WTW: The Queen is back

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Hey, this is Jebediah, sorry I missed y’all last week, but, we un’s were out doing some sailing, and the satellite dish was kaput. Salt air not to good for it. Let me tell you, the crew was none to happy to miss their stories.

Image hosted by Photobucket.comI have some dirt on the current queen of slime, Ms. Britney Spears. Seems she made a fashion faux pas at the Willy Wonky premier with her t-shirt bearing the logo “I have the golden ticket” with an arrow pointing towards her stomach. Well, hey hoe!, seems like that was faked. Ol’ Jeb has obtained a non-airbrushed picture.
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Speaking of hoe’s, how did it come to pass that the #1 issue for the Democratic Party is allowing abortion on demand while protesting the execution of convicted murderers, as well as ignoring victims Rights in favor of criminal rights?

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