Could the Left have even waited a day?

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By midmorning on July 7th, the hard left was already up to their normal moonbattery, saying that the London bombings were caused by the Iraq War (no mention of Afghanistan by the Left, of course.) They were discussing petitions and dialogue, great ideas when dealing with murderous fanatics (sic). And, of course, it was all President Bush’s fault. They say "If only he had gotten Osama," as if the capture of one man would end world wide terrorism. But, that is what the "reality based community" believes.

Their big rationale is that the Iraq war created more terrorists, what the wackos call "BCT’s", Bush Created Terrorists. No, loons, what the Iraq war has done is brought the extremist elements out into the open, and, for the most part, dragged them into Iraq, like a cartoon character follow the scent trail from a pie. You complain that most of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudis (funny how that is one of the only things you remember from that day, along with My Pet Goat. Maybe you should try remembering the people who died that day who were on our side). Yet you waffle when asked if we should invade Saudi Arabia. Well, we have done something smarter then destroying the worlds economy by invading SA. We are pulling those Saudi’s into Iraq, and killing them there.

You say that the "flypaper" theory, which was about "we’d rather fight them in Iraq then over here," obviously doesn’t work, and London is the proof. Well, no one said that we or our allies would never get hit again. Most of us are waiting for the USA to be attacked again, and some, like me, are amazed we haven’t, but we understand that this is a war for the long term. We understand that terrorism may never be fully defeated, but will will give it the old college try, and show that America doesn’t back down from a fight, except for the Hard Left, who, if in charge in Colonial America, would have surrendered to the Indians.

So, go write your petitions, and offer to sing Kumbaya with the Islamic beheaders. Meanwhile, I’ll watch as the people of the UK harden their resolve and rally around the idea of destroying terrorism. The Nazi’s couldn’t defeat them, nor could the IRA, and the neither will the terrorists.

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4 Responses to “Could the Left have even waited a day?”

  1. Jay says:

    Didn’t you expect this from the left. It wasn’t hard to do, they were already talking this way before. Of course they are going to blame America, and sympathize with the enemy. But think about what that means….I mean really. It is time to strip all this politically correct crap away, and say it like it is. What this is is good vs. evil. This is a spiritual war as much as a physical war. Some are calling for a day of prayer and fasting on this coming Monday. London is in our prayers, as well as America. I think the left have chosen their side in this spiritual warfare. I think we all need to spend some time on our knees.

  2. Ogre says:

    KOS-clones are even claiming that Bush HIMSELF did this bombing, for political purposes. That’s how out of whack they really are.

  3. Unhinged – Many on Left Blame America Again

    The theme that I will address in this article is the Daily KOS’ers “this puts a lie to the ‘we’ll fight them in Iraq so we don’t have to fight them here’ line”. The whole premise of this argument is so flawed that it offends ones sensibilities. Any foo…

  4. Unhinged – Many on Left Blame America Again

    The theme that I will address in this article is the Daily KOS’ers “this puts a lie to the ‘we’ll fight them in Iraq so we don’t have to fight them here’ line”. The whole premise of this argument is so flawed that it offends ones sensibilities. Any foo…

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