Well, it made it into the Washington Times, but, not finding it anywhere else
The Iraqi air force, struggling back to life after being decimated in the 1991 Persian Gulf War, played a key role in battles against rebel militiamen in Basra last week, boosting morale among Iraqi troops and providing hope for the country’s future, its top commander told The Washington Times.
Since March 25, Lt. Gen. Kamal Barzanji’s airmen have flown more than 100 missions in support of Iraqi ground security forces in Basra during Operation Charge of the Knights, under the order of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who said the offensive was to squelch the growing criminal elements in the region.
“When the Basra operation started, from the first day our air force [conducted] support missions,” Gen. Barzanji said in a telephone interview from Baghdad. “It raises the morale of the [Iraqi] soldiers as well. One hundred percent of all the requests from Basra we fulfilled.”
Our men and women will show the Iraqi’s how to be world class aviators, so they can wipe out Al Qaeda and Iranians, when necessary!

I have several former squadron-mates who volunteered to train the new Iraqi Air Force, a job that is difficult AND, IMHO, quite dangerous as the training is taking part in Iraq itself. Glad to hear that their efforts are paying off…
Yup, it’s something that just takes time, especially, from what I understand, with Arabs. Changing their mindsets to be more professional in the military and such.
Upgrades from magic carpets, eh? When will THEY start giving US coupons for 50% off –
for OIL – after all, our C-5 Galaxy crews airlifted Red Adair to Kuwait and WE put out the 840 burning oil rigs in six months in 1991! Guess we are infidels to a point Teach! – $emper Per Diem crew dogs…