Daily Archives: September 28, 2005

American Flag Bidness

New member for the American Flag League. Give a big welcome to Wilson Fu Weblog. Welcome aboard, matie!

Cue Spooky Music

Couple Important Thangs

Teach wanted me to pass along a few important thangs to y’all: Miss Beth at MVRWC has a great post regarding an email she received from and MGySGT serving in Iraq, regarding their great morale. Go read the whole thing. Some great photoshops by the folks serving in Iraq. Stop The ACLU will be having […]

WTW: It’s A Mouse, Run Away!

Hey, y’all, Jebediah here. This made me laugh: Passengers were buckled up when a crew member spotted a mouse darting across an aisle, triggering a chase that grounded a Qatar Airways plane at Manila airport for more than 12 hours. The airline asked the 243 passengers to disembark, unloaded hundreds of pieces of luggage and […]

Pirate's Cove