Monthly Archives: August 2005

“You Don’t Speak For Me, Cindy” Tour

From CNS News: Cindy Sheehan has announced that she plans to return "very soon" to her anti-war vigil in Crawford, Tex. When she does, she’ll find she has some company, according to the conservative group leading the "You Don’t Speak for Me, Cindy" tour. Move America Forward, a national organization "that supports American troops and […]

Air Deadbeat: NY Times still in denial

Absolutely nothing new on the Air America scandal. They still owe alot of money, still being sued, still in the crapper with their ratings, and still not funny. And the Grey Lady still avoids it. "All The News Fit To Print" my ass.

Summing Up Talking With Lefties

"We don’t want to debate with people who don’t understand our point of view." Yooookay. Uh-huh. (via Beth at MVRWC, from Emperor Darth Misha)

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Nothing like a red head to match what is going to be a REALLY hot day here in Carolina.

American Flag Bidness

Adding another great new member to the America Flag League, Area417. Welcome aboard, matie!

TarHeel Tavern

Well, Happy Sunday, and welcome to another fine edition of the Tar Heel Tavern. Only recieved a few entries this week, but, I think I will yank some from the usual characters. To start off, Bora at Science and Politics discusses Malaria and Melatonin. Mosquitos are something we definately know about in NC. Erin at […]

And Noooowwww, Here’s Kristin!

I forget who it was who was wondering when Kristing Breitweiser would speak out on Able Danger. Well, she has, over at the Huffington "bandwith thieves" Post The revelation of this new information is astounding for two reasons. First, if true, this would mean that four of the key hijackers in the 9/11 plot were […]

An interview with Al Franken

Hah, I ran across an interview of Al Franken by The Progressive (gee, a socialist/commie paper, how fitting) which is a hoot. Question: What are you working on right now? Al Franken: Really, Air America is my main focus. I’m doing fifteen hours a week on air, and that’s pretty all consuming—you know, preparing for […]

Air Deadbeat: Gloria Wise losing membership?

With all the concentration on Air America’s wrongdoings, the problems facing Gloria Wise have been forgotten a bit. And they have some whoppers. And here comes another problem (via the GJ Journal): Directors of the Atlanta-based Boys and Girls Clubs of America will vote next month on whether to strip a New York club of […]

Stop the ACLU wackjobs!

Jay at Stop the ACLU has a very good post, check it out. Seems that the ACLU has been given the right to tell prisoners at G’itmo (remember, the ones that were caught on the battlefield in Afghanistan?) that they have the right to not answer questions. Jay brings up a good question: How does […]

Pirate's Cove