Monthly Archives: August 2005

Air Deadbeat: How them ratings?

On Air America’s ratings, Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha. Whew. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Ok, may have gotten that out of my system. The lovely Michelle Malkin, who has a ton more on Air Deadbeat, links to The Blue State Conservative , who does a survey of Air Deadbeat stations. I decided to take a look at the local Triangle station, WCHL, […]

Aaarrrgggh! Talk Like a Pirate Day, Matey’s

International Talk Like a Pirate Day is fast approaching, ya sea dogs, being on September 19th. Thanks to Miss Beth and Princess Jamie (posting over at Absinthe and Cookies) for the reminder. They be right bonnie lass’, arrrhhhhh! You can visit the originators of this holiday here. Did you know that there is an inverse […]

Stop the ACLU wackjobs!

Via An internal investigation has cleared a reserve officer with the Greer Police Department of any wrongdoing in connection with a traffic stop that sparked a religious controversy. Tony Stewart has been a volunteer officer with the department for 14 years. In June, Stewart cited motorist Tony Gainey for driving with a suspended license, […]

American Flag Bidness

We have another wonderful member joining the American Flag League. Give a big shout out to Missy from Mass Hypocrisy. She’s a good Southern Conservative swimming in a sea of Massachussets Liberalism. Welcome aboard, Missy!


Ya gots to love the New York TImes and their wonky ways. Initially, their front page lead story stated "9 States in Plan to Cut Emmissions by Power Plants that Cause Global Warming." Sorry, no screen shot, because the headline changed in the time it took to go to the story, write the previous post, […]

Look, Rednecks!

Hey, y’all, Jebediah here. Ya know, I get a big hoot out of them thar Demoncrats (demorats, dummocrats, etc) always calling us Southerners (ALWAYS spelled with a Capital S, ya hear?) rednecks and such. That’s a heck of a good way to win the South (<see!) come 2008. Heck, Al Gore couldn’t even carry his […]

What Say Ye, 9/11 Commission?

Interesting: A respected Naval intelligence officer stepped forward last night to confirm that a secret Pentagon program raised alarm bells about the 9/11 ringleader more than a year before the attacks. Capt. Scott Phillpott, a former manager of the controversial unit code named Able Danger, issued a brief statement saying the data-mining program identified hijacker […]

Russert Playing the Fool over Kerry

Seems as if Monsieur Kerry has a difficult time finding things (other then rich women to marry). Besides his sanity, he has had trouble finding the Senate Floor, where he was supposed to bloviate about the DSM and Karl Rove, and he has had trouble finding a pen that works on the “undeleated line” of […]

American Flag Bidness

Hey, hey, another fine member added to the American Flag League. Give a big hand to Righting America. Welcome aboard, Matey!

Dems Imploding

The head of the DMC (Democratic Moonbat Council), Markos "Screw ’em" Zuniga (no relation to Daphne Zuniga of Spaceballs fame), has had a long running feud with the Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) for control of the Party. The DLC is made up of the relatively normal Democrats (which propelled Bill Clinton to the Presidency), pitted […]

Pirate's Cove