Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Nope, haven’t forgotten, and, yes, I am still blogging. Moved into my house on Friday, the parents were in town, no internet till Sat afternoon, was still getting things squared away. Now I am stuck in Atlanta. Sigh.

This little honey is in honor of tommorrow, International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Somehow, I do not think I will be able to get away with that during the conference. No one would get it 🙂

If you have sent me an email, working on it. Be good!

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4 Responses to “Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup”

  1. MissPatriot says:

    Long time no talk 🙂

    Hope things settle down for you soon. Sounds like you need a vacation.

  2. chrys says:

    Atlanta’s not half bad a place to be “stuck.” Seems you finally found the perfect pin-up for Pirate’s Cove!

  3. A vacation would be nice. Unfortunately, I have an all week long conference. Sigh. Cannot even get out to catch a ball game.

  4. Vintage girl Rose says:

    was hoping you would help and vote for a friend of mine trying to win a pin-up contest…she is the best rep for an old fashioned pin-up… please go to and vote for miss amanda… i think you will agree she is the best…you can vote each day till Sept 30…thanks for your help

Pirate's Cove