And, as usual, the Campaigner in Chief was equal parts class warrior, divisive, and full of mule fritters
(The Hill) President Obama on Monday injected himself into an escalating fight over changing Michigan into a right-to-work state, saying the state Legislature’s move to ban the required paying of union dues was all about politics.
The quick entry into the fight by Obama suggests the White House could be more aggressively involved in the Michigan fight than in a similar battle in Wisconsin in 2011.
It also signaled an alliance between Obama and labor amid fiscal talks in which Obama will be under pressure to offer Republicans entitlement reforms opposed by unions.
Once again (NMP) Obama is showing that he is the president of only a segment of America, taking sides against others.
“I’ve just got to say this,†Obama said at the Daimler Detroit Diesel plant in Michigan before a small crowd of workers. “What we shouldn’t be doing is trying to take away your rights to bargain for better wages and working conditions. We shouldn’t be doing that.
Except, that is not what right to work laws do. They simply mean that people cannot be forced to pay union dues and/or join a union in order to get a job and work. Outrageous, eh?. The Michigan law doesn’t touch union bargaining in the least. One shouldn’t expect Obama to know the actual facts when there is a sympathetic crowd in attendance, should we? One which will give him the adulation he desires right before heading off to his 1%er vacation in Hawaii.
“You know, these so-called right-to-work laws, they don’t have to do with economics, they have everything to do with politics,†Obama added to applause and cheers from the crowd. “What they’re really talking about is giving you the right to work for less money.â€
That’s weird: he held his recent convention here in North Carolina, a right to work state. But, he is sort of correct: people who work and are paid union dues do bring home less than their non-dues paying co-workers, since the unions yank money out of their paychecks. Why does Obama want people to make less?
“What we shouldn’t be doing is trying to take away your rights to bargain for better wages,†Obama told a small crowd at the plant. “We don’t want a race to the bottom. We want a race to the top.â€
In the Obamaeconomy, that race apparently involves snails, based on how well the economy has recovered. And, if you want to see the results of long term Democrat policies, which include over the top unionization, just take a look at these before and after pictures of Detroit. That’s the view of America after Obama.
Anyhow, God forbid that workers have the right to choose. Obama doesn’t like that.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

Real Choice is not a true platform of the Socialists party.
And.. neither is truth.
This travesty of a human continues to demean and belittle the office of the US president on a daily basis. Just when I think he can’t go lower, he does. Throwing himself in to a state issue is so unbecoming of a person pretending to be presidential.
Please oh Please impeach this fool.
Obama’s numbers keep going up
I thought the critique of the President was that he didn’t lead? Or, is it more candid to say that he isn’t leading the democratic party to accept conservative policies?
Liar – Bush did better by far.
Obama can’t be impeached, he haven’t done anything wrong! What part of that do you not get, and there is NOT corruption in Congress, It’s filled with level-headed people who aren’t racist, bigot black-hating scumbags!
Obama is NO traitor! You’re just a racist scumbag!
Obama is NO Communist! You’re just a racist scumbag!
Obama is NO Marxist! You’re just a racist scumbag!
I was right! Anyone who hates Barack Obama is a damn racist!
there is a big difference between leading the NATION and sticking your nose in where it doesn’t belong. You’d rather this man stick up for a small segment of the state of Michigan’s population over the right to force people to join a union,.. over him speaking out against the murder and repression of thousands of Iranian youth? You’d rather him support the al-queda supporting rebels of Egypt and Syria? You got your wishes.
You are right. He did.
There is tons of corruption in congress or have you not been paying attention to the numerous investigations of tax evasion and cronyism? And, I’m glad you agree that the Black Caucus is nothing but racist bigotted scumbags.
Welp, 3 strikes and you’re out. Please read up on some history and do some research on the differences between the forms of governance before trying this at home again.
Delusion is also a severe symptom of self-ignorance. Please seek treatment.