought the left cares about what you do in the bedroom?” But they seem to care about what I do on my patio, or what I choose to put in my stomach. More little storm -troopers.
In the USA per person beef consumption peaked in 1976 at 94 pounds per person. It is now down to 54 pounds per person
This is awesome news John….see thats what consumerism and free markets are meant to do. THE PEOPLE DECIDE….NOT YOU or ME.
But wait………..Say it ain’t so joe!/?
Because USDA’s fairly coarse grading system failed to measure significant aspects of beef quality, beef production suffered from the multi-tasking problem, which led producers to focus on producing larger quantities of beef while ignoring quality issues.
(In the real world….oversupply leads to lower prices which of course lead to higher consumption.)
In turn, we show how newly developed programs such as USDA quality certification and branding are incentivizing production of higher beef quality and dealing with information problems arising under USDA grading.
(NEW regulations by the government reduces beef production because the regulations raise prices….any corresponding rise in price generally reduces demand.)
In short John the people decided that higher quality beef that was more expensive was something they could not afford as much as back in the day when farmers just cranked it out and put it on the market.
Once again you should google the full story john.
Liam yes people are choosing to eat a greener diet. Isn’t that wonderful and yes they are choosing that in part because they know that less red meat is healthier for them and the planet. But please eat as much beef as you want, but refrain from telling us all about your recent colonoscopy
I like most Americans are cutting back, cCliven Bundy and the rest of the welfare grazing cattlemen will have to produce less
Actually there is nothing wrong with red meat. Whats killing us is High fructose corn syrup and sugars.
Recent report by the AHA….
ONCE again the nanny stater……JOHN….wants to tell us what to eat, how to eat and why we should eat his diet.
But please eat as much beef as you want, but refrain from telling us all about your recent colonoscopy
I want to thank you for your heartfelt concern for my welfare. I know that as a progressive communist you are sincerely obsessed with the welfare of all individuals and that every life matters to you…….
Well every life that votes the way you do.
I on the other hand congratulate you for eating healthy, watching your diet and making sure that you live a long and prosperous life. I wish and hope you a healthy and happy life and Im sorry that you wish mine would end prematurely….