I was actually looking for a good picture of Muhammed and a pig for a photoshop, but, I ran into this painting of Muhammad:
"The heavenly journey of the Prophet forms a centerpiece of Muslim piety. Persian poets from the thirteenth century onward prefaced their epics with a colorful description of the miraj, the heavenly journey that brought the Prophet into the immediate presence of God. This miniature is particularly interesting as the Prophet is shown with his face unveiled, riding on the mysterious mount Buraq. Later pictures of Muhammad generally show him with a veil covering his face, and in more recent times even his entire body is usually symbolized by a white cloud or a rose."
In all those years at the Met, no one has complained. I wonder why?
Following Michelle M to Zombie before I post, I guess he already got this one, and lots more.
Still, will the CAIR crazies burn the Met down?
Screw it, I want my fatwa

The End of Reason
As with many things, the simplest explanation is usually the correct one. In this case, it’s in the Koran. What should also be understood is the fact that these are the people we are attempting to deal with worldwide. In Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan, I…