100 People Who Are Screwing Up America

I actually finished “100 People Who Are Screwing Up America” last week, but just haven’t found the time to write a mini review of the book. I had been planning on a long, drawn out one, including the 100 people, but that plan went by the wayside when my Dad snagged the book the minute I was done. Surprisingly, my Mom, who is Hard Left, wants to read it, too. And so should you. Gotta buy your own copy or get it from your local library, sorry. As an interesting sidelight, when I originally went to buy it, Barnes and Noble didn’t seem to have it. Was back in the political section, no dice. So I grabbed some others, and was walking to the counter to check out, and there was the book, right at the front door. Conservative books are coming a long way.

It isn’t just a book about 100 people. The initial chapters are about the types of people that are screwing up America, such as Hollyweird, Gansta Rap “artists,” and politicians. Bernie explains the how’s, where’s, and why’s of these groups. After that, Bernie counts down his top 100 people who are screwing up America, and he even asks the reader to let him know what they think.

The usual suspects are there, along with some you may or not have heard of, and some you will go “hey, you are right!” For myself, there are two that I do not agree with. Michael Moore and the Daily Kosbat.

Moore is #1. I wouldn’t put him that high. Maybe 2 or 3. But not one. Why? Moore is not consistent in his screwing. He performs Goose missions. What’s that? You’ve all heard of Seagull missions, right? That’s where someone fly’s in, makes a lot of noise, shits all over everything, then fly’s away. Well, a Goose mission is similar, but, remember, geese stick around for a long time, won’t move for anything, truly crap on everything in site, get it on your shoes, tires, and golf cart, then fly’s away for half a year. That is Moore. Put Arthur “Pinch” Sulzburger, as #1, because the “screw America” attitude of the NY Times is consistent year in and year out.

How about Markos? He is in the upper 50’s. He should be much lower. According to Sitemeter, the Daily Kosbat gets 552,000 visit’s a day. That’s a lot of visits, and how many of them read the disgusting hatred and loony liberal inanities posted there and cheer? The open threads are nutty, cauldrons of seethe. I have yet to see a thread that is positive in any way, shape, or form. I’d put Kosbat in the top 30, since he is the head moonbat in the photosphere, and one of the top 10 on the internet. (as a sidebar, the average visit is 2 seconds. The average page view is 1.2 minutes. Kosbat may kick my ass in visits, but I average 1:01 minutes per visit, and a minute and a half per page view.)

I would also add David Allen to the list, certainly in the top 20. Who’s he? He is the guy who owns the Democratic Underground, one of the epitomes of liberal lunacy. Over 70,000 registered members, with 50K active, including Elizabeth Edwards, yup, the wife of John Edwards, and Rep John Conyers (D). Another cauldron of seethe. Hatred, loony conspiracies, and hate are the norm at the DU. And don’t forget the endless petitions and fund raising. Yet not one idea or plan, beyond hate Bush and hate Republicans.

The book isn’t all about liberals, though they are the predominant types in there. It includes Michael Savage, and Goldberg makes a good case why, being that Savage is part of the “angry Right.” Like the angry Left, like the angry Right hurts the dialogue, according to Goldberg.

One part that I truly enjoyed in the book was about music. Today’s music is reprehensible, other then Country. Rock sucks nowadays. And then there is rap, particularly gansta rap. I am a huge heavy metal fan, yet I cannot find any lyrics from any of the leading groups, even Ozzy, Sabbath, and Iron Maiden, which solicit personally raping and killing people. Even that dreadful flyspeck on music, Disco, is better then gansta rap. Take a look at some lyrics from KC and the Sunshine Band

baby, babe let’s get together
honey, honey me and you,
and do the things, oh, do the things
that we like to do.

oh, do a little dance, make a little love,
get down tonight, get down tonight,
do a little dance, make a little love,
get down tonight, get down tonight

As coked up as KC was, those lyrics are much more pleasant and upbeat then say, Eminem

  • Don’t go to school, become a Catholic priest
  • Sell crack to your Auntie Denice
  • If Auntie Denice is short forty cent
  • Make her get on the ground and {fuck} a small {*edited*}

Nice, huh? Bernie Goldberg takes well deserved shots at gangsta rap, and its decrepit influence on society, and children. Me, I’ll stick with my 60’s thru 80’s rock and metal, and today‘s country. And the Dixie Chicks? They are on the list. They may get airplay on some stations, but they are rarely ever heard or seen on country radio or tv.

Now go read the book.

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3 Responses to “100 People Who Are Screwing Up America”

  1. Jay says:

    Make sure Kennedy is on the list.

  2. oh, he is. #3 in the book, and on my list.

  3. Ron Henery says:

    You is the real reason america messed up. The reason why gangsta exist is because why was put in the community. DRUGS ,so when you open your mouth to say something against gangsta rap. Look at your neigborhood and look at their’s and look at they school and lok at your’s. Quit sleep walking in the day light.

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