Won’t someone please think of the children?
Snow emergency parking rules confuse drivers
For the first time Thursday, Omaha began enforcing rules that restrict where people can park in a snow emergency, and confusion ensued.
It’s truly horrible!

Won’t someone please think of the children?
Snow emergency parking rules confuse drivers
For the first time Thursday, Omaha began enforcing rules that restrict where people can park in a snow emergency, and confusion ensued.
It’s truly horrible!
How is that confusing?
In the town in Wisconsin I used to live in, the policy was even clearer. No parking on streets at night during times of snowfall.
But then, I guess learning rules is tough for people.
And Teach maybe the “won’t someone think of the children” meme might be withheld for a bit. Some may consider that to be a bit insensitive
some think your presence is insensitive
Funny that Liberals didn’t bother thinking of the children when they went on a spending spree in 2009, what with Porkulus and so many other bills, passing ObamaCare, etc, which burden our kids and grandkids with unsustainable debt.
Oh, and leaving our kids at the mercy of insane killers in a gun free zone.