“You Don’t Speak For Me, Cindy” Tour

From CNS News:

Cindy Sheehan has announced that she plans to return "very soon" to her anti-war vigil in Crawford, Tex. When she does, she’ll find she has some company, according to the conservative group leading the "You Don’t Speak for Me, Cindy" tour.

Move America Forward, a national organization "that supports American troops and the war against terrorism," is leading the tour, which begins Monday morning. Heading the delegation is Deborah Johns of Northern California Marine Moms, whose son, William, has served two tours of duty in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

"For the past few weeks, this nation has heard from those voices in America who advocate surrender in the war against terrorism," said Morgan, who also serves as chairman of Move America Forward. "Now, it’s time to hear from the other side of this debate.

"We are going to rally Americans together to show the terrorists overseas that our nation has not lost its resolve nor its nerve to prevail in the fight against their violent, extremist agenda," Morgan added.

Well, part of the country did, but that occurred back in 2000, when GWB won the election. It was at that point that the left went full on moonbat. It could have been anybody. Had McCain been the GOP nominee, and won, I believe the left would act the same way. And we are somehow, impossibly, supposed to listen to hysterical, rediculous, unhinged, insane, wacko conspiracy theories and the people that put them forth. Cindy is just the latest in a long string of Demaloon pink lead balloons that have been intended to undermine the legitimate government of the USA and the war on terror. The Left prefers the old method of ignoring terrorism, and hoping it will go away.

Would they have been involved in so much histronics had Al Gore won, and decided to go into Iraq? Bet they would have supported him to the hilt. And you know what? The right of center folks would have supported Al, because Iraq was the right thing to do. At the worst, any criticism would have involved actual ideas to help improve the situation, rather then just wanting to cut in run, which, like the screen pass being a Green Bay favorite, is the Dems preferred play. The chance to pull out our support in Iraq, like the Democratic Congress did with VIetnam, is one they are itching to call in the huddle.

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2 Responses to ““You Don’t Speak For Me, Cindy” Tour”

  1. Cindy and the Sixties Leftovers

    I tried to be polite and understanding. I said I wouldn’t post about Cindy Sheehan, but now she’s broken the rules. The return of bell bottoms a few years back was bad enough, but this women is bring the entire sixties counterculture out of its well …

  2. basil's blog says:

    Lunch: 8/22/2005

    Try one of these specials with your lunch: Sigmund, Carl Alfred analyze theology, ideology and Islam. Harvey (Bad Example version) looks at Idaho. And somehow, I missed his looks at Hawaii and Georgia. Frank J. (IMAO) understands liberals. Pirate’s Cove

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