It’s Talk Like a Pirate Day! Aaaarrrrrrr!

Image hosting by PhotobucketYes, that’s right, Matey’s, today be International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Them scurvy dogs who be comin up wit da idea have their bonnie homepage here (and even has a link on how to speak like a pirate). So, Avast! All I be askin is that ye amaze and astound thy friends by speakin like a pirate. Do we have an accord?

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15 Responses to “It’s Talk Like a Pirate Day! Aaaarrrrrrr!”

  1. Jay says:

    Arrr, happy talk like a pirate day matey!

  2. It\’s Talk Like a Pirate Day! Aaaarrrrrrr!

    It\’s Talk Like a Pirate Day! Aaaarrrrrrr!

  3. basil's blog says:

    Lunch: 9/19/2005

    Try one of these specials with your lunch: Divine InnerBitchin’ says the First Amendment is in danger. Harvey (IMAO version) is fine with the Crescent of Embrace. The Pirate’s Cove reminds us what today is. Harvey (Bad Example version) offers

  4. Ogre says:

    Aye. I be talkin’ like this here so much t’day that we not be sure I kin git back to the non-pirate speak…not that I’d be doin’ such a thing, mind ya.

  5. National Talk Like a Pirate Day

    The Verbalist has been waiting for this for a while, or as he is known in Pirate Circles: Smugglin’ Norm Grimm.

  6. NASA T’ Offer Plans For Moon Program

    In honor of Talk Like A Pirate Day, I decided to translate the next post I read and post it:NASA T’ Offer Plans For Moon Program Huge savin’s could be obtained by usin’ older technology t’ return t’ t’ moon.

  7. NIF says:


    Today’s dose of NIF – News, Interesting & Funny … Talk Like a Pirate Day edition, ARGH!

  8. Batten Down The Hatches!

    Avast, ye scurvy landlubbers! It’s International Talk Like A Pirate Day! Turnabout yer browsers here and pick up a bit ‘o the lingo. If’n ya can’t grasp such simple speak, use this here handy translator.

    And if that ain’t enough to get yer hornpip…

  9. Aye!! We have an accord! It does me black heart good.

  10. International

    . . . Talk Like a Pirate Day be here! William Teach be handing out links, rations of rum and bonny wenches over at Pirate’s Cove….

  11. It be funny, I happened ta mention Talk Like a Pirate Day, and it went perfectly with the subject matter of todays conference. The 4 Rrrrrrrrrrrrrs!

  12. CedarFever says:

    It’s more of a guideline.

  13. Billy Budd says:

    “The average man will bristle if you say his father was dishonest, but he will brag a little if he discovers that his great-grandfather was a pirate.”
    ~ Bern Williams

  14. TacJammer says:

    Yo Ho Ho

    My broadband has been out all afternoon and evening. Just got it back. Someone at Time Warner Cable needs to walk the plank. Yarrgghhh. Yes, it is indeed International Talk Like A Pirate Day. Now, where in North Carolina might a fellow find a dead man’…

  15. GM's Corner says:

    Global Warming Update!

    Causes of so called global warming have run rampant. Some claim that it is because of human intervention. This is easy to disprove in-as-much as we can prove that the Polar Ice Cap from the last Ice Age has been shrinking long before mankind (womankind…

Pirate's Cove