Who would have seen this coming? Well, when people are carrying al Qaeda style flags and wearing al Qaeda style headbands (Salafist), violence is sure to occur
(Perth Now) Thousands angered by an anti-Muslim film ignored pleas for peaceful rallies and rampaged in several Pakistani cities in battles with police that killed 19 people and touched off criticism of a government decision to declare a national holiday to proclaim devotion for the Prophet Mohammed.
But it is Pakistan that has seen the most sustained violence, driven by a deep well of anti-American sentiment and a strong cadre of hard-line Islamists who benefit from stoking anger at the US. The new deaths brought the total to at least 49 – including the US ambassador to Libya – linked to violence over the film.
Analysts accused the Pakistani government of pandering to these extremists by declaring Friday to be an official holiday – calling it a “Day of Love for the Prophet.” Officials urged peaceful protests, but critics said the move helped unleash the worst violence yet caused by the film, titled “Innocence of Muslims.”
Still on the movie kick, eh?
In Bangladesh, more than 2000 people marched in the capital, Dhaka, and burned a makeshift coffin draped in an American flag with an effigy of Mr Obama. Small and mostly orderly protests were also held in Malaysia and Indonesia.
There are reports that it was more like 10,000. And that there were violent clashes with the police, injuring quite a few.
Must be all about a movie. Meanwhile, the US Senate voted down a proposal to hold back aid to Pakistan till the doctor who assisted in finding Osama Bin Laden is released from jail. Sadly, it was a bipartisan vote on Rand Paul’s proposal, which was shot down 81-10.
Maybe now Liberals will turn against the Islamists since they have gone racist.
There were also plenty of other protests within the Muslim world, most of them spewing violent rhetoric. Of course, in Liberal World, if one Tea Party member says something inflammatory, and violence that occurs anywhere is the fault of the Tea Party. If tens of thousands of Islamists threaten “death to American, death to Obama”, well, that’s just a small minority, and any violence is unrelated.

They are anti abortion and really, isn’t that the most important thing ? Not killing babies like the evil liberal JOOS