(ABC News) In dozens of top-secret talks and meetings in the White House, the most senior Bush administration officials discussed and approved specific details of how high-value al Qaeda suspects would be interrogated by the Central Intelligence Agency, sources tell ABC News.The so-called Principals who participated in the meetings also approved the use of “combined” interrogation techniques — using different techniques during interrogations, instead of using one method at a time — on terrorist suspects who proved difficult to break, sources said.
I’m supposed to care about this why, exactly? The left is going ape (see the links at Memeorandum) about these torture techniques, such as the belly slap, sleep deprivation, no rice pilaf at dinner, taking KSM’s teddy bear away, it’s just horrible!
When it comes to Islamic jihadis, “screw ’em!”
Do you have an interesting post? Well, go ahead and leave a trackback, otherwise, I take your bankie away from you.

[…] William Teach, BSC Beth, Baldilocks, Jonn @ This Ain’t Hell, and […]
Hey, I tagged you with some torture–see the pingback. TORTURE!!!! (Sorry!)
Wednesday Hero: Chief Warrant Officer 4 Michael Zanders…
This week’s Wednesday Hero is from Gary, Indiana, and his name is Chief Warrant Officer Michael Zanders. He is with the Army’s D-Trp 1/17th Calvary. He is an amazing man. When he went to rescue a beleaguered combat outpost, he ended up having to ……
Religious Double Standards…
Podcast Show Notes
Bi-partisan creep out at Obama’s more zealous supporters. Meanwhile, does Obama have a point about China? (Hat Tip: Red State.)
John McCain struggles to get the support of gun owners. (Hat Tip: Reformed Chicks Babbling.)
A Char…
[…] One-punking the global warming cult, Pursuing Holiness, Adeline and Hazel, Chuck’s Place, Pirate’s Cove, A Newt One- Coverage of Vets on the hill!, Celebrity Smack, The Pink Flamingo, A Newt One- […]
Obama: “That’s Just How White Folks Will Do You 
Gateway Pundit has more links but that should wet your appetite
Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Rosemary’s Thoughts, WayWard Fundamentalist Christian, Right Truth, DragonLady’s World, Leaning Straight Up, A Newt One-punking the global …
[…] Pigeon, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Woman Honor Thyself, Adam’s Blog, Maggie’s Notebook, Pirate’s Cove, Celebrity Smack, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, A Newt One, Dumb Ox Daily News, Adeline […]
[…] Pigeon, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Woman Honor Thyself, Adam’s Blog, Maggie’s Notebook, Pirate’s Cove, Celebrity Smack, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, A Newt One, Dumb Ox Daily News, Adeline […]
Slitting the throats of the aircrews on ~AA11~ and ~UF175~ and ~AA77~ and ~UF93~ was politically correct, as well as flying three of these hijacked aircraft through our offices and bathrooms, eh? What an F’N joke! Back to ‘torture’ now bleeding heart commies and muslim sympathizers – like John Ryan!
[…] Pigeon, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Woman Honor Thyself, Adam’s Blog, Maggie’s Notebook, Pirate’s Cove, Celebrity Smack, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, A Newt One, Dumb Ox Daily News, Adeline […]
[…] cult, Pursuing Holiness, Adeline and Hazel, D equals S, Chuck’s Place, Woman Honor Thyself, Pirate’s Cove, A Newt One- Coverage of Vets on the hill!, The Pink Flamingo, Celebrity Smack, A Newt One- […]
Cesar Laurean Captured…
Cesar Laurean was arrested last night around 7 p.m. after he approached a roadblock set up by the local anti-kidnapping task force. When they asked him his name he gave his real one, which of course threw up a red flag once it was entered into a crimin…