Get the ACLU Wackjobs Going

Huh? "Get the ACLU wackjobs going?" Whazup with that? Well, if you visit the ACLU wackjobs homepage, you will notice something missing. I’m not talking about a non-fiction section, as most of the page reads like a cheap future novel. I’m talking about any sort of fund raising for Katrina victims. Not one thing. Not even a mention of Katrina. I thought the ACLU cared about the little people. Guess not, huh? Nuff said.

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12 Responses to “Get the ACLU Wackjobs Going”

  1. Jay says:

    Good try Teach, but they do care about the criminals that have escaped. Many of the sex offenders are going to other states along with other survivors. Pennsylvania is doing Criminalbackground checks. The ACLU is deeply concerned with this.

    Hey Teach, thank you.

  2. tgibbs says:

    There’s a lot of this going around. I went to a restaurant yesterday, the waiter only gave me the bill for the food. There was absolutely no place on the check for me to donate to Katrina victims.

    Give me a break. I’ve donated to Katrina relief, most people I know have donated to Katrina relief in one form or another. But I don’t know anybody who has had any difficulty finding out how to donate. You can’t turn around without seeing an opportunity to contribute.

    So the notion that somebody must be terrible and uncaring if they aren’t in your face offering you yet another opportunity to help Katrina victims seems pretty idiotic. Katrina has about as much to do with ACLU’s job as it does with that restaurant’s business.

  3. rmstokes says:

    This is a cheap shot at the ACLU. There’s nowhere to donate on the President’s webpage either.

  4. rmstokes says:

    This is a cheap shot at the ACLU. There’s nowhere to donate on the President’s webpage either.

  5. David Flores says:

    Nowhere to donate on the National Review’s website either:
    nor the weekly standard:

    I’m sure that if I felt like it I could come up with dozens of simliar examples.

    So is this the best you conservatives can do? Ha! What a laugh.

  6. ACLU Blogburst

    Time for weekly news and information about how much damage the ACLU is doing to America.

  7. Idiotic. Do your homework next time before you spout off nonsense. The ACLU is a legal outfit that tries to ensure that all people have the same rights under our Constitution not a relief outfit.

  8. Jay (a different one from below) says:

    Nowhere to donate on the conservative version of the ACLU, the ACLJ’s site:

    When will you rise up in anger against these uncaring wackjobs?

  9. That is a disapointment. I have issues with any site that doesn’t make an attempt to help out. Do they mention Katrina?

  10. Progressive says:

    Hey moron,

    The ACLU is concerned with civil rights’ violations, nothing else.

    That would include defending you if your rights to free speech, no matter how hateful your speech was, were violated. That would include your right to criticize them. Get it now?

    So, think before you spring out your idiotic comments. I know that crass stupidity is not a crime, but heck, I wish it were! And guess what? The ACLU would not agree with me. Their lawyers defend sleaze bags like you every day, all in the name of free speech.

  11. Pete says:

    I am a Libertarian, an would not mind the ACLU if they protected the rights of honest Americans. They may have started with that intent, it is no longer true, now they protect anti-american rights.

  12. Richard Hill says:

    Three phrases should be among the most common in our daily usage. They are: Thank you, I am grateful and I appreciate.

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